A warranty is an agreement between a buyer and a manufacturer or any other third party provider which involves the product condition. The contract involves repairs or exchanges which are to be made in the case of damage to the product. A car warranty can be of two types; factor’s warranty or extended warranty. The factory’s warranty comes with the car originally from the manufacturer while the extended warranty is provided by a third party. Cars need to always have with them a warranty since they are vulnerable and prone to damage.

However, one can choose to drive his/her car without a warranty. This carries with it consequences that are both positive and negative.




When purchasing a car, it comes with either a factory’s or one can decide to acquire an extended warranty. Some individuals don’t see the value or bother to care about whether the car they are driving has a warranty. This can be advantageous in some way.


  1. Evade costs of a warranty.


Most people prefer driving their cars without a warranty with the idea in mind that a warranty is very expensive to purchase. Getting a warranty indeed comes with costs. First, you will need to get a warranty provider, sign a contract and start financing for the warranty yearly. Research has it that the least amount one can spend to finance a warranty is 100$ per month. This can be a bit difficult for a moderate earner since it influences the budget. It kind of helps you save. However, you won’t lay in a bed of roses all times. A disastrous calamity might hit you and get yourself spending more than what you thought was evaded costs.


  1. You may never use the warranty.


Chances are that you might never need a warranty. This is because a warranty comes in place when there a big repair and damages which need to be repaired. Such kinds of repairs always need a huge sum of money. However, the likelihood or probability of such big catastrophic events happening is very small. Getting a warranty will be of no use as you may never need it since not such kind of big repairs and services happen often. Anyways, there reaches a point where you kind of feel the need of an extended warranty. Lets say you get invoiced a very huge amount of cash for a repair and have almost nothing in your wallet. What will you do?


  1. You can cover parts that are exempted from a warranty.


A warranty comes in different policies which cover different parts of a car. For example, the bumper to the bumper policy covers mainly bodily damages for all rubber, fiber, and metal parts. Such kind of policy is not very extensive since it covers the specified parts only. Opting to drive without a warranty enables you to cover repairs to any parts of the car rather than getting a warranty policy that only covers parts included in the policy.




Driving your car without a warranty is very risky. In events of damage, the warranty will cover repairs and services. Here are some of the disadvantages associated with driving without a warranty.


  1. You bear all the risks and expenses associated with your car.


Driving without a warranty is one risk you are exposing yourself to. This means that you have to bear all the costs in case your car breaks down. You may find it a bit rough since a car can develop major problems which are too expensive for you to manage. As we all know calamities kick in without any signals. You are then unwillingly required to dig through your wallet extra hard to the extent of messing up your long-time savings only to cater for the repairs. Getting an extended warranty on the other side saves you a lot from spending since the warranty provider takes charge of any repair claims. Check us out at A-Protect Warranty Corporation.


  1. Reduces chances of car resale together with resale value.


Most car buyers will always prefer to purchase a car that is warranted. The warranty on the car guarantees assurance to the buyer. This is because he\she will not be required to spend any extra costs on repairs and maintenance especially if the car is problematic. A car that has a warranty has the highest chances of getting resold in fact at a very high value than the one that lacks a warranty. A warranty acts as a booster in events of resale. Waste no time and secure an extended warranty with us here at A-

Protect Warranty Corporation.



As we can see, driving without a warranty bears consequences that are both negative and positive. The negative one hit you hard since you opt to drive without getting your car warranty. A warranty is very important since it plays a very significant and crucial role which is securing your car from damages and repairs. This means that in times of repairs, the warranty is the one that bears everything. You don’t get involved financially. Secure one from us at A-Protect Warranty Corporation. We have the fastest processing speed with almost zero paper works involved. Get in touch via email at or directly call 1-866-660-6444 for a free quote.


Covid 19 is one disastrous event to ever occur in human history affecting the entire globe. Its effects have spread like wildfire being felt in every corner of the world. The pandemic has given the earth a huge blow. Despite the hard times, the pandemic has caused, life has to continue with the economy currently picking up at a slow rate. Car owners have been affected too. Impacts range from problems arising due to long periods of not driving to high maintenance costs of their cars.

The Government has implemented new rules and regulations to avoid the spread of the virus. They include; working from home, wearing masks, and sanitization. Working from home hits almost 90% of car owners since they use their cars to move from home to work and vice versa. This interfered the normal maintenance of cars negatively.

An extended warranty is one thing that is of great help during these hard times. This warranty covers your car extensively even when it is not in use. Get one from A-Protect Warranty Corporation.


  1. Car battery issues.


Except for the essential service cars, personal cars have been affected by the movement restrictions and lockdown. Parking lots and own backyards are now full of stall cars parked for a very long period. This happened since the ‘’ work from home’’ policy got implemented. The car battery is a component that needs to have constant current flow in and out. Failure to this leads to the destruction of the internal battery cells that are responsible for the storage of power. The battery ‘’dies’’, and the car’s engine can’t start without a battery. A car battery’s terminal also gets covered in rust. The rust prevents the flow of current which damages the battery. Always make a constant check-up on the battery to make sure that is in good condition. Run the engine at least thrice a week just for the sake of the battery’s life. We offer an extended warranty which is inclusive of minor components such as the battery. 


  1. Flat Tires.


Due to the long period of Parking since the rules clearly state you need to work from home, your car’s tire gets flattened over time of no use. A flat tire in collaboration with harsh cold weather causes flat spots. It advisable to always check on your car’s pressure to make sure it is at the right amount. Flattened tires also get torn due to the weight of the car over time. Research has it that a very short period of only four weeks is enough to cause issues. Luckily for those who have an extended warranty, they will be no need to worry. Just a call for claiming a repair will get you sorted. What are you waiting for? Hurry and get an extended warranty from us at A-Protect Warranty Corporation.


  1. Regularly run the engine and check on the oil.


 A car’s engine is vital and needs extra care and protection since it acts as the ‘’heart’’ of the car. If a car is left stall without use, rust forms up in the engine parts. Running the car’s engine at least thrice a week will help you avoid engine and transmission problems. Oil with other car fluids needs to be checked to make sure they are at the right level and still in a good condition. A great team of experts from our service centers are more than ready to come and fix any issue arising from the engine. Don’t be hesitant, come and get an extended warranty.


  1. Pest invasion.


Stall cars parked for long become now a good hiding spot for pests especially rodents. Make it your responsibility to protect your car from this pest since they get to an extent of eating up parts of the cars such as wires or barrow holes on seats. Their effects reaches to the extent of totally damaging your entire car. Frequently check on your car and clean it thoroughly both interior and exterior. 




Covid 19 is here with us, let us not continue living in fear and panic but rather learn to with it. Apart from your family, other important assets need care and protection. A car that requires maintenance is required to keep it in good form despite the pandemic being in place. 

Don’t worry anymore, A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to help you out. Get an extended warranty with us. We got you covered during these hard times. Reach us through email at or directly call us at 1-866-660-6444.


A car is one critical piece of investment that needs extra security for long and smooth use. Just like our own bodies, cars need to be treated in the best possible means ever to be in good shape and condition. Failure to ‘’treat’’ your car, regular problems kick in. Managing the car now becomes unbearable due to costs which will dig into your saving to cater for fixes and repairs. Keeping your car in good shape is not difficult at all but not also that easy at the same time. There are a variety of ways which you need to put in place to guarantee your car a longer life.

 Before this article digs deep down into these methods, there is one key factor that your car needs to have and that is a valid and working warranty. Purchasing a new car comes with a manufacturer’s warranty which does not assure longer health for the car since it expires after a certain duration of time. Getting an extended warranty is the option. It plays a much extensive role in protecting and keeping your car in good shape. Visit OMVIC for information.

  • Frequent oil change.


It is advisable for car owners that the engine oil of a car should be changed every 3,000-3,500 miles. Oil is very essential for the car engine since it acts like the ‘’blood’’ of the engine. Most engine parts are always moving against each other thus the need for lubrication. This when oil comes in to play a role in reducing friction. This prevents damage to the internal parts of the engine. It is also very important to always use one type of oil that is meant for the car. Mixing different types of oil will cause damage and reduce the engine’s life. Make it a habit of checking the oil gauge once a weak and regular check if there are any leaks.


  1. Top-up other car fluids.


Apart from the engine oil, there are other fluids in the car which include; Steering fluid, transmission fluid, windshield washer fluid, and brake fluid. The fluids play very key roles and need to be checked often at least once a week to ensure they are topped up. One most vital fluid a car should never lack is the transmission fluid. Inside the gearbox, are numerous moving metals that need constant lubrication. Lack of fluid will cause transmission problems that are usually very expensive to repair.


  1. Use original and authentic spare –parts.


In case of damage that needs new parts, it is advisable to use spare parts which are original to avoid further damage since most counterfeit ones don’t last long and do not guarantee maximum protection for the car. Always check the spare parts to enough they are genuine enough before purchasing and fixing them in the car. At Carchex, they have reliable and have original parts together with qualified and professional mechanics to handle your car.


  1. Use the right tire size and maintain pressure.


The tires of the car should always be properly inflated. In case of excess pressure, blasting is prone to occur which at times is very dangerous. Before hitting the road, always make it a habit of checking the car’s tire pressure to avoid any inconveniences. Always use the right tire size for your car and regularly check on the tread wear indication to replace them if they are worn out. Ensure all warranty provider has various tire dealers which one can visit and get any tire related issues fixed.


  1. Maintain both interior and exterior cleanliness.


 A car is just like our human bodies. Cleanliness is associated with a healthy and longer life. For a car, cleanliness guarantees its dependability. Thoroughly clean both the inside parts and the exterior ones well enough to remove dirt and rust. When your car is exposed to dirty, these particles get clogged in vital parts that are very essential hence causing problems. One good example is an air cleaner which easily gets filled up with dirt particles. This may cause problems to the engine. Regularly clean it to avoid any further related issues.




Don’t let envy and jealousy hinder your peace anymore. The above tips are the secret sauce to keep your machine in good form as the car you always admire. These steps will enhance the life of your car and assures a safe and smooth experience. Furthermore, don’t forget to get your car an extended warranty, check out Endurance warranty for a free quote and get the car that extra security it needs.


An extended warranty is usually a contract between a car owner and a dealership or a factory. It is meant to cover repairs of the car beyond the period of the carmaker’s warranty. At times the costs of repairs get too high and very expensive and as we know all those damages and problems are usually unforeseen. Extended warranties now take over during this time to cover all those costs. You don’t need to get a penny off your wallet. Despite an extended warranty being in place to cover your car after the expiry of the carmaker’s warranty, there still are misconceptions about it. These misconceptions have been crafted well enough by painting a dark shade to extended warranties. They mislead people from getting an extended warranty.

This article is to help you see some of the top old skepticism lines that are meant to make you avoid getting an extended warranty. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is still hanging to the fact an extended warranty is very vital and for your car. Go ahead and check up with us.


  1. ”They are not necessary since I have the manufacturer’s warranty”.


Hell breaks loose when the original manufacturer’s warranty expires. They usually have a short duration of up to 5,000 miles. You get exposed to huge repair expenses which become a heavy burden especially if you are a fixed budget spender. It is advisable to get an extended warranty as early as possible before the factory’s warranty expires. It will take over from there and play a more crucial and diverse role than the original one. The earlier the better.


  1. They are needed for the loan approval in banks.


Don’t get carried away by this point since it is not based on true facts. This statement is used to force you to get an extended warranty with the idea that an extended warranty will help you get your loan approved in a bank. Banks only require assets under you details to act as security for their money..


  1. Extended warranties have a long and challenging claim process.


This point is based on zero facts. It states that the process of acquiring a claim usually takes long and is very tiresome. First, you make a call to customer care initiating a claim, your details are looked into and confirm whether your claim is valid. A field officer is sent to your location to assess the claim, then the field officer sermons a technician who then comes and fixes the problem. All these long processes are currently done away with. A new system is now in place with almost zero paperwork included. Here at A-Protect Warranty Corporation, we have the fastest claim process with zero paperwork involved. There are selected service centers near you, just make the call.


  1. They don’t offer extensive coverage.


This misconception claims that extended warranties offer limited and minor coverage compared to the original manufacturer’s warranty. This statement is not true since extended warranties offer very wide and extensive coverage and for a very long time for up to 10 years. Plans included in an extended warranty go beyond the manufctuerer’s warranty in terms of the extension of coverage to the time they are meant to last. Extended warranties have policies such as Bumper to Bumper and Powertrain which have many parts of the car covered.


  1. Poor data maintenance and visibility.


Most guys are still stuck with the idea that historically extended warranty providers have a poor system of data management. This fact blocks most people from getting an extended warranty for fear of losing money and not getting any services. That is not the case nowadays, important data about extended warranties are now real-time. That is due to improved and advanced systems of data management.



Over the years, extended warranties have had very little interest from people due to these misleading misconceptions. They are in place to change the mindset and trust towards extended warranties. You don’t want to open hell lose by falling for such false and old facts. Get yourself an extended warranty and be on the safe side. Get in touch with us at A-Protect Warranty Corporation via email through or directly call via 1-866-660-6444(toll-free).


Germans nowadays produces high-end luxurious cars which many car enthusiasts love to own. Some of the brands produced by Germany include; Audi, Mercedes Benz, and BMW. These cars pass through the hands of experts and technologically advanced robots to get that ‘’out of the world’’ touch and features. As the owner, you need to treat your machine with care and attention. These guarantees good form and health of the car. Therefore there are things which you need to do for the car to get that amazing experience and things that you need to avoid at all costs. As we all know, German machines are just like any other cars. They get damaged and repairs are very expensive. An extended warranty will work out on that. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here for you.



These cars are usually engineered using rare to find materials to bring out a fine masterpiece at the end. Driving these kinds of machines is not comparable in any way to driving some other cars. You need to do the following for your car to maintain its dignity and reputation.


  1. Do frequent oil change frequently.


 German cars are usually made of very complex and powerful engines which work in incredible form. The internal components run fast and require a constant supply of ‘’rich’’ oil. The oil acts as a lubricant to prevent wear and tear that can cause damage to the engine. Make it a habit of frequently changing the oil after running the car for up to 3,000 miles. A-Protect Warranty Corporation has well-established service centers where you can get your car oil changed.


  1. Visit service centers often.


A car is an asset that is vulnerable to damage or failure. It is your responsibility to visit a service center at least twice after every fortnight for a minor check-up and after 12,000 miles for an intensive checkup. Regular checks need to be done on these German cars which attend to get problematic with a very small issue that is not solved earlier. Servicemen will examine your car to find out any issue and get fixations and adjustments done. This is a very important aspect that puts your car in a good condition.


  1. Get your seats covered.

You should always maintain a clean and sparkling interior of your car. Most German cars have a top-notch and well-crafted interior which is eye-catching and very beautiful. These include the well know leather seats. These seats are prone to scratches and cuts or rather a dirt. One more thing is that they also get too hot during summer. This makes the car uncomfortable To avoid all this, get a nice-looking cover that matches your interior to protect these seats from all that. Soft fabric material will work best.




There are some things which you should never think of doing for your German car. Attempting is like digging your car’s grave. It is better to know them.


  1. Don’t engage the forward or backward gears without stopping.


 This applies to almost every latest model of most German cars. Engaging a backward gear while on forward is one thing you should never think of. Most transmissions in German cars are not built for that. Trying this will lead to transmission problems which end expensively. Always come to a complete halt before engaging either a drive or reverse gear. The two seconds of waiting are worth more than a couple of bucks you will spend on fixing the transmission.


  1. Don’t overload your car.

Most guys are usually into the road trip stuff. They always want to fill the car to the brim with almost every essential thing of need. Overloading g is one serious offense that can get you slapped with an on-the-spot fine. It also damages your vehicle chassis and shock absorbers. Tires get extremely hot and wear out at a much faster rate. Always avoid all that by loading your car to the exact required maximum and be good to go.



Driving a German car needs extra care and protection for a better experience. Always avoid the don’ts and put your car in good shape and form. Furthermore getting an extended warranty for these German cars is also important. These cars are prone to damage and failure which become too expensive for the owner to meet costs. We as A-Protect Warranty Corporation are here to get your car covered and protected. We have the fastest process of getting an extended warranty with minimum paperwork. Get in touch with us via email at or call us toll-free at 1-866-660-6444.


A car engine simulates what happens in a human heart. The engine has a fluid that constantly flows through its components to provide lubrication and cooling. The oil’s life however depreciates after a certain period and this happens comes in after running the car for a certain amount of kilometers. When the vehicle is driven past the date due for an oil change, the engine will start generating issues since the functionality of the oil is reduced.

This article will first give you a brief introduction about different types of oil, how oil functions, and how many kilometers you will drive before a change. But first, you need to get yourself an extended warranty if you don’t. Check out Carchex for more.


Types of oil.


Two types of oil are used in an engine, these are;

  • Conventional oil- This is a standard oil that is used mostly by a car dealership to top up the cars before sell. They are cheap and tend to last a bit longer.
  • Synthetic oil- This oil uses additives that are added to improve its functions. This type of oil is very expensive compared to conventional ones due to the additives added. It lasts longer than the conventional one.


How the oil works.


Engine oil plays a primary role which is to lubricate. The oil is usually pumped through the engine at very high pressure leaving behind thin layers of slippery film of oil on the internal engine parts. This creates smooth effects between engine components thus minimizing friction. These processes repeat themselves over and over again and after a certain duration, the slipper effects reduce making the oil less effective.


Warning signs for a required oil change.


There are always warning signs which one will see that show the engine oil needs to be changed. These are seen after driving for a certain amount of kilometers. They are;

  • Burning oil smell-If you smell a burnt-like smell inside your car then that is a significant sign that there is either a leak or the oil needs to be changed.
  • Dashboard warning- The oil of a car needs to be changed when a signal of the dashboard check engine pops up. When you come across that notification, change the oil as fast as possible to avoid further damage to the engine.
  • Disrupting noise from the engine- The ‘’slippery’’ property of an engine oil depreciates, the internal components of an engine start grinding against each other. This produces a knocking sound which many find ‘’annoying’’.
  • Color change-Engine oil turns black over a certain period of use as it collects dirt and debris. Make it a habit of checking the color of the oil and be sure of when to change it.

It is usually required to change the oil after running a car for about 5,000 kilometers. However, technology has come in and strengthened the period of engine oil where a car can even run for up to 25,000 kilometers before getting a chance. There have been improvements in the oil making it work for a longer period.


Cause for a frequent oil change.


Some factors rather affect the duration which a car should run before getting an oil change. As we know, cars generally run for up to 5,000 kilometers before getting a chance. However, this can be affected and the duration can be reduced to a shorter period.

These factors include;

  • Driving off-road more often- Off-road driving will reduce the life of your engine oil as the engine works extra hard than on a normal road. This leads to a constant flow of the oil in the engine faster than normal to avoid friction. The ‘’slippery’’ effects won’t last hence your car won’t also run for a long period without the need for a change.
  • Constant traveling- Hitting the road more often requires a much frequent engine oil change since the engine is at work. Most guys who are into road trips will agree.
  • Hauling heavy equipment- Heavy equipment poses a threat to the life of the engine since it strains the engine. The engine works extra hard hence using oil at a much faster rate than normal.




Engine oil weakens up with time and as from the above points, this weakening can be triggered by various factors. A car that is used normally will run for a period of up to 5,000 kilometers before getting an oil change while that is used for much hefty work and in bad environments won’t last that long. Failure to get an oil change leads to serious damage to the internal components of the engine. As we know engine repairs are usually very expensive. Avoid all this drama by regularly checking up on your car’s engine oil. Getting an extended warranty for the car will also be of help.

Check out Global warranty for a quote of the policies.


Rust is chemically defined as a reddish-brown oxide that is caused due to a reaction of iron and moisture. Cars as we all know are composed of 90% iron components. This means that a car is very much vulnerable to rust. Rust forms almost anywhere there is an exposed iron metal or sheet, be it the engine, body, or tire rims. Rusts that form up in the engine pose a very dangerous threat to the life and functionality of the engine and generally any other movable part in the car such as the wheels and the axle. Rust also damaged other body parts such as the roof and door hinges.

Rust is such a bad nuisance to most car lovers. Who would love it being called the owner of a rusty old-looking car?. Consider getting an extended warranty for that old car and restore its lost glory. Check out the Secure drive warranty. Well, this article is to help you know more about rust protection for your car.


  1. Avoid scratches.


We can all agree that calamity rings no bell but this time one should try as much as possible to avoid bumps and hits that could cause scratches to the body of the car. When scratches occur, they peel off the painting which protects the car’s body thus exposing the bare metal sheet. Salt, water, and air combine and form upon the exposed part as some nasty brown color. To avoid getting rust on these scratches or rather getting the scratches, you need to;

  • Always park under a shade to avoid rain dropping on the scratched area.
  • Avoid parking too close to other cars.


  1. Get rustproofing treatment


Rustproofing is amongst one of the aftermarket treatment which can be of great use when it comes to rust protection for your car. Most car dealerships have this kind of service for their customers. This type of treatment is mainly for the area all around the vehicle that is vulnerable to rust. These parts include; rocker’s panel, upper body panels, pinch weld points, tailgate as well as the interior surfaces of car doors. Rustproofing entails spraying a protective wax on the parts with a special focus pointed to an area with the most exposure to moisture. At CARCHEX there are state-of-the-art ultra-modern machines that are monitored by professionals which are used in rustproofing treatment. This kind of treatment guarantees maximum protection for your car.


  1. Do undercoating for the car.


The car needs that extra protection to the underside since it is where there is great exposure to corrosive substances, especially during winter times. The underside of a car forms rust without the knowledge of the owner since it is mostly not easily visible. The corrosion may worsen by eating up vital components beneath the car thus causing problems that could cost a lot high and become unbearable. Undercoating involves the spraying of a rubber-based substance or wax through the entire surface beneath both axles. This layer acts a proof against the rust. However, this kind of protection diminishes over time. The layer gets worn out over time especially for cars that are in climates with substantial amounts of rain and salt.


  1. Use of rust inhibitors.


These are chemically made products that provide a ‘’shield’’ like a defense mechanism to the area that rust often forms. One good example of a chemically made product is WD-40 that is used to prevent rust formation. The lubricant protects your car during all seasons by keeping the parts dry. After that fancy carwash, make it a habit of spraying this product on parts that are exposed to prevent rust from damaging your highly prized form of investment.


5.Maintain high cleanliness standards.


Cleanliness will always be the number remedy to almost every problem that occurs in our daily lives. I n this case, your car needs to be clean thoroughly to prevent it from being a victim of rust. If you use your car in areas which it is often raining or leave in an area with high salt content, wash your car at least thrice a week. Many individuals tend to ignore this fact since it is always raining. Avoid using normal soap since it does not help protect from rust but rather scraps off the car paint. Use a DIY car wash soap to clean your car at all times.




Rust is inevitable. We should accept this fact and make use of the above techniques that will enable us to combat this menace and be on the safer side. Rust will kill your car and turn it into some old rusty piece of junk. Don’t give it time to harm your car, get yourself a cover policy from CARSHIELD that will help your combat rust if the situation is beyond you.

7 Reasons You’re Probably Spending More on Your Car Than You Should

Achieving your financial goals is almost impossible if you are spending more than you should on your vehicle.  Identifying some of the reasons you are putting too much money into your vehicle will pave your road to financial freedom. Here are seven reasons why you are probably spending more on your car than you should.

The Car You Own is not Suitable for Your Needs

Several people overlook their needs when buying their first vehicle. You are likely to spend much more than you should if the car you own does not meet everyday needs. When purchasing a vehicle, you should always consider your needs, budget, and lifestyle. 

You need to take stalk of all your requirements, the quality of roads and your driving habits. Avoiding these vital questions and buying a car based on your emotions will result in unnecessary repairs and replacements sooner than later. So the next time you go shopping for a vehicle, stop to think about your needs first instead of your emotions.

Your Car had Underlying Issues

Most car buyers do not take the time to talk with the dealership before purchasing a car. Failing to conduct your due diligence will only set you up for costly repairs and replacements. You might even end up overpaying for a vehicle you will not use for a long time. When you talk with the dealership, you will have the opportunity to evaluate the history of the vehicle you are about to purchase. This way, you can find out if it has underlying issues and avoid unnecessary future expenses.

Focusing on the Upfront Costs Only

Car ownership goes beyond the upfront costs. Failure to consider other associated costs such as maintenance, insurance, parking, and fuel will stretch your budget within the first month of ownership. Things will be even more daunting if you have to make monthly payments. That is why you should bide your time to determine the total cost of ownership before making your first purchase.

You are Using the Wrong Fuel

Surprisingly, only a handful of vehicles need premium fuel for optimal performance. However, several car owners use premium fuel even though their vehicles do not need it to perform as intended. You only require premium fuel if you own a luxury or high-performance vehicle. Start using the right fuel to save your money. 

Ignoring the Warning Signs

You can always bring the costs down by monitoring your vehicle’s behavior. To begin with, act fast when the “check engine” light starts blinking. Failure to have your car checked can lead to unnecessary repairs or replacements. Other typical signs you should pay attention to include funny noises, worn-out tires, fading body, and worn-out interiors. Taking your car for routine maintenance will help you identify these issues and deal with them before becoming a problem. 

You are Taking Your Car to the Wrong Mechanic

The mechanic you are working with will determine the amount of money you will spend on repairs. You are likely to spend much more than you should if you take your car to an inexperienced and unprofessional mechanic. Such mechanics will only make things more complicated than they should. 

That is why you should consider the expertise and the integrity of the mechanic you are working with before Choosing your preferred one. Ask for free quotes from multiple mechanics and compare them to find an affordable one. You can also ask around to find an affordable option. 

You Don’t Have an Extended Car Warranty

Also known as a vehicle services contract, an extended warranty is an optional plan car owners can purchase to cater to future repairs or replacements. Most car owners prefer to purchase extended warranties on time of the original warranty to deal with some issues that the factory warranty does not cover, such as transmission. Used car warranty covers various car problems, including transmission warranty. 

You can bring down the expenses by purchasing an extended car warranty. It will save you money when your car needs sudden repairs or replacements. Above all, it will give you great peace of mind as you drive or go on adventures. 

Final Thoughts

Unnecessary vehicle expenses can stretch your budget in these trying times. Fortunately, you can protect your vehicle with an A-Protect car warranty. You will get a customized car warranty that suits all your car needs.


It is everyone’s dream to own a car either used or new. Getting yourself a used car, in general, may come with consequences that are either heart soothing or heartbreaking. Most people sacrifice and invest heavily in a car. But then over time your newly bought ride suddenly turns tables and starts developing constant failures. These problems get very extreme where you find it rough and frustrating to a point of unloading your once precious toy into its graveyard. You don’t want such a thing to happen to your car.


This is why you should consider getting a used warranty for the car and be on the safer side.

Mercedes cars in generals are always strong German machines built with high standard material for better performance and long-lasting use. But at times the car breaks down due to mechanical failure, accidents, or unprecedented catastrophic events. Used Mercedes cars are prone to such issues. This is when problems start piling in drastically with constant costly fixations which you will find unbearable. Don’t be a victim anymore.  It is only with a used car warranty that you will find it easy and smooth to fix your problematic car. Here are points convincing enough as to why you need a used car warranty for your Mercedes.


1.Reduces costs for maintenance and repair.


Purchasing a used Mercedes Benz is one investment that eats up a ton of cash from you. With such kind of a huge investment, many people don’t think of the possibility of spending even much more on fixations in case of regular problems. These frustrating and endless costly repairs can only be brought down by getting a used warranty for the vehicle. The warranty plays a huge role in meeting up fixation finances which in turn save you several bucks that could be used for something else. Just imagine the kind of peace you will have while cursing down the hill, the warranty-providing company got you covered.


Mercedes-used cars need proper maintenance and care for a longer life just like your body. Getting a Mercedes-used car warranty is one thing that should always consider. The warranty is very important for the vehicle since as we all know calamity rings no bell. Constant wear and tear, awful events like crushing are amongst what your car is exposed to at all times. If you are a fixed-budgeter king of person then this is the best thing for you. Questions as to if the warranty is important will pop in but the solid Getting a Mercedes-used car warranty is one thing that should always answer remains yes!


2.Exposure to legitimate spare parts and qualified personnel.


The Mercedes-used car warranty will earn your car valuable protection from counterfeit spare parts. As we all know this original German machine’s spare is very expensive and hard to find but nowadays stores are full of fake unreliable parts. These fake parts don’t guarantee a better life for the car but instead ruin the car creating problems more and more. It is only the warranty of the car that will save your car from total destruction. Only a trusted and proficient company such as A-protect Warranty Corporation with well-trained personnel is able to deal with your repair claims, you can purchase a warranty plan for the car from them. Their warranties cover only authentic and original spares which will help you.


3.Offers extensive coverage.


Acquiring a used warranty for your car will ensure that most parts of the car are extensively covered. The warranty usually contains parts that are comprehensively covered in case of future damage. Most warranties contain policies such as bumper to bumper and power train each containing selected parts to cover. These parts include; Engine, Turbocharger, Rear axle, Cooling system, Steering system, and many more. With such an extensive cover, you will fix a problematic vehicle and have smooth use throughout.




There is no need to invest heavily in a Mercedes car and turn the car collapse within a short span due to lack of care and maintenance. Purchasing a used car warranty will play a huge role in securing your investment. Get your Mercedes the extra security it needs by purchasing a used car warranty from A-Protect Warranty Corporation, the leading warranty provider in the country and provide warranty in the entire North America. Contact them through 1.866.660.6444 or feel free to send an email to for more information.


A sports vehicle is a high-performance vehicle designed for high-speed driving. These types of vehicles are usually very expensive to purchase and maintain. They are made up of delicate and rare material mostly carbon fiber and they need an individual who is careful and takes much protection of them. Reckless driving and lack of maintenance is one feature most drivers have. This type of behavior affects the vehicle performance degrading it since it is not being maintained in the right manner. For better performance, you should consider maintaining your vehicle. It sounds simple, but if you don’t apply these basic maintenance activities then you are in for a rude shock.


The first thing to put in place before purchasing a sports car either used or new is to check on the warranty. Getting a car with an existing warranty guarantees smooth performance. The warranty can exist as either an aftermarket warranty or the factory’s warranty. The warranty will be the backbone of a perfectly performing sports car. You need to place these extra tips to maintain the car to the fullest.


  1. Always check on the fluids of the vehicle.


Your sports car always has fluids that enhance the proper functioning of the parts required to run certain tasks. It is always advisable to check on these fluids more often. Some of these fluids include; brake fluid, power steering fluid, and other engine coolant fluids. Making it a habit of regularly checking on them will increase the life of your car and also boost your performance. Having an extended warranty from a reliable provider will help in a situation where you just visit a service center where a team of experts’ checks through the fluids to make sure everything is all right.


  1. 2. Change the car oil regularly.


Sport vehicles are high-performing cars whose engines run at very high speeds. Engine oil is required to lubricate these high-speed moving parts to prevent serious damage to the engine. Getting a regular engine check-up enhances the running of the engine thus boosting the vehicle’s performance. Failure to do so will lead to engine failure which will eat you up financially. To avoid all these problems, consider shopping for an aftermarket warranty, the warranty provider will take over such regular oil changes and fix up any arising issues with the engine. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to help you out with such issues, they have the best prices and their coverage offers are very extensive.


  1. 3. Check the battery regularly.


A car battery is one vital part of a sports vehicle since it is the one that makes the car engine ignite. Regular check up on the battery will save you from jump-starting at all times. It is quite embarrassing. Always check your car battery every time you open the bonnet to do some other minor checks. Check out for corrosion on the battery’s terminals and scrap it off to enhance the proper flow of current. This boosts the battery’s life and prevents you from regular replacements that are costly. An extended warranty will then come into use during the replacements to save you from using your pennies for the repair.


  1. 4. Carry out frequent tire rotation.


For a high-performing sports car, it is advisable to carry out tire rotation every 5000 to 9000 miles. Car rotation will ensure even tire wear. Remove all tires from the vehicle and takes the back tires to the front and vise versa. This also enhances a smooth driving experience. A-Protect Warranty Corporation in particular has a team of mechanics at their designated points of service that carry out the tire rotations professionally.


  1. 5. Tire pressure maintenance.


Another key aspect of maintaining a sports vehicle is to always check on the tire’s pressure to maintain the balance required for high speeds and performance. Balanced tire pressure will save you a couple of bucks from spending on excess fuel consumed and reduces the rate of tire wear. Since most sports vehicles are slightly above the ground, it is always important to maintain a stable level to avoid scratching the ground which may affect the internal parts beneath the car.




Sports cars can be much compared to young infant toddlers who need that extra protection and care. This will not only enhance their performance but also the car’s life. Since these cars are very expensive and repairs to them are very expensive, is important to follow the above tips.

A Protect Warranty Corporation is here to provide you an aftermarket warranty or an extended warranty. This will be your all-time assistant in cases of regular checks up, maintenance and repairs. Invest in them now to avoid a problematic future with your sports vehicle. They offer a variety of policies which you can choose from at a friendly price. You get in touch with them through email at or call them directly at 1-866-660-6444 (Toll-Free).