The early migration of Monarch Butterflies, Woodpeckers sheering a tree, and heavy and numerous fogs are usually amongst the early signs of Winter about to come. Winter generally is not loved by many more so car drivers. It is because this season carries with it great risks and disasters. 

Frequent storms, ice slides, and the road blocked and many more issues aren’t new to many. We all try our best to drive well but at the end of the day, mistakes happen and things turn against us. Research has it that during winter, the likelihood or chances of drivers falling into disasters rises by 20% to 80% than on normal seasons.

You need to put in maximum focus while driving during this harsh season. We as will stand by you all through his hard tie. Get an extended warranty from us and make yourself safe during winter. Our customer’s life and their cars are our top priority. A-protect Warranty Corporation is here to stand with you all through the winter. Winter doesn’t affect our great service to customers any way. 

This article will enlighten you on safe habits which can save you during winter‘s snow.


Retreat home if the weather goes bad.


Winter one hell of weather that is never predictable in any way. In case of unpredictable weather conditions, it is better to stay at home to avoid getting yourself in trouble. Common occurrences during winter include; regular storms, snowy roads, and ice-filled portholes. You don’t want to get yourself stuck in the middle of nowhere with no help. In case you traveling long-distance always make sure you stop at a nearby motel for a day so avoid any inconveniences that could arise as a result of a bad snowy condition. Check up on regular weather updates so that you can be alerted soon enough.


Drive with working lights and wipers.


Every time you get into your car, make sure you have working lights and windshield wipers. If you are fond of parking your car in places that have no shelter then you are in for a rude shock. This is because falling snow may form mountains onto your car including the windshield. You need to clear all that with a working windshield wiper. Also while you are driving and it is snowing, your wiper needs to run at all times. The windshield washer should also be inspected to make sure that it has an anti-ice liquid that helps you wash the windshield well whiles it’s snowing. Lights are also another important factor. They need to up and working. Clean or replace them if they aren’t working. Driving without lights on while it is snowing calls for a heavy penalty. The light needs to be on to alert oncoming drivers of an approaching car to avoid collisions.

We can help you get set with all these important accessories by purchasing an extended warranty from us.


Drive carefully and cautiously.


During winter, the roads are usually dry hence too easy for you to get down in case of reckless driving. Get rid of the comfort like listening to your favorite jam which can carry off your attention and focus. You need to observe all the requirements and discipline while driving. First, all persons in the car need to put on their safety belts. As a driver, you need to avoid driving too close to cars that are in front of you. Maintain a distance of up to 6 meters. This puts you in a good position where you can avoid collision with the car ahead. You need to maintain the regulated speed and drive at an average speed in case you want to rush. Lane discipline is necessary to avoid any havoc that can arise. Do not ignore any road signs and observe traffic rules in intersections and T-junctions.


Check on breaks and tires.


Before hitting down a snowy road, you need to make sure your car’s tore are brakes are in good shape and form. Tires need to have the right amount of pressure at all times. The cold temperatures may cause flattening at times. You also remove your normal tires and fix all-weather ones or those specifically meant for winter. Check on the brake fluid too. The fluid level should be on point to enhance a smooth braking experience during the harsh winter season. The brake pads which are very key while breaking need to be changed when worn out. Winter calls for extra care while driving. You need to put into action all the driving habits that are needed. For all that to happen, your car needs to be in great condition. An extended warranty will help you a lot. There are different plans which cover essential parts of the car which are usually expensive to repair in case of damage.




Winter comes with unexpected consequences both positive and negative. Misfortunes however occur a lot during this harsh period of the year. You must adhere to good driving habits during winter to make sure you plus the car see summer in one peace. We as shall stand by you be it the good or bad times. Your life and the life of our car are our top priority. We offer extended warranties at an affordable rate. This warranty will help you out through the winter period. Any arising issue will be dealt with by our team of experts at designated service centers.

We are just a phone call away. Hit us up via +1-866-660-6444 (tool-free). You can also write to us via info@a-protectwarranty.com. Our team of friendly customer care will you sort you out.


Mileage is the distance a car has traveled ever since it left the factory’s doors. It is represented in form of miles through a digital display below the speedometer known as the odometer. Mileage is usually a great factor in determining the worth of a car. Especially for those who are looking for used cars. In short, it is an indication of a car’s conditions. In most cases, a car with higher mileage is usually considered unworthy. This is because it has been for a long time. As we all know, machines depreciate over time in form of quality. In cars, a higher mileage car is not an option for potential buyers. This is because many associate such cars with problems and frequent breakdowns.

A low mileage car on the other side is a good choice since it seems to have traveled for less time hence less faulty. Low mileage cars have a high resale value than high mileage cars. However, you opt to know one thing. Not all low-mileage cars are always in good form. Again not all high mileage cars are always in bad form too. This article will help you get it clear whether a low mileage car is trouble-free.

Getting a car from a car dealership should not be a rushy activity. You need to take your time and assess the kind of car you want to buy. When buying a used car, check through the mileage and choose what mileage you prefer. Be it low or high. The definite one will be the low mileage car. It is usually not associated with problems. Do not just start using the car without getting it warranted. You never know the kind of illness the car comes with. An extended warranty is something worth purchasing. It helps you meet repair expenses in a time of breakdowns. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to help you out. If you are purchasing a used car directly from someone, Inquire if the car has an extended warranty. Did you know it can be transferred under your name! Well, what are waiting for!


Does mileage matter? Does a low mileage mean that your car is trouble-free?


Mileage is a criterion used to choose between a variety of cars depending on the number of miles the car has been driven. Mileage is very important since it affects the value of the car, experience while driving and whether you will resale it. A low mileage let’s say less than 5,000 miles is expensive. Unlike a car with a mileage of over 100,000 miles being cheaper, the mileage determines the cost of a car. Mileage also relates to the driver’s experience while using the car over a given period. A low mileage car usually has a smooth experience because it is usually not that faulty. The owner gets to enjoy using his asset. However, one question remains do a low car mean it is trouble-free?. We will get to know that.

Another way in which mileage matters to the car is when you opt to resale it after a certain period. When you purchase a low mileage car and use it for a short period, the mileage will increase by a small margin. This will make you walk off with a high value if you decide to resale it. A low mileage car has a higher resale value compared to a high mileage one.

Remember, mileage is not the only thing that you need to consider before purchasing a car. For instance, a 30,000 miles car that has 5 owners is nothing compared to 60,000 miles with one owner. The 30,000-mile cars could have bad service history and are not taken care of in a good manner. The age, condition, and history of a car are important. Do not be surprised to get a high mileage car in sharp form compared to a low mileage one in a disastrous manner.

Care and maintenance the king determinant. Make sure you go through the service history to ensure that the car has been taken good care of. There are always exceptions with low mileage cars. Age is also another factor that disclaims low mileage cars having fewer problems. Old cars can have low mileage because some of them just don’t get driven at all. A stalled car sitting around at one given place will always have problems. Yes, the mileage could below but you are in for a rude shock.




Mileage is one factor that generally sums up the car’s health and condition. However, it does not tell out the entire story and history of the car. It is wise to look at a wide array of factors before making any decision. As we can tell above, maintenance is the king. You need to make sure that the low mileage car you are about to buy has been under proper care. Service records will help you a lot. After you are done with all that, don’t forget to purchase an extended warranty. It will help you in times of calamities and breakdowns. For use mostly, your need to be driving with an extended warranty. You never know when and where you could yourself in trouble. We offer a variety of extended warranties ranging from complex ones to basic one. Our prices are friendly and fair. Just a phone call away; +1-866-600-6444 is out to direct line. Info@aprotectwarranty is our email.


Parking your car is something that is taken lightly by many car users. The assumption that cars get parked at any place has taken over people’s minds hence doing away with parking cars in garages. The once precious areas for parking cars have now turned into storage sites for junk and housework. Cars get parked at any other place mostly by the roadside or anywhere else in the compound. This is one mistake that is very regrettable since you expose your machine to a lot of danger. Damage and theft are amongst the common risks you expose your car to when you opt to park in an open place.

You need an extended warranty for your car whether you park your car in a garage or not. An extended warranty is very important to securing your investment from frequent expenses that arise as a result of damages. Most of these damages do occur as a result of not parking your asset in a garage. Extended warranties play a very crucial role in making sure you are financially fit. You don’t incur expenses that could be a burden to you. Do not hesitate and directly get in contact with our amazing team for a free quote. Keeping reading!

1.Garage parking secures your car.

Security is usually the number one priority for your assets at all times. You cannot imagine the pain that comes along with losing your once precious machine to some potential car thieves. It is wise to park your car in a garage to avoid losing your car. Modern garages have enhanced security systems that are eye-catching and do guarantee maximum protection for your car. You can choose to customize your garage and have it equipped with camera systems or automatic alarms that will alert you in case of an emergency. Parking your car outside will also make your car vulnerable to vandalism whereby some crooks pull valuable parts off the car. Side mirrors, rims, tire, and even headlight are most of the parts which find themselves in the black market. The expenses associated with purchasing new parts to replace the stolen ones or rather getting a new car are very high. Make sure you pack your car in a garage or rather a place that is secure and closed. Failure to do so calls for headaches and stress. Don’t be a victim.

2.Boosts car’s performance and maintenance.

No car is made to be immune to frequent wear and tear which is very common and arguably the common reason for the aging of the car. Parking in a garage will save you a lot in terms of maintenance whereby your car gets susceptible to fewer problems than parking in an open space. Parked in a closed environment demands fewer maintenance practices and performs incredibly well than the one parked in an open environment. Below are parts that are prone to more damage when your car is parked in an open space.open space is very dangerous to the life of your tires as it compromises its performance and also the duration of its use. Extreme weather conditions Tires- Parking your car in an let’s say harsh UV rays from the sun cause devastating problems on the tires. The UV light degrades the rubber and diminishes its property hence tires start to crack and dry rot.

  • Battery- This is another important part of a car since it is the one responsible for igniting the engine. Harsh weather conditions both in winter and summer a threat to the battery’s life. During hot days, the battery’s liquid evaporates at a high rate than normal therefore calling for a frequent refill which can be a bit frustrating. In cold seasons, the battery’s cells get exposed to freezing temperatures which reduce their lifespan.


3.Reduces the rate of cosmetic damage.


You can always judge out a well-maintained car from the rest. Just by the appearance. A car that is always under the garage also outshines the rest in terms of beauty, feel and touch. Because cars parked in open places get exposed to elements which in contact with your car cause problems.


  • Paint- Paint is what gives your car recognition and the shiny sleek look. Not only does it make your car look appealing and ‘’sexy’’ it also protects the body of the car. Exposure to UV light for an extended period will make the car’s paint oxidize hence fading and peeling off. Rain also another factor that affects the paint of your car due to its acidity. The strong and heavy elements in rain will damage your car’s paint too.
  • Interior- This might seem excluded from parts that can damage due to parking outside the garage but in reality, it is prone to damage. When you expose your car to direct sunlight, the internal parts such as the steering wheel, dashboard, and seats get worn out, cracked, and even fade over time. The interior of a car is one place that needs an appealing look. Can only be achieved by parking in a garage.
  1. Improves curb appeal

This is usually the attractiveness or the good appearance of a property viewed from the sidewalk by a prospective buyer. Many car owners improvise their houses and make the curb appeal more attractive.

5.Keeps the coolants and other liquids warmer.

A car has a variety of liquids that are used for various purposes such as lubrication. These liquids need to be under a temperature that is required so as they can function normally. A garage plays a good role in ensuring these liquids are in good conditions which is warm.


Parking in a garage is important for your car and comes with benefits you do not want to miss. Parking your car in a garage should not be an option if you think of keeping your car for a long time and in good condition. The benefits associated with parking a car inside a garage are very soothing and something you really must try out. A car that is parked outside in an open space has a high probability of damage and vandalism than the one inside a garage. No one is ready to meet frequent costs and expenses as a result of repairs. This is why we as A-Protect Warranty Corporation are here to sort things out. We are just a phone call away, +1-866-660-6444 is our direct line. You may also write to us via info@aprotectwarranty.com.


Let’s all agree that we all can’t be on the same level be it financially or socially. This means that we all in one way or another can’t afford to purchase brand new stuff. For the car enthusiast, most of them will go brand new products out of the factory. One reason behind this is that new car’s come with fully operational parts that have never touched the road before. The feeling of hitting the tarmac and cruising down the street in a sleek shiny new whip is one thing that lingers many people’s minds. 

This makes others turn their backs against a used car even though the price is so soothing.  

This article will help clear off the bad narrative about buying a used one. You can get a good-performing used car for a very decent price. This shouldn’t just be any used car, it must be a well-maintained one. Just like a new car, a used one comes with a warranty. It can be under the factory’s warranty or the previous owner equipped it with a used car warranty. Here at A-Protect Warranty Corporation, we offer extensive and affordable extended warranties to our customers. Your car is our number one priority!. Please don’t forget to check up with us.


Used cars save money.


If you are the type of guy who doesn’t like to spend but rather save a lot then a used car fits you well. A well-maintained used car has almost a similar type of performance to a new car only with a small margin difference. The well-maintained used car will ensure you have the perfect driving experience that a new car has. Most used cars come at a cheaper price than a new car. On average, a used car comes with a price tag of over $20,000. Unlike purchasing a new car which starts at over $35,000 you will end up saving over $10,000 plus by getting a used car warranty. At times you may even get a used car for half that price. It depends on the kind of dealership or the price named by the previous owner. Any model or brand you desire that is well maintained will always be available. This will help you if you live under a fixed budget or you just want something cheaper. You will for sure save something at the end.   


One can evade expenses associated with registration and insurance.


We all that no one would want to just throw off money to the Department responsible for motor vehicle registration. Plus the registration process is usually one hell of a time. You end up wasting too much time and also spend a lot only to get your car registered. On the other hand, the registration fee for used cars is usually lower and at times the dealership might get it done for you. This will make buying a used car be a smooth and seamless process.

Used vehicles also have low insurance rates, unlike the new ones which at too high to meet. This will also contribute a lot to the spirit of saving.


Used cars can be warranted.


Most fellas think that buying a used car is just the same as ‘’Buying someone’s problems’’.This is not the case; your used car has a chance to be warranted. It is necessary since you never know what kind of problems you might fall in for with your car. An extended warranty will be there for you in case your car breakdowns and covers the expenses associated with the repair. Why not try it out? We are here to offer you amazing deals that out of this world. What are you waiting for?




It is now high time we do away with the idea that buying used cars is like doing something crazy. You can get a well-maintained car which surprisingly performs even better than a new one. First before purchasing a used car is to check whether the car has a warranty. It can either be a factory’s warranty or an extended warranty. The warranty is transferable, so if the car has an extended warranty then make it yours now. Your car will still need care and maintenance. We A-Protect Warranty Corporation are here for you. Your peace of mind is one thing we always consider and can never miss out on. Only a phone call away. +1-866-660-6444 is our direct line (toll-free). Send us an email via info@a-protectwarranty.com for a free quote.                     


Summer is here once again folks! What a great time and season to finally get kissed by the beautiful sun after a harsh and hefty winter. We also cannot forget about the ravaging pandemic that has been down on our necks ever since 2020. Thanks now we do have vaccines and can get out as we used to. The whole of last year summer was amongst the worst summer times in history. During that time, the pandemic was at its peak stages in all corners. Lockdowns and curfews made it hard for summer enthusiasts to enjoy themselves. However, 2021 has brought change with the latest discoveries being made by the medical sector bringing smiles to the world.

Currently, people can move and interact freely thanks to the vaccine. This summer will be much different from the one of the previous. The beach lovers can now busk freely under the soothing sun rays while the road tripper can hit the road with no worries. Vacationers have also reason to smile since they can visit their places of interest. The thousand islands are the hot zone for visits. The place is well known for its beautiful and serene surroundings. It is such a great place to exchange vows, treat your loved one or rather chill and cool off from the daily hassles. A thousand Islands is currently open to all those who wish to visit. 

Cars will always remain to be our main form of transport. Not everyone can afford to fly or use any other form to move through distant areas. Since we use our cars more often and as we know damage and breakdown is inevitable, cars fall victim to all that over time. There is no worse feeling than getting stuck in the middle of nowhere with no help. Especially if you are headed to more anticipated and exciting destinations such as Thousand Island. What if you do not have any other source to help you fix up the problem? That is why you need an extended warranty. A-Protect Warranty Corporation takes account of all the unexpected expense that comes in any time your car gets a breakdown or damage. Here is what you need to take I consider before heading out to the Thousand Islands.

  1. Carry with you an emergency kit.

Calamity rings no bearing in mind that it happens anytime and anywhere. An emergency kit is very essential while heading to the Thousand Islands. Anywhere far from home calls for a kit that will help you out in case you get into trouble. Your car needs to have an emergency kit which includes; Wheel spanner, jack, Pliers, Spare tire, Screwdrivers, and an extra spare tire too. On the other side, you also need to carry with you an emergency kit for yourselves and your loved ones. This will include; Multi-function knife, Duct tape, Tweezers, and Flashlight.

  1. Check with the air condition system.

Summer at times can reach extreme temperatures which could be unbearable. Make sure your car has a working Air condition system that will make your ride to the Thousand Island comfortable. This will provide a cool environment for your kids and pets. Nobody would love to ride in a hot car with the scorching heat that could even toast you!

  1. Do oil change if necessary.

Oil is very essential for your car since it provides lubrication to the internal parts of an engine. The engine is always running thus need for a lubricant to cool off and provide lubrication to the parts grinding against each other

  1. Top up fluids and filters.

Apart from the engine oil, a car has other fluids such as the transmission fluid, windshield washer fluid, power steering, and brake fluid. You need to make sure that the fluid levels are top-notch before hitting the road. The engine filters should also be cleared of clogged dirt and sand. This will enable the engine to receive clean air that is free of impurities.


If you are looking for a place to create memories then a thousand islands are the place to be this summer. Most of us would probably love to go by our means which is using our cars. The above points are to guide you on what you need to do before starting your journey. An extended warranty should be amongst what you also have to get for your car. We have a wide variety of plans from which you can choose from what best suits you. Need a free quote? +1-866-660-6444 is our free line. You can also write to us via info@aprotectwarranty.com.


Winter is here with us again, and yes we have to brace ourselves and get ready for its impacts. Winter comes with both positive and negative impacts on almost the entire ecosystem and every other sector. From humans, animals, and any other assets we own could be a victim to the ravaging effects of winter. Cars are one of the main assets which get affected a lot by winter. From the freezing temperatures to regular falling snow and ice. All this has a very huge impact on your car’s form and shape. Frozen windows and engine freeze-up are amongst the common signs of bad form for your car during winter. 

Your car needs maximum care and protection all through the winter season to protect it from complete installment. This is why A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here for you. We offer an extended warranty which is something your car cannot do without. Our extended warranties will cater to unexpected expenses associated with damage and breakdown. As we all know, there is no human machine that is not prone to error or damage. Nothing is immune to damage. What if your car breaks down and you are not financially ready to meet the expenses.

Either way, winter is one hell of a time where your car’s life matters. Here are 5 things you need to do for your car to keep it in good form and shape.

Changes to winter tires.

The fierce cold of winter poses a threat to normal summer tires. This is because summer tires are only meant to be used during summertime. During winter, the road gets icy and filled with snow. This makes a car having normal summer tires hard to maneuver through that kind of condition. Icy roads are slippery. The slippery nature of these roads makes it hard to control and handle the car in the right manner. Sometimes even breaking becomes a problem. Traction is the key solution to these problems. Winter tires are engineered with a modified rubber that can withstand harsh cold temperatures. These tires are very vital in ensuring road safety during winter. Failure to fix winter tires is the same to catch a snake by its tail. Accidents are very common with car owners who ignore using winter tires. Do not be a victim.

Check on the engine coolant.

Engine coolant is an important liquid in your car’s engine. It is responsible for the protection of your engine from freezing. It is also helpful in protecting your car from rust and other corrosive substance. Over time, the coolants depreciate in terms of quality. This weakens its ability to protect your engine from freezing and other damages. Use a tester that will determine whether the coolant is still effective or dormant. It is wise to do this frequently to avoid complete damages to the internal parts of the engine. The expenses that come along with a damaged engine are too high to handle. No matter how hard the matter is, A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to save you from such huge and unexpected costs.

Make sure your battery is well maintained.

You don’t want to get stranded in the middle of nowhere due to a stall battery. A car’s battery needs to check up all the time to make sure it is fully operational. Its life is very limited thus need for extra care and maintenance. The battery’s terminal needs to be protected from rust to enhance the proper flow of current. The terminals need to be spared with a coating liquid that will inhibit the entry of rust agents. They also need to be cleaned regularly to avoid any rust formation. If you park your car for long during winter without igniting is a direct ticket to a dead battery. Make sure you at least run the car engine for some time so that the battery can be charged and not just lay dormant. A well-maintained battery will increase its health and life by a great milestone. At the end of the day, batteries have a limited life.

Change to winter windshield wipers.

Winter wipers are special wipers that are meant to withstand the harsh icy and snow conditions during winter. Visibility is one aspect that gets affected a lot during winter. You need a wiper that is meant to wipe off the thick snow that falls onto the windshield and can hinder your visibility. Visibility will make you avoid collisions and other accidents making your car be in good shape.

Wash your car during winter.

There is no doubt that many people usually ignore washing their cars during winter. Well, before winter begins consider giving your ride a thorough wash and wax. This will protect your car from rust agents. This method can only be effective through continuous washing and not only a one-time process. 


Winter is a threat to the life of your car if you don’t put into consideration the above tips. You need to give your car protection and care. An extended warranty should also be on your checklist before winter comes so that you can safeguard your car against damages. We offer a wide variety of extended warranty plans ranging from basic one to complex. You get what you meet financially. Our prices are very friendly together with our team that is very accommodative. What are you waiting for! Give us a call at +1-866-660-6444 for a free quote.


The rainy season is usually a time to relax off from regular car washes. Most usually think that the rainwater is a good cleaner for their cars and decide to lazy off. This, however, is not a good idea nor is it the smartest thing to do for your car in the name of maintaining it. This is now the time to do away with the short-lived celebration when it rains. Rain has consequences to your car which to some extent could be very devastating. It is very helpful when it comes to getting rid of dirt and sand from your car. At the same time, rain carries with it very toxic elements which can ruin your car and put it in a very bad state.


A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here for you all the time come sun come rain. You need to get an extended warranty from us and put your car in the form you think your car needs to be. Our services and offers are out of the ordinary and do guarantee great protection of your car. Your car is our number one priority.


This article will help you know how rain affects your car. Educate you on what you need to do to maintain your machine every time it rains.


Rain eats off the car’s paint.


The formation of rain involves several activities. Ranging from chemical reactions to the actual formation of clouds. The process of rain formation reactions picks up whatever it finds on its way. From good elements in the air to toxic pollutants emitted from the earth. Some of these elements include; lead and sulfur. After the rain is over, it evaporates off the surface of the car. However, dirt and other elements carried by the rain remain on the car’s body. They form watermarks. At first, you will notice that the shining factor of the car starts diminishing as time goes by. Frequent downpour causes more watermarks formations. They develop into hard stains which are difficult to remove. 


Paint is one important thing for your car leaves alone the beauty. It protects the body panel of your car from elements. Rust is one hell of a nuisance you do not want to deal with. It is one of the main reasons some cars get sent to their graves earlier. This, therefore, calls for an immediate response which is to rustproof your can. Rustproofing is one way of protecting your car against rust.


If you are fond of parking your car in an open space then stop it. This is the right time to get yourself a closed garage or any other place where your car won’t get exposed to rust.


Rainwater is a threat to the engine.


The engine is one of the vital parts which needs to be operational or else your car will stall. The engine is water-phobic. It has internal mechanical components which are always moving and grinding against each other. When water enters the engine, it mixes with oil and creates a dense thick emulsion. When this emulsion finds its way to most parts of the engine, it leaves behind a trail of damage to these parts. The most affected parts are the pistons and crankshaft. Therefore, when it rains, make sure you get under the bonnet to check up for signs of a water inhabited engine. The common sign is the change in oil color where it turns less opaque. The engine will also start to overheat due to loss of the coolant level. Failure to check up on your engine often will lead to a complete stall engine. Repairing the engine or rather purchasing a new one is something you should never want to experience. This is why; we as A-Protect Warranty Corporation are here for you. You need to purchase a powertrain extended warranty for your car. It covers parts that are responsible for the movement of the car. These are; Engine, Transmission, and the driveshaft.




Rain should not make you celebrate that your car is getting a free wash. You know what its consequences are. The health of your car is the number one priority you need to consider. A car’s good health can get achieved by maintaining your car in a good manner. Next time when it rains please do the above maintenance tips. No matter how good your car is, it will never be anti-damage or cannot break down. Rain is one of the factors which can make your car start developing problems. As we all know maintaining a car is usually not a walk in the park. The high expenses and costs are amongst what makes car owners have a rough time. A-Protect Warranty Corporation has decided to take in its hands. The responsibility of managing expenses resulting out of damages and breakdown. We offer extended warranties ranging from basic one to more complex and comprehensive. Our prices are fair and friendly.


Get in touch with us at info@a-aprotectwarranty.com or directly give us a call at +1-866-660-6444 for a free quote.


Japan is home to the two best and leading cars makers; Mazda and Honda. The two have been over the years considered best in American markets. There has been stiff competition and rivalry between these two companies to judge out which one is the most preferred. The two brands have been in existence for a very long time now. Both cars have their features compared to the other thus creating a difference in them despite having a more of a similar look. This article will dig deep through to determine the difference between these cars.

A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to help you when it comes to unexpected expenses. Cars will forever fall in breakdown and damages. Sometimes it can be sudden in a way that you never expected to be hit by a repair expense. Worry no more, we offered an amazing extended warranty offer which you need to go through. Our policies are very extensive together with a friendly price on them. With us by your side, all your unexpected expenses will be a thing of the past. What are you waiting for! Come check us out.

Some factors will play as determinants in the battle between Honda and Mazda. Among them are; performance, safety, handling, Fuel economy, price, and many more.




 Safety is the number one priority that needs to be considered in a car. A safe car is a sure guarantee to the lives of the driver and the passengers. Safety is the number one determinant for the factor which everyone looks at before making a purchase. Both Mazda and Honda have taken safety as a deep concern to the extent of incorporating some amazing features in their models. Mazda however has put in a lot of effort and focus on the safety part beating its counterpart. Mazda’s I ACTIVSENSE is a safety feature that has been placed in its latest models. The features do amazing work from; Lane-keeping assistance, Lane departure warning, Smart breaking, Front lighting, rear traffic alert, and blind-spot monitoring. Honda on its side has fewer safety features compared to Mazda. Adaptive cruise control is what Honda’s ‘’Honda sensing’’ feature has.




When it comes to performance, both the Honda and Mazda perform incredibly well. There is a slight difference between the two with Honda doing fairly well more than Mazda. The latest Honda model which is the 2020 Honda CR-V comes, with a 1.4 liter 4 cylinder gasoline engine that is turbocharged. Then the engine looks small but produces an incredible amount of power of up to 190 horsepower. WE also have the hybrid version of the Honda CR-V which comes with a 212 horsepower engine. The braking system on the Honda CR-V IS quite something having four strong disks on all the wheels. On the other side, Mazda 2020 series CX-5 comes with a 2.5 liter 4 cylinder engine. The engine is big but does not produce enough horsepower as the Honda. It produces up to 187 only. In short, Honda is generally a good performer when it comes to powertrain compared to Mazda.


  1. Drivability.


These two cars have almost similar features. They are both five-seater cars with arguably enough space inside the cabin. Honda has a slightly bigger cargo room than Mazda. Honda’s interior is nice and appealing. The finish and touches make the interior look classy. The nice faux wood finish and the chromed trim give the interior an executive feel. The infotainment system features more than 5 inches LED Screen depending on the car’s version together with other accessories. Mazda has impressive features too with the first keyless entry system and push-button to start the car. The interior is polished with fine material such as the fine carbon fiber trims to bring out that sporty feel. The interior is noise-free from the engine’s noise fixed with appealing infotainment features. Both cars have an inbuilt apple car play and android auto. Honda carries the day with its cool trims anyway. 




Choosing between Mazda and Honda in 2021 will depend mostly on what you as the driver are looking for in a car. If you want enough cargo and cabin space then go for Honda. Safety and excellent handling then Mazda is the way to go. However, Honda has a good reputation for its quality and good performance. Both cars are good anyway, it will only depend on what you want in a car. Before hitting the road after making your purchase, never forget to get an extended warranty. Yes, the two cars come with the factory’s warranty. Do not ignore the fact that the factory’s warranty is not a lifetime warranty. It will expire after a given period. Make sure you get an extended warranty for your car so that when the factory’s warranty expires, you won’t suffer from frequent and unexpected expenses. A-Protect Warranty Corporation should be your number one choice. We offer amazing deals from powertrain warranties to bumper-to-bumper warranties.

We are just a phone call away. +1-866-660-6444 is our toll-free line. Our email is info @aprotectwarranty.com if you wish to write.


Iron oxide is usually the main killer of cars since they are made up of almost 90% metal. Through simple reactions involving moisture and air on the metal, a brownish compound forms on the metal. This is one of the main causes of early deaths in most of the cars we have. No matter how much efforts car makers have, rust will always be a disturbing issue. No car is immune to rust unless it is made up of another material. Over a given period, The iron oxide (rust) eats through the metal making it useless. You should be surprised when your car stalls completely due to rust and not what might seem to be a mechanical breakdown.

Facts have it that rust nowadays is not a serious threat to cars than it was 20 years ago. It is because of the advancement and research put in place. The agenda was to find a better solution to combating this ravaging problem. Specialists have over time engineered and experimented with methods that can work in preventing rust. Thus making the problem less serious in these current times. 2021 is here and is still a good time to rustproof your car. We always want our assets to be in good and serene conditions over a long time of use. Without care and maintenance, we cannot achieve that. This is why A-Protect Warranty Corporation was set up almost three decades ago. The aim of protecting cars owners from the burden of car maintenance. Our extended warranties are worth your car since you never know where and when you will get hit by a disaster. 

2021 is here and rust will always be there. Don’t worry much about that. Rustproofing is here and A-Protect Warranty Corporation is standing by your side.


It a special treatment of your car against rust to parts that are hard to reach and more vulnerable to rust. These are the parts are, A fender, Upper body panels, and the tailgate. It is one of the used techniques of fighting against rust in 2021. Many drivers decide to snob off the good side of rustproofing and decide to use their cars ordinarily. This is one way of exposing your precious machine to great danger that will end up messing with your financial ability. Rustproofing is not an option anymore. This is the time your need to wake up that dreamland and get your car rust-proofed.

Methods of rustproofing.

Several ways can be applied when rustproofing your car. This will make it easier for you to pick out the method which you think is best for you;

1.Using drip oil spray.

It is the common and most preferred form of rustproofing for many car owners. It involves drilling holes on the car’s body and a more viscous spray applied to the parts which are prone to rust. Remember, this method will need reapplication after a given period. The only limitation is that after spraying, the liquid will drip from your car for about two to three days as it dries off. It is advisable to park your car at a convenient space and wait until the car is completely dry.

  1. Tar-based spray.

It is one of the oldest forms of rustproofing which involves the use of a tar-based spray. It is applied to parts that are beneath the car. These p[arts include; wheel wells, flow pans, and other metallic parts that get exposed to rust. These parts get sprayed with tar-based spray that forms a layer over the parts. Acts like a shield against moisture and air. Yet, after a given time, the spray hardens and begins to crack exposing the parts to rust. You need to do frequent check up on the parts sprayed using tar-based spray to make sure it is working fine. 

3.Use of the electric module.

This is a more advanced and modern form of rustproofing. Uses technology to inhibit rust formation on the car’s metallic parts. It is a device that gets attached to the body of the car. Works by emitting an electric current which prevents the reaction of water and air on the metal. Getting one for your car is not that cheap since most of these devices start at a whopping price of over $5,000. The good side of them is that they provide the most protection against rust than the other methods.


Rust was there, is here, and will continue being with us till the end of time. We shouldn’t worry about it anymore but rather learn how to cop and combat it to avoid inconveniences. We can now have a sigh of relief thanks to rustproofing. The techniques mentioned above can help protect our valuable assets from rust. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to protect you. Any damages which can arise as a result of rust must be taken care of. You won’t need to spend even a single dime when you buy an extended warranty from us. Our extended warranties are very extensive and do guarantee peace of life. We are an A+ accredited company being in operation for over 3 decades. Why not us? Visit us at our main offices at 7250 Keele Street, Suite 421, Concord, Ontario, L4K 1Z8 or give us a call via +1-866-660-6444.


The car’s air conditioning is one of the greatest inventions pioneered by the earlier automobile makers. Well, the concept behind air conditional can be traced back in history. Egyptians are amongst the former inventors of air conditioning systems which they applied in their houses due to the hot desert temperatures. However, car air conditioning was brought about by Chrysler Imperial models which were the first cars to introduce air conditioning systems. It was until the 80s when there mass a full-scale production of cars with air conditioning. Currently, almost all the newest models are usually equipped with automated air condition.

The air condition and many other car accessories are always prone to damage and breakdown. The air condition itself demands extra care and protection to increase its life and health. Failure to do so will automatically lead to failure. Get your air conditioner repaired and checked will cost you between $150 to $250. That might seem less to some individuals but that won’t be the case to some. We always want to spend less and less frequent on our cars when it comes to damages. No matter how careful we are, our cars will always fall victim to breakdown. This is why you need an extended warranty. An extended warranty works by taking over repair expenses that you as the car owner are supposed to pay. In short, all expenses resulting from damage to the warranted parts are under the warranty provider.


Working Principle of an air conditioning system.


Almost 90% of car owners do not know how car air conditioning works. It is sad when one visits a service center to get a minor problem which can be easily fixed by oneself, done by the servicemen. It is wise to at least know the basics of how an air conditioning system works.

Well, a conditioning system works by using the property of manipulating the refrigerant. Changing it from a gaseous to a liquid state and vice versa. The process begins in the compressor which is mounted on the car’s engine. It is driven by a belt and takes in low-pressure gas and converts it into high-pressure gas. The gas then flows to the condenser which is responsible for reducing the refrigerant temperature while maintaining its pressure. The refrigerant flows to the dryer which removes moisture and other harmful elements from the refrigerant. From the dryer, the refrigerant gets into the evaporator which is located hind the dashboard. It changes the evaporator back to a gaseous state causing a cooling effect.


How to keep your air conditioning system at its best.

Annual service.


It is advisable to at least get your air conditioning system checked once every year. The process will involve checking for any leaks of the refrigerant, damage to any parts of the system, and detection of any other problem. The right time to do so is usually the period before summer begins. Summer comes with scorching hot temperatures which at a time makes driving uncomfortable. You need to make sure you have a working AC before summer begins. Under the bumper-to-bumper warranty, you can get your AC warranted against damages. A-Protect Warranty Corporation offers the best deals in the market. Come get your air conditioning system secured.


Run the defrost mode daily for around 5-10 minutes.


Every morning or any other time before you hit the road, make it a habit of running the AC defrost mode for around 5+ minutes. This will help clear out moisture from the air conditioning system which could lead to the build-up of molds and mildew. A dump system will cause make your cabin to have a bad odor which won’t be tolerable.


Run the AC weekly.


It is amongst the ways of increasing the health of your car’s air conditioning system. You are required to run the AC for around 15 minutes once every week. The purpose of doing so is to keep the refrigerant gas at its optimum pressure. It will also aid in keeping the compressor in a good form and shape thus preventing any damage that may arise.




Many car owners do not care when it comes to recharging the AC. If you are looking to keep your air conditioning system work for long, consider recharging. The refrigerant, which is the liquid that runs through the system, needs to be topped up after every two to three years. You 

need to check the liquid level to confirm that it’s at the right level.


Clean your car.


You need to be passionate about your car when it comes to cleanliness. This is the only option that is closely attached to the good health and shape of a car. The AC acts like a vacuum cleaner. It picks up every debris it finds in the air and sucks it into the system. You need to thoroughly clean your car to clear off any dirt particles. These particles are very harmful to your AC system whereby they fill up and clog the system. Take your time to clean and unclog the AC too.




Air conditioning brings about a luxurious and comfortable feel inside the cabin. All modern cars usually get off the factory’s doors fitted with a working AC. However, due to the kind of work air conditioning does, they fall victim to damage and breakdown. The above tips will keep your air conditioning system in its best state. A-Protect Warranty Corporation through its bumper to bumper warranty will include the air conditioning system to ensure that it if in good shape and form. Give us a call via +1-866-660-6444 for a free quote.