Do’s And Dont’s Of Driving A German Car

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German is home to unique and world-class car-making companies that are much more reputable
globally. They include; Mercedes Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, and Audi. One feature about all the models
above is that they produce quality and performance cars. The models come with a potent powertrain
system, luxurious interior, and not forgetting sharp and edgy exterior looks. However, calling a German
car yours comes at a cost since most German car makers are known to have an abnormal price tag for
their products. The good thing is that one gets value for their money once they invest in a German car.

Well, once you put your hard earned money into purchasing a German car, consider what to do to the
car and what not to do. This brings us to this article that comprehensively outlines the various dos and
don’ts of driving a German car.


Avoid speeding, braking frequently, and jumping over bumps
Most German car brands are made for performance. Their powertrain comes engineered with speed,
stability, and better controls. However, you shouldn’t take advantage of that as a driver and try to push
your car to the limit. That can be through speeding, frequently braking recklessly, and running over
bumps and potholes.

By doing so, you will be slowly killing your German car. Speeding and abnormal acceleration will
prematurely wear out most of the core parts in the engine and transmission. Within a short period after
purchase, major powertrain problems will begin rising. On the other hand, frequent and reckless braking
quickly wears out most of your brake pads, consequently affecting the entire braking system.

Therefore, if you are an adrenaline junky, you should take it slow. Alternatively, secure an extended
warranty coverage that shields your car from all unforeseen damages to the car.

Keep an eye on the dashboard lights.
Frequent physical inspections are never enough, nor does it guarantee that your car is in good form.
Gladly, we have dashboard lights and notifications that notify you of any underlying problems within the
car. As a responsible driver, you must never ignore the dashboard warning lights. These lights include;

  • Oil warning light- When this light shows up, you need to check up on your engine's oil. The
    levels might have dropped due to leakage, low oil pressure, or the oil needs to be changed.
  • Coolant light- That is a sign that your engine might be overheated. The best option is to park
    aside and give the engine time to cool off. Also, check on the coolant levels.
  • Brake light warning- This warning light indicates that the brake fluid levels are low or the
    braking system is faulty.

The dashboard light is critical and plays a pivotal role in keeping your car in charge of the problems that
can be seen physically.

Ensure your car is warranted.
Calamities ring no bells, and that is for sure since problems related to car pop in out of nowhere. The
best option is always to protect your car from any unforeseen problems. Such problems include engine-
related failures, transmission skipping, electrical components faults, and body panel dents and
scratches. An extended warranty is essential, especially once the factory warranty has expired. It can be
purchased via third-party dealers and covers your vehicle extensively, depending on your plan type.


Avoid overloading
If you care about your German car, wish to see it drive, and feel as new for the next couple of years
ahead, avoid overloading. Furthermore, it is an offense to overload your vehicle since its punishable by
law. Excessive loading damages your car’s suspension system and massively strains your vehicle's wheel
alignment. Don't get surprised when told to change your car’s suspension system after a short period of
use. On top of that, tires wear out so quickly and require changes within the shortest time.

Skipping routine cleaning
One free tip for making your German car look fresh and appealing is routine cleaning. You are advised to
wash your car thoroughly at least once a week. That includes washing and cleaning the car's interior and
exterior parts. Debris and dust tend to clog most vital parts within a car that eventually jam up when not
cleaned. Besides, cleanliness helps preserves a car’s radiant and sleek look.


The guidelines above are essential in helping you secure the well-being of your car. You are advised to
always stick to the do and avoid the don’ts. Besides, once you own that German car, consider purchasing
extra protection through an extended car warranty. The 36,000 miles factory warranty will only be
enough if you keep your car for a short time.

We are just a phone call away! +1.866.6660.6444 is our toll-free line, or email us at

How Does Car Insurance Work On Rental Vehicles

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Car rental is a service that many opt for when looking for temporary cars for various purposes. That can
be either for vacation, a business trip, or when a customer's cart is broken down and an urgent need
pop up. The car rental service has garnered a huge following over the years due to its convenience,
reliability, and affordability. Those customers looking for rental cars car testify that, at some point, they
were introduced to car rental insurance.

Though not mandatory, this insurance is crucial in keeping your car risk-free if things go bad during the
trip. The insurance will cover the vehicle against accidents, fires, theft, and natural disasters. You might
ask why a rental cart needs insurance and how it works. Read on to get yourself up to speed with all

Rental vehicle insurance

Rental cars need the same protection against unforeseen risks, just like any other car deserves.
Therefore, that has brought in the need to have such vehicles fully protected from risks insured against.
Rental car insurance is specially crafted into different forms and levels. These levels are similar to
"premiums," like traditional car insurance. That includes;

  • Personal accident insurance
  • Collision damage waiver
  • Liability insurance
  • Personal effect coverage

Collision Damage Waiver

The Collision Damage Waiver, or the Loss Damage Waiver, is a coverage plan offered by the car rental
company for its cars. This particular coverage level plays a vital role in waiving off huge expenses that
result once the rental vehicle falls prey to accidents or is stolen. This form of protection prevents the
events where a car rental company charges a customer in an event where the risk insured against

However, that means the customer won't be charged a single dime. The Collision Damage Waiver comes
with a deductible where the customer gets charged a small fee in the vent when a risk occurs.
Depending on the damage extent, a small deductible will be applied during repairs and replacement.

Liability insurance

When driving a rental car, the chances of causing accidents should not be underestimated. That is why
most rental companies have resorted to providing car liability insurance coverage. This special
protection coverage offers assistance during accidents. That is only if you are found to be at fault and
cause injuries or death to people or destroy property.

Personal accident insurance

If an accident occurs, you and the passenger might get injured. Once an accident occurs and but bad
chance those in the car get hurt, expenses pop up in the form of ambulance services, treatments and
medication, and clearing hospital bills. Such costs get catered for by personal accident insurance.
Insurance companies promoted the need to purchase such insurance plans to reduce the financial
burden and constraints on the affected customers.

Personal Effects coverage.

When traveling for vacations, road trips, or any other form of trip, we always tend to carry personal
belongings with us. Unfortunately, when an accident occurs, some personal items get destroyed or
stolen and lost. This insurance covers rental vehicles and is specially made to cover such things. That can
be luggage and electronics, among others. Once they get stolen or destroyed during an accident, the
insurance covers manages the loss.

What to consider when choosing rental car insurance cover

Before accepting the request by the rental car company offering you the choice of purchasing an
insurance policy, you need to consider several factors. Here are some of the factors to consider before
getting insurance.

Before driving off with a rental car, you must understand that the location where you drive your vehicle
matters a lot. If you choose to drive-in high-risk areas, you will be a victim of accidents, among other
atrocities. Since calamities ring no bells, the best option is to have rental car insurance secured. This will
protect you and the car from all risks.

Type of car
Rental service-providing companies have a wide array of cars from which you can choose. These cars
vary depending on the size and performance. Besides, they al vary in terms of pricing per day. Therefore,
before choosing rental car insurance, always look into the type of car your car is going for. Luxurious and
high-performance vehicles need to be highly considered. The reason is that luxury and high-
performance cars are costly in repairs compared to regular vehicles.

Final Remarks

Rental car insurance helps keep a rental car free from risks that may result in damages, injuries, and
fatalities. When looking for a rental car service, consider purchasing extra insurance coverage. However,
insurance covers aren’t necessary when looking for a rental car. As rental car providers push for the
need to purchase insurance coverage covers for the vehicle, it should also be noted that extended
warranties should not be ignored. Extended warranties also play a vital role in shielding cars from
unforeseen damages on the car. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to get all your needs sorted,
thanks to the extended warranties provided. Get in touch with us via phone (+1-866-660-6444) or email
us at

Why Do You Nееd An Extеndеd Warranty On Nissan Altima 2013?

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Invеsting in a vеhiclе is a significant dеcision, and sеcuring its long-tеrm pеrformancе bеcomеs еqually
еssеntial. This rings еspеcially truе for modеls that havе bееn on thе road for a whilе, likе thе 2013
Nissan Altima. Whilе rеcognizеd for its dеpеndability, еvеn thе most rеliablе vеhiclеs arе subjеct to thе
wеar and tеar of timе and usе. This is where an еxtеndеd warranty comes into play. As thе lifеlinе
еxtеnding bеyond thе manufacturеr's warranty, it еnsurеs your car rеmains protеctеd against
unеxpеctеd brеakdowns and rеpairs, safеguarding your financial invеstmеnt. An еxtеndеd warranty
offеrs morе than just financial covеragе—it grants pеacе of mind to car ownеrs who wish to kееp thеir
vеhiclе in top shape without thе constant worry of potеntial rеpair costs. This article еxplorеs sеvеn
compеlling rеasons for invеsting in an еxtеndеd warranty for your 2013 Nissan Altima.

Protеction Against High Rеpair Costs

The first rеason that makеs an еxtеndеd warranty a worthwhilе invеstmеnt is thе protеction it offеrs
against high rеpair costs. Vеhiclеs, as thеy agе, arе suscеptiblе to wеar and tеar. Your 2013 Nissan
Altima, dеspitе its rеputation for rеliability, is not еxеmpt from this rulе. Ovеr timе, parts can
malfunction or brеak down, lеading to potеntially еxpеnsivе rеpairs. For instance, if your Altima's
transmission rеquirеs rеpair or rеplacеmеnt, you could be looking at a bill of sеvеral thousands of
dollars. Similarly, еnginе issues can burn a holе in your pockеt. If your vеhiclе's air conditioning system
fails, you could be looking at a hеfty sum. Thеsе arе costs that many car ownеrs may not bе prеparеd to
bеar, еspеcially if thеy occur unеxpеctеdly. An еxtеndеd warranty comеs to thе rеscuе in such
scеnarios, covеring thе rеpair costs for most major componеnts. The cost of an еxtеndеd warranty is
typically significantly lеss than the cost of major rеpairs, making it a sеnsiblе invеstmеnt. By providing a
safety nеt, it hеlps to protect you against unanticipatеd rеpair costs.

Enhancеd Pеacе of Mind

Whilе thе financial bеnеfits of an еxtеndеd warranty arе еasy to quantify, thе pеacе of mind it offеrs is
an intangiblе bеnеfit that is еqually important. Whеn you know that your vеhiclе is covеrеd by an
еxtеndеd warranty, you can drivе with grеatеr confidеncе, frее from thе worry of potеntial rеpair costs.
Thе psychological comfort of knowing you'rе financially covеrеd in casе of suddеn brеakdowns can't bе
ovеrlookеd. This pеacе of mind еxtеnds to your lovеd onеs too. If family mеmbеrs borrow your vеhiclе
or arе rеgular passеngеrs, thеy can also еnjoy thе ridе without thе worry of unforеsееn rеpairs. An
еxtеndеd warranty is more than just a financial tool—it's a strеss rеliеvеr. It lets you focus on the
journey and the joy of driving rather than worrying about what might happen. This еnhancеd pеacе of
mind can transform your ovеrall driving еxpеriеncе.

Incrеasеd Vеhiclе Longеvity

An еxtеndеd warranty can also contribute to incrеasеd vеhiclе longеvity. With an еxtеndеd warranty in
place, you will likely get minor issues addressed promptly before they become major problems. This
prеvеntivе approach can go a long way in helping your 2013 Nissan Altima run smoothly for a longеr.
Rеgular maintеnancе is crucial for any vеhiclе's longеvity, and an еxtеndеd warranty oftеn еncouragеs
this. Whеn you know that rеpair costs arе covеrеd, you'rе morе likеly to takе your car in for chеck-ups
and fixеs at thе first sign of troublе, rathеr than waiting for a small problеm to еscalatе into a sеrious
issuе. Furthеrmorе, еxtеndеd warrantiеs oftеn comе with maintеnancе pеrks, such as oil changеs, tirе
rotations, and rеgular inspеctions, which can furthеr contributе to your vеhiclе's lifеspan. By helping you
maintain your Altima in top shape, an еxtеndеd warranty indirеctly contributes to еxtеnding its life on
thе road.

Improvеd Rеsalе Valuе

An еxtеndеd warranty can еnhancе your vеhiclе’s rеsalе valuе. If you dеcidе to sеll your 2013 Nissan
Altima down thе linе, an еxtеndеd warranty can makе your car morе appеaling to potential buyеrs.
Many еxtеndеd warrantiеs arе transfеrablе, mеaning thе rеmaining covеragе can bе passеd on to thе
nеw ownеr. This is a significant sеlling point, as it provides potential buyеrs with addеd assurancе about
thе vеhiclе's condition and thе protеction against possiblе rеpair costs. This can allow you to ask for a
higher pricе compared to similar vеhiclеs without an еxtеndеd warranty. Morеovеr, an еxtеndеd
warranty oftеn indicatеs that thе vеhiclе has bееn wеll carеd for, as rеpairs arе likеly to havе bееn
carriеd out promptly and by profеssional mеchanics—this furthеr еnhancеs thе appеal of your Altima in
thе usеd car markеt.


Thе choicе to invеst in an еxtеndеd warranty for your 2013 Nissan Altima is onе that offеrs a host of
bеnеfits. From protеction against high rеpair costs to covеragе of advancеd componеnts, еnhancеd
pеacе of mind, incrеasеd vеhiclе longеvity, improvеd rеsalе valuе, convеniеncе, and customizablе
covеragе, thе advantagеs arе numеrous and significant. Considеring thеsе factors, an еxtеndеd
warranty is a worthwhile considеration for any 2013 Nissan Altima ownеr. As a result, A-protеct
Warranty Corporation is hеrе to sее that comе into rеalization—Wе offеr among thе bеst еxtеndеd
warranty covеragе that you don't want to miss. Considеr chеcking out our wеbsitе or rathеr givе us a
call at +1-866-660-6444.

Is Nissan A Bad Car Brand?

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Nissan is a familiar word in town since many car lovers have encountered it not once but unaccountable
times. The Japanese automaker is known to produce quality vehicles with surprisingly better reliability,
functionality, and, above all, pocket-friendliness. Sadly, there is always so much mystery attached to
Nissan models, with many wondering whether Nissan is a good brand. That has created an almost non-
ending debate on whether Nissan models are good or a waste of money.

This article should clear the air on whether one should invest in a Nissan car or not. Read to learn more
about Nissan and why an extended warranty is worth investing in.

Pros and Cons of Nissan

To fully get to speed and decide if Nissan is worth it, here is a brief comparison of the pros and cons of
Nissan cars. Once you’ve understood the good and bad sides of Nissan cars, you can now make an
informed decision for yourself.

Pros of Nissan car.

Below are some supporting reasons why you need to invest in Nissan;

Quality and reliability
If you are looking for one of the most reliable and efficient cars in the market right now, you should
invest in Japanese models. Since Nissan is among the best-performing Japanese cars, then don't get
surprised to be advised to invest in it. Nissan is a quality-driven brand that produces the most efficient,
valuable, and quality cars. This is a reality when you invest in a Nissan model.

The structural design, material choice, and unique designs are always the selling point for Nissan
models. The car is built for toughness and to generally last longer compared to other counterparts.
Unsurprisingly, Nissan vehicles are known to last for hundreds of miles with a lower depreciation rate.
The efficiency of Nissan cars will double up only if you are good at maintenance and care and above and
have an extended warranty secured once the manufacturer's warranty expires.

Many car enthusiasts are always after quality cars that are affordable and pocket-friendly when it comes
to maintenance. Nissan is among the leading brands in producing reliable and affordable cars. Buyers on
a budget will easily find a model of Nissan, with the Nissan Versa being the cheapest and the Nissan
Maxima falling in the high-end category. Additionally, Nissan has one of the least expensive
maintenance budgets. Nissan models only cost a little to maintain since they are built to handle the
harshest and the most extreme conditions.

Good fuel economy
Car owners with the most fuel-efficient cars seem less worried about the ever-rising gas prices. Well,
Nissan models are among the car that will make you get fewer worries thanks to their less fuel use. The
powertrain of Nissan models is uniquely designed to cover long miles under fewer miles per gallon

Cons Of Nissan car brands

Notable quality issues
As much as Nissan has prevailed to be one of the most reliable and quality brands, some limitations are
still common to some Nissan models. Some of the quality issues are so common with selected series and
generations of models. For instance, the Nissan Sentra and the Nissan Pathfinder have been common
victims of transmission faults. The transmission system of these models has been reported to be poor
hence frequent breakdowns that are ultimately expensive to repair.

On top of that, there have been other complaints, such as the faulty Takata airbags on some models,
rusty body panels, leaking engine oil, and poor infotainment system.

Outdated designs
Nissan has been pointed at for producing models that are poorly designed. Given the current designs
being notable among the latest models, Nissan has yet to emerge victorious in the advanced
technological era that we are in. The design in some of Nissan models has yet to be that advanced,
showing how less aggressive Nissan is towards improved design. This sparks a reduced demand by most
new-era buyers since they are leaning towards vehicles that meet the current trends.

Poor safety issue
Safety is mandatory for all cars, and that cannot be played with. However, Nissan models have been
reported to have safety issues that create tension among Nissan owners and first-time buyers. One
major safety flop that got noted was the use of Takata airbags. Thousands of Nissan's models were
recalled after being flagged down due to faulty Takata airbags. As a result, Nissan was noted to have
fewer safety concerns for its customers hence the loss of trust and positive reputation.

Final words

If you’re considering purchasing a Nissan vehicle, weighing the potential risks and benefits is important.
While the company has had some quality issues in recent years, it has also taken steps to address these
issues and improve the quality of its vehicles. Ultimately, whether or not to purchase a Nissan vehicle
will depend on what this article has provided above. Nissan offers an extended warranty program that
can provide additional protection for your investment. Get in touch with us for an extended warranty
plan via phone at +1-866-660-644 (toll-free) or write to us via email at

Why Extended Warranty Is Required To Keep Your Car In Good Shape

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en anglais américain. Pour le confort de l’utilisateur, le contenu est affiché ci-dessous dans une autre langue. Vous pouvez cliquer le lien pour changer de langue active.

When shopping for a car, you should purchase an extended warranty from the dealership. Since you
might not be conversant with extended warranties, you might have ignored the offer. An extended
warranty is a great deal, especially when you are in a situation where paying up for sudden expensive
repairs is a problem. Since most population lives under a budget, an extended warranty is much more
critical. Extended warranties have long been viewed as a savior in car maintenance.

You might be wondering and asking yourself why. This unique warranty plays a vital role in upholding
your car's shape. How that happens is still a mystery to some. This article unfolds and helps one clearly
understand the relationship between an extended warranty and the quality of your car.

An extended warranty boosts the resale value of a car.

Do you own a car that you plan on selling shortly? Well, you better secure an extended warranty before
it’s too late. Extended warranty plans are vital in seeing your car is in top condition. Considering that
when reselling cars, we always want top dollar for it. Extended warranty plans make that dream come to
actualization. Since maintenance becomes seamless during ownership, the car retains most of its value
because extended warranty plans reduce the depreciation rates.

That makes your car appealing and attractive to buyers willing to dig deeper only to settle for the car.
You will end up receiving a decent amount of money out of that. However, you will get less money from
the car than possible when things are the same way. That is because a car with low value will sell low.

Reduces maintenance cost

Maintenance is a huge challenge that many car owners always complain of. Given the current cost of
living, looking after a car has become a burden that any are struggling and grappling with. The repair
cost is now higher than ever before, and do remember the high prices of spare parts needed for
replacement. Some people now resort to selling off their cars, while others keep them in garages for
fear of maintenance.

However, a car owner who has their car secured with an extended warranty cannot complain of the
same. That is because extended warranties play a significant role in reducing maintenance costs.
Understanding how maintenance is critical in keeping cars in good form, extended warranty provider
offer as much assistance as possible in keeping cars in great shape. The assistance offered in the form of
cushions against costly repairs is enough to make maintenance smooth.

Saves cost

Looking after a car now becomes a burden to many. That is because of the high cost of maintenance.
The increased living cost is affecting everything, including cars. Car owners are now feeling the harsh
effects of increased living costs. Extended warranties come in to help reduce the costs of maintenance.
In turn, the car owners save money that would instead be directed into maintenance.

That is so helpful to an individual who lives under a tight budget and can use the money saved for other
purposes. With an increased saving routine, looking after your car also becomes much more accessible;hence one can keep their car in the best for the longest time. An extended warranty is helpful, especially for individuals who own luxurious car brands that are slightly demanding.

It provides peace of mind.

Are you constantly worried about paying for repair and replacement costs whenever your car breaks
down? That can sometimes be annoying, especially when your car is very problematic. You need peace
of mind! This is one of the high prices and not easily achieved feat, but that will be easy with an
extended warranty.

Extended warranty coverage eliminates the fear and anxiety once your car fails. Instead, it increases
individual confidence and provides peace without worrying about breakdowns and maintenance costs.
Peace of mind, alongside other benefits of extended warranties, helps streamline car maintenance and
improves the conditions of your car.

Final words.

Need help finding the best way to keep your car in good shape besides the other traditional methods?
Investing in an extended warranty works magic and is a free secret to maintaining your car’s steady form
and shape. Understand that purchasing your car is just the tip of the iceberg since one gets shielded by
the factory warranty. Real problems start just after the warranty expires. Maintenance becomes a pain
in the neck, especially when you are unprepared.

However, with an extended warranty secured, you are guaranteed improved cr functionality, save on
maintenance costs, and above all, enjoy peace of mind. Come secure an extended warranty from us at a
friendly and discounted price. You can get a free quote and later shop with us by calling
+1.866.6660.6444 (toll-free) or emailing

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Driving Across Alberta

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en anglais américain. Pour le confort de l’utilisateur, le contenu est affiché ci-dessous dans une autre langue. Vous pouvez cliquer le lien pour changer de langue active.

Alberta is among the scenic regions one can ever drive through. The province is a hidden gem that's is its
naturalistic beauty that runs across its vast territory. We are talking about the rough terrain with plenty
of rivers, lakes, and natural forests playing a huge role in creating a therapeutic feel. Indeed, Alberta is
one of the best provinces to add to your bucket list to travel any time of the year.

While you plan on doing so, you need to consider what to do and what not to do while driving through
Alberta. This article will enlighten one on the driving tips of Alberta alongside the need to secure an
extended warranty.


Always plan before driving
Alberta is a vast province with tons of top destinations you might find interesting. That give allows you
to explore the heavily endorsed nature among other natural sites. Prior planning needs to come in
handy when thinking about visiting and driving around Alberta for a vacation. New drivers need to be
more conversant with the surrounding roads, and destinations rely on prior planning. That will help
avoid missing top sights and not getting lost.

To get that done, you are advised to use a map of GPS that will put you to speed with the surrounding.
Otherwise, the chances of getting lost and missing out on top sights and destinations are very high
without planning.


Not understanding Alberta’s traffic rules.
Provinces in Canada have varying traffic rules, with a few rules basis, one being the same all over the
country’s regions. However, Alberta has its own traffic rules that differ from other regions. Therefore, if
you are a visitor or a first-time driver, you must know all the traffic rules applicable in Alberta. When
found at fault, there will be charged, while some extreme cases might lead to huge fines and even
jailing. It is wise to learn the traffic rules so you will always be on the right side.


Check on your fuel gauge.
Alberta is huge, with long straight roads passing through large unoccupied places. Therefore, you must
ensure that the car's tank is always enough since running low on gas in an area with no gas stations is
risky. Therefore, never make long trips when your fuel gauge is almost empty. Some signs notify drivers
of that in most parts of the province. Since such remote areas might be far from quick assistance and
towing, always ensure your fuel tank is complete and you have extra gas when making long trips.


Reckless driving
Driving recklessly is an offense by itself, which calls for a fine, among other charges. As a good driver,
you are advised to shun driving your car recklessly and avoid bad driving habits. Reckless driving is a
threat to you as the driver, passengers, pedestrians, and also the vehicle. During winter, Alberta turns
into one of the harshest places to drive. The roads notoriously cause havoc to drivers due to black
forming and snow. During such seasons, drivers must stick to cautious driving habits such as reducing
speeds. Not only do such habits get applied during winter, but any other season must also be adhered to
with good driving habits.


Invest in an extended warranty
You might be shocked to learn of this tip, but it is a vital one that you need to work on. As a car owner in
Alberta, one thing your car should never lack is an extended warranty. This warranty is specially crafted
to tackle surprise and sudden faults on the vehicle that might be too costly. An extended warranty plan
is a perfect way to protect yourself from occurrences that will cost you an arm and a leg. Besides, once
you have secured an extended warranty plan, you have peace of mind. This is the ultimate goal that
extended warranties will make you enjoy.


Ignoring wildlife
Alberta has plenty of wildlife, including bears, moose, and deer. These animals are found almost
everywhere in the Alberta territory. Therefore, you must be vigilant when driving and keep your eyes on
the road. Wild animals are fond of crossing roads, which poses a great danger to you. As a result, careful
driving needs to be considered. When animals cross, you are advised to slow down and give them time.
Always avoid close contact and feeding when approaching wild animals.


Driving across Alberta is fun and what you must have on your bucket list if planning to visit Alberta. The
tips above on what to do and what not to while driving through Alberta are very helpful in ensuring you
have a smooth experience. Besides, you are advised to always have an extended warranty secured for
your car. Such a warranty will place you in a position where you can easily handle sudden and costly
faults in your car. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need an extended warranty plan for your car. Our
email is, or you can make a call at +1-866-660-6444.

Why Lexus is not the same as Toyota

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Toyota Motor Corporation is a giant establishment leading as the world's top automobile producer. The
company is home to top models, with Toyota and Lexus's models produced under the parent "Toyota
Motor Corporation. Both Lexus and Toyota have immense global recognition as well as a reputation.
They are different, with Lexus, introduced in the early 90s, being a luxury division under the Toyota
Motor Corporation while Toyota became known as a mass-market brand. Toyota and Lexus's difference
ranges from the exterior designs, performance, handling, interior luxury, and styles. The connection
between Lexus and Toyota is never the same, which puzzles many.

This article is a complete guide that unravels why Toyota and Lexus are two different brands and not the
same. On top of that, you shall also understand why an extended car warranty matters when looking to
secure your car.


When looking for the easiest way to differentiate between Toyota and Lexus, we must begin with
performance and handling. Both models have a superb performance records hence their huge global
recognition. Powertrain reliability is a key feature that Lexus and Toyota incorporate into their models,
given that it is the selling point of Toyota Motor Corporation brands. The two models have super
powerful powertrain systems that are reliable and can push through for long periods. However, you will
easily conclude that Lexus offers top-notch performance when making a head-to-head comparison.

One reason backing that is Lexus' investment in top-tier powertrain parts that enhance the performance
of their models. On the other hand, Toyota performs slightly below Lexus as most of its models are more
practical and affordable. The powertrain system of Lexus models is designed for immense power
production that enhances speeds and super handling thanks to the adaptive suspension system and a
lightning-quick transmission.

Toyota has a slightly less powerful powertrain system compared to Lexus. The engine of most Toyota
models are slightly smaller and come with a practical suspension system.

Exterior and interior design

Both Toyota and Lexus come with amazing and mastery-crafted exterior designs. However, once again,
Lexus tops compared to Toyota, thanks to its luxurious exterior styling. The front grill of most Lexus is
always unique and is often used as the luxury signature on most high-end Lexus models. The elegant
front grill, positioning of the front lights, and a sleek fine body panel with fine curves and sharp angles
are just magical.

On the other side, Toyota’s exterior designs are just basic features, slightly less luxurious features. The
exterior designs are more simple than flashy and elegant compared to Lexus. Interior-wise, Lexus beats
Toyota hands down. The interior of most Lexus brands is always a masterpiece, thanks to its elegant
tech and luxury features. The safety features of most Lexus vehicles are so sophisticated, thanks to the
extra techy touch. Besides, the infotainment system and other interior amenities are just advanced and
incomparable to Toyota's counterparts. Toyota models perform relatively low when it comes to interior
comparison. Most interior features are so basic, with minimal luxury features and amenities.


The pricing of Lexus and Toyota draws a very significant difference. Most Toyota models are among the
most affordable cars compared to Lexus models. Well, several factors make that happen. One of the
reasons why the price tag of Lexus models is way higher than Toyota's is due to the luxury touch and
extra premium features with Lexus models. Most Lexus models with huge prices are more designed for
the high-end market, whereas Toyota models are primarily focused on a more budget-conscious market.

Lexus models target consumers who are after luxury and comfort and have an extra feel for comfort,
unique styling, and technology. Contrary to that, Toyota models are a primary target for consumers who
are focused more on the reliability and affordability of a vehicle. That meets the needs of most car
enthusiasts who are satisfied thanks to Toyota’s fuel economy, lower maintenance costs, and improved
safety features.

Warranty difference

Pointing out warranty differences between Lexus and Toyota models is quite easy. Since all brand-new
cars come straight from the factory doors and usually have a factory warranty. Lexus models come with
a basic 4-years (50,000 miles) factory warranty alongside a 6-years (70,000 miles) powertrain warranty.
On the other side, Toyota models come with a 3-year (36,000 miles) basic warranty and a 5-years
(60,000 miles) powertrain warranty. The factory warranty is assigned to secure any sudden faults
occurring naturally for the duration.

Unfortunately, once the given duration runs out, car owner is expected to meet all maintenance
expenses by themselves. That now brings us to extended warranties. This extension of the expired
factory warranty works in a similar but more extensive way compared to the factory warranty.


Reliability and better built-in quality are common features between Lexus and Toyota. However, both
models still need to be placed on the same board since significant differences remain. Most Lexus
models are preferred for their extensive luxury and premium features, while Toyota models are
preferred for their reliability and affordability.

Both brands offer factory warranties to keep them in good for the given period. Once the period expires,
A-protect Warranty Corporation is here to sort you out. We offer affordable extended warranties that
will guarantee maximum protection against unforeseen damages. Please email us at info@a- for further assistance, or call us at +1-866-660-6444.

When Is The Last Day To Change Snow Tires?

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Driving in cold regions with inclement weather can be very frustrating and an absolute challenge.
Constant snow, storms, and ice formation on the roads can be a total menace to beginner drivers and
those with long experience. Due to the slimy-like nature of the roads, there are frequent skids due to icy
roads and snow stuck on roads completely covered in snow. Such vary depending on the location and
nature of the conditions, with some areas facing harsh winter conditions that make driving impossible.

However, as you prepare for winter, you must prepare your car well for what is coming ahead. One
thing that you ought to remember is securing winter tires. Winter tires are special tires that are specially
adapted for winter driving. These tires offer the best traction on winter roads and are immune to
shallow temperatures. Unlike ordinary summer tires, winter tires also boost car safety during winter.

Since calamity rings no bells, the best thing to do is to prepare early before things take a different toll.
Get rid of the summer tires and gear up with the snow tires for winter.

Benefits of using winter tires.

Winter tires come with advanced technology.
Temperatures drops are so standard during winter, with some parts in the region recording over -81.4F
at some point. As a result, the temperature drop comes with consequences that are never fair to cars.
Regular summer tires cannot survive such temperature drops since they are made to perform in slightly
higher temperatures.

Conversely, snow tires have all the vital features and are fully adapted. The winter tires are made with a
special rubber compound that can make the tires remain first and steady even in the coldest
temperatures. That makes the tires conform to the road properly, providing better handling while
driving. Besides, winter tires have a unique tread pattern that enhances better gripping on icy roads. It is
also shaped like drains, offers water, and expels snow.

Guarantee safety
Safety is a high price during winter driving that should not be taken for granted. That is because all the
odds are always against driving, and you must fight to have a safe experience. Switching to snow tires is
the only gateway to safety. These tires possess all the vital features that improve the car's handling even
in the worst conditions. That way, you will have peace of mind while driving and be confident enough.

Winter driving is a leading cause of most road carnages in different parts of the country, leading to loss
of lives and injuries. As a result, equipping your car with all the vital safety features is inevitable.

Improves control and handling of a car
Skidding and reduced braking efficiency are common occurrences, and all happen due to poor traction.
That is the grip between the tires and the road. Snow tires have an improved stop-up time three times
faster than regular all-season tires. On top of that, these tires offer better handling that helps stabilize
control on worst occasions, such as skidding. That helps with reducing the tension that comes in when
such happens.

Winter tires maintenance tips

Install winter tires in sets of 4.
Always install your tires in a set of four and avoid them, a common mistake drivers make. Installing four
winter tires will help provide balanced traction and improve handling and stability. Besides, the tires
must have the same tread pattern and avoid cases where some are worn out more than others.

Replace worn-out tires once noticed.
Running on worn-out winter tires is similar to digging a grave for yourself. Therefore, you have to keep
your tires on a regular check and quickly replace any tires that might be worn out. When the tires are
uneven, poor control and instability are common.

Avoid all-weather tires
You might be tempted to try all-weather tires since they can be kept on a car all year. Sadly, all-weather
tires do not have the best efficiency and performance compared to snow tires. Therefore, the only tires
that will guarantee a smooth experience throughout the winter are winter tires.


Here in Canada, winter starts from as early as November, all the way to late April, in most parts of the
country. During this time, there is always constant snowfall, storms, and ice forming on roads.
Therefore, as a vigilant and careful drier, you must be steadfast in preparation for what is coming. The
best option is to equip your vehicle with winter tires a month before the beginning of the winter season.

On top of that, you are also advised to secure an extended warranty to keep your vehicle secure from all
unforeseen damages on your car. During winter, your car gets vulnerable to damages, thus the need for
securing an extended warranty specifically for dealing with that. Talk to us for a free quote via email at or give us a call at +1.866-6660-6444.

Advantages Of Driving An American Car

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America has always been viewed as the world’s biggest economy, and that has been known since the
world wars. That has made the country stand out as a significant hub and giant in almost every other
sector, from manufacturing to service provision. The automobile industry has a strong history and
background starting in America. In short, America has been the "jack of all trades." The country is known
to produce world-class vehicles, with several global car makers having their roots in America. That
includes; Ford, GMC, Chrysler, Jeep, Chevrolet, Cadillac, and Dodge.

These car-making companies are known globally for producing quality vehicles that offer competitive
features with the outside world. Among the feature attributed to most American cars are better and
improved performance, pleasing aesthetics, quality, reliability, and cutting-edge technological

That brings us to where people want to understand the benefits of driving American cars. Read on!

American cars are made out of better quality.

One reputation for American cars that have been in existence is quality. The material use applied in the
production line is always top-tier and guarantees usage for the longest time possible. It is no surprise
that some of the best quality vintage American classic cars are still running on the roads. Furthermore,
these cars are always in the finest forms and look clean.

That generally puts America at the top of the games regarding quality. A quality car will always be the
best driving experience for a long. However, you should be aware of the quality aspect of most
American cars. Some of these cars eventually give in to frequent breakdowns despite being made of the
best quality. Therefore, if you plan on securing an American car driven by the "quality" feature, top up
with an extended car warranty.

Fuel efficiency

Once you need most of your car to sell well in the American market, increasing the mileage will work
magic. That is precisely what most American car makers have been doing over the years and making
improvements gradually. Many drivers and car owners have applied most American car models for
improved mileage that helps save a lot on gas.

Given the high current hiking prices of gas globally, most American car owners can enjoy, though
different from previously, thanks to the high mileage feature.

Offer improved handling

Are you looking for the best car that offers superb handling even on the worst terrain? Well, look no
further since American cars have got you covered. Reputable car makers such as Jeep and Ford are
known to produce rigid cars that offer the best handling features new to the world. American cars are
designed to offer the best handling thanks to the agile suspension system that is strong enough and
offers stability even at high speed.

American cars have improved performance.

You will always talk about American cars when talking about engine power, rocket-quick transmission
shifting, fast braking, and fast pick-up speed. Most American cars come with powerful engines with different trims, not forgetting the CVT transmission systems. Most American cars have a powerful and
efficient braking system to counter the high performance of the powertrain system.

It comes in huge sizes.

Size matter when it comes to American cars. Car models produced by most American companies come
in huge sizes. This site provides more than enough interior cabin space for the driver, passengers, and
cargo room. One factor that contributed to this feature is that most American roads are usually wide
and not windy compared to European roads.

As a result, cars are made entirely huge with no fear of squeezing with other cars on the road.

American cars have a suitable aesthetic.

The general appearance of American cars from the first look draws you in. That is because American
engineers work on the aesthetic of their cars to make them have a sharp and exquisite look. The
placement of the front and rear lights, curvatures, and the perfect streamlines will carry you off. That
gives the car a beastly look and, on top of that, improved quality.


As much as the automobile industry is now so competitive and challenging, American car makers are not
sleeping on the job. Companies such as Ford, Cadillac, and Jeep are endlessly working around the clock
to produce masterpieces that are doing perfectly well on the global market.

We see how much better American cars are proving to be despite the long time being in the top place.
When shopping for an American car, do so with zero fears and utmost confidence. On top of that, we
recommend getting extra protection for your car since it won't be immune to breakdowns.

Try reaching us for a free quote via email at or hit that dial

Can you donate your car in 2024?

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Donating is one trait we should all embrace. The funds or possessions given away to the various
humanitarian aid organizations and charities are so much beneficial to someone on the other end of the
world. Donating in 2024 May in various forms ranging from cash, clothing, and other possession such as
cars. If you have been struggling to understand whether cars can be given out as donations, then this
article is all you need.

We have comprehensively outlined a clear guideline for donating your car to charity in 2024. Read on!

Guide to donating a car in 2024

Donating a car in 2024 is easier than ever before. Since charity is about giving back to the community,
the process can be manageable. Check out the following guideline that you need to follow before
making up your mind to donate a car;

Understand the types of cars that can be donated.

Before thinking of donating a car, you must understand the specific types of cars allowed for donations.
The many donating organization allow for a wide scope of cars. However, some organizations have limits
to the type of car they accept.

Identify and vet car charity organizations.

Since donating a car in 2024 is now easier and swift, that can be attributed to the huge number of
charity organizations here in Canada. Once you’ve learned the types of cars that can be donated to
charity, what follows next is identifying the charity organization to hand over your car.

This is the most critical step that, when precautions are not taken, might end up in regrets. You must
understand that not all organizations masquerading as charity organizations are authentic. Plenty of
previous scams have been reported where people donate cars to shady charity organizations. To fully
understand and determine the real from the fake charities, doing a vet for the charity organizations
must come in handy.

Below is a criterion that you need to apply when vetting the organizations;

The organization has to be verified to receive tax-deductible donations
The charity receiving your car needs to be qualified to receive tax-deductible donations.

The charity needs to be open and transparent.
Before settling down on a charity organization, ensure the company is transparent and open enough.
Not all qualified charities are usually open to managing the funds they receive. For instance, there have
been numerous reports where charities sell donated cars and only use a small percentage of the money
acquired after selling the car for charity programs.

Check out some of the qualified charitable organizations to perhaps you might want to donate a car;

  • Kidney Cance Canada
  • helping homeless pets
  • CancerCare Manitoba
  • South Youth Organization.

Make the donation

Once you’ve selected the qualified charity, you can head over and deliver the car you wish to donate.
However, before doing so, you need to prepare and do all the necessary papers works and documents
required. That includes; The date of donation and all the registration details about the car.

Request for a tax receipt for the donation

Once the charity organization has received the car donation, it is up to them to write back to you. The
organization’s formal statement confirms that the donation was received. Further information in the
documentation will depend on the value of your car and whether the car was sold or used by the charity

In case when the charity doesn’t sell the vehicle, the tax receipt will include the following;

  • Tax identification number
  • Registration details of the car and the VIN
  • The date of the contribution
  • Confirmation that there were no exchanges for the car while making the donation

However, the tax receipt differs once the charity sells off your donation.

The document sent will include the following;

  • A confirmation statement that the car wasn’t sold to related parties but to a customer
  • The date when the car was sold
  • The value of the car and the proceeds acquired from the sale.

Once you have received the tax receipt, you can later use it to attach to your files when filing your
returns for tax deduction purposes. Remember, the car donations you now will be used in a tax
deduction in the coming year.

Why car donating is worth it.

Donating a car to a charity in 2024 helps in tax deductions based on the vehicle’s fair market value.
Donating is the fastest way of disposing of your car compared to selling, which is quite a hefty process.
Junking or selling means you get less value for your car.


If you own a car that you do not use or are in bad shape and want to dispose of it, please consider
donating it to charities. The vehicle could be used by the charity for its activities or rather sold, and the
proceeds used to help those less fortunate in our communities.
Not only will your donation change someone’s life, but it will also greatly boost your taxes. The proceeds
duse of the donated vehicle will be applied during your tax filing and deduct a small portion of what you
are required to file.