Why Does My Car Make A Cranking Sound


One thing you must understand about cars is that there is a point where things don’t work out. Over a
given period of driving your vehicle, you will come across different problems within the car. They range
from powertrain problems to brakes, electric components, and many more. These problems don't pop
in. They are always a result of a minor problem that grows into something bigger.

Surprisingly enough, you will always get some warning before things go south—one way which is
familiar with problematic cars making noise. Many different types of noise are made within that car to
signify an underlying problem on the affected part. Sounds such as popping, growling, squealing,
tapping, and cranking are the most common you are likely to come across.

This article will give you straight reasons why your car is making that cranking noise you hear. It might
be uncomfortable while driving and, if not taken care of earlier, could become a deadly disaster. On top
of that, always remember to give your car extra care and love. One way of doing so is by purchasing an
extended car warranty. This warranty keeps your car rolling in great shape and meets all expenses
related to maintenance that might be expensive to manage by yourself.

Here is what could be the problems once your car begins making cranking noises;

Old alternator

One possible reason why your car could be producing some funny noises could be a worn-out
alternator. This part is vital because a vehicle needs to be up and running. However, the alternator does
not have a longer life span due to its nature. After being used for quite some time, the bearings inside
begin to wear out, and the spinning rotations become scratchy.

The alternator is responsible for charging the battery of the car. It works by converting the spinning
engine power to a current through its motors that then charge up the battery. If you are driving an old
car, ensure you have a used car extended warranty with you. This will prevent your vehicle from
unforeseen issues related to the alternator and other powertrain parts.

Worn clutch

You might hear that crunching sound when you punch in gears as you drive. An old clutch system could
cause that. Once the system ages, the performance drops and becomes problematic. Remember, the clutch is an intermediary between the transmission box and the engine. It halts the engine and allows for the transmission of gears.

It comprises a clutch plate, a flywheel, and a pressure plate. Since gears are always punching any time
the car is moving, these parts tend to wear and tear. Once that happens, you will begin to hear the
crunching and squealing within the transmission system.

Repair and replacement must be effective if the cause is the clutch system. Unfortunately, the clutch
system is not included in an old car’s extended warranty. That included all parts in a car that wears out.
Therefore, you have to take responsibility in case of an event such as that happens.

Faulty water pump

When you are driving a car and hear the crunching noises, perhaps it could be your water pump. A water
pump comes with seals and bearing that constantly wear out after a given period. The bearing and seals
can easily get replaced, which does not require much skill or expense.

However, if you ignore a faulty water pump, prepare for the worst. That is because a water pump is
responsible for the flowing and cooling down of the engine. Now what follows will include engine
overheating that will make things get messier. Are you ready to repair or replace your entire engine only
because of ignorance? It will be more expensive than you think. That is why we are advising that you get
a powertrain plan from our used car warranty we offer.

Compressor faults

The air conditioning system is fundamental and works best in those extreme summer months. But now,
if the compressor is wrong, then expect the worse. You will sweat a lot when driving and hear crunching

Once the pistons in the compressor wear out, they begin to grind against each other, causing crunching
noises that are very unpleasant to the ears.


The is nothing uncomfortable as a problematic car that makes lots of unpleasant noises. The noises
could be so bad to drivers and passengers, thus making the journey to whatever point regrettable. But
now those noises are always an alarm that something somewhere is not in good shape. You must ensure
your car is fully diagnosed and the root behind the noise is determined and repaired.

A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to see if your car gets all the protection it needs from
unforeseen problems. When we cover your vehicle, we guarantee extended car warranty plans that
offer maximum security, and all those noises will be a thing of the past. Reach us out for further
information by phone at +1-866-660-644 or write at info@a-protectwarranty.com.

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