The Challenges of Keeping Your Old Car in Great Shape

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So which is the best thing to do when it comes to cars and saving money? Investing in a new vehicle or keeping your old car? We all know that taking care of something old can take a lot more effort and 

You Have to Follow Your Manufacturer’s Recommended Maintenance 

One of the most important things that you should not forget to do is follow the recommended maintenance especially if you own an old car. Old cars need to be serviced based on the accumulated mileage, this means that the higher the mileage is, the more often the car needs to be serviced.

If you disregard the recommended maintenance, this could cause expensive repairs, sudden car breakdowns, or even a dreadful accident. Don’t wait around until you hear alarming noises. 

There’s a long list of things that you need to do to properly maintain your vehicle. Here are 10 basic tips that you need to follow:

  1. Make sure that your car brake system works
  2. Change all the important rubbers in your car
  3. Inspect your battery and make sure that it is corrosion-free
  4. Have your transmission fluid and filter replaced
  5. Ensure that your coolant levels are full
  6. Have your timing belt replaced especially for cars with more than 100,000 miles
  7. Make sure that your steering and suspension system works perfectly
  8. Never take your tires for granted, have them routinely rotated, and make it a habit to check the tire pressure
  9. Don’t forget about your windshield wipers
  10. And last but not least, be a responsible driver

You Have to Clean Your Old Car Religiously

The exterior part of your old car might be the least of your worries when It comes to extending its life, but did you know that the exterior part is as important as the interior parts? You have to set aside some time and effort to clean your car even if you have a really busy schedule.

There are three important reasons why you need to clean your car religiously.

  1. More often than not, your vehicle is a first impression. If you want to keep on driving an aesthetically-pleasing car, then you should keep in mind that washing your car regularly preserves the beauty of paint and a clear coat. 
  2. You may not realize this but driving a dirty vehicle can put you at risk. It’s important to have a clean windshield, windows, and mirror for you to get proper visibility, especially on rainy days. 

Make sure to also clear your interior of any potential blockage, especially the driver’s side, that will prevent you from being able to use the pedals.

  1. Don’t wait until your vehicle is bound for some costly repairs on parts that could’ve been avoided if you just took care of your car properly. Tires and wheels are the most common parts of your vehicle that collects dirt, mud, and other harmful elements. If you don’t clean these parts, then expect your tires and wheels to wear faster. We all know how expensive tire replacements are. 

You Have to Regularly Grease and Lubricate Your Old Car

Your vehicle is composed of numerous moving parts that are mostly metal. When one metal moves against each other, it creates a lot of friction and heat which contributes to faster wear of the part. To avoid this, you have to properly lubricate your car may it be old or new. 

The lesser the friction is, the smoother and better the drive will be.  

Get Your Additional Coverage with A-Protect Warranty

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Get the best-extended car warranty for old cars with A-Protect Warranty. Talk to our representative and get your free quote today! No obligation!

Key Take-Away

These days, more and more people are holding on to their vehicles for a longer time instead of buying a new one because it’s more practical. There might be a lot of challenges when it comes to keeping your old car in great shape, but paying for maintenance or even repairs will only amount to a small fraction of what you would pay if you will purchase a new car. 

Stop Burning Rubber On the Road and 6 Other Preventive Tips to Avoid Any Tire Issues

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In this article, we will talk about 6 points you need to keep in mind for you to maximize your tires’ life and avoid any tire issues along the way. 

  1. Check Your Tire Pressure Regularly

If you’re not sure about how to check the tire pressure, it’s pretty simple! You just need a tire pressure gauge, either a standard gauge or a digital one. Before you attempt your first inspection, make sure that your tires are cold. Verify the manufacturer’s recommended PSI for your tires. Check each tire for pressure and fill them with the approved air pressure level. 

If you don’t have an air compressor, you can either visit a gas station or give your mechanic a call to help you out. Keep in mind to check your tire pressure monthly.

  1. Never Drive with Mismatched Tires

Don’t even think about using mismatched tires, it’s just not safe. As a rule of thumb, in case 1 tire needs replacement and you don’t have enough money to buy a complete set, at least buy two tires and place them in the rear. 

If you only replace that one tire that got punctured, you’re at a lot of risks. You’re going to have to deal with abnormal wear and tear. 

  1. Rotate Your Tires for a Smoother Ride

To maximize the life on your tires and for even tread wear, rotate your tires on a regular basis. It is recommended to have your tires rotated at least every 6000 miles. Tire rotation will maintain proper stability and efficient traction on the road. 

There are four ways to properly rotate your tires, and this depends on the type of car you drive.

  1.           Forward Cross

This type of rotation is most common in front-wheel drive vehicles. What you need to do is to directly switch the front tire to the back while staying on the same side. For the rear tires, cross them when switching it to the front making an X-pattern on the changeover.

  1. Rearward Cross

A rearward cross pattern is when you do the exact opposite of the forward cross pattern. You will directly move the rear tires to the front while staying on the same side. The front tires should cross when it reaches the back for rear replacement. This means that the then right front tire goes to the left-back tire. This type of rotation will best suit rear-wheel drive, 4-wheel drive, and all-wheel drive vehicles.

  1. X-Pattern

An X-Pattern is great for front-wheel drive vehicles. This means that you need to switch all four tires in an x-pattern crossing them diagonally. This is to give even tread wear. 

  1. Directional Switch

For directional switch, you just need to bring the front tires to the back and vice versa keeping them on the same side. Directional tires have a unique tread pattern to work particularly on the right or left side of the car.  

  1. A Bald Head Might Be Sexy, But A Bald Tire Isn’t

Don’t wait for your tires to be on their deathbed before you plan on changing them. I know tires can be costly but choosing to drive with bald tires life will cost you your life. Bald tires are one of the primary cause of road accidents. If your tires don’t have any tread pattern left, this can cause blowouts, improper traction, and too much heat buildup. 

  1. Make Sure Your Wheels Are Aligned Properly

Why is it important to have your wheels properly aligned and what does it have to do with the tires? When your wheels are not aligned properly, you will notice unusual wear which is smooth on one side and sharp on the other, also known as “feathered” tires. 

  1. Remove Unnecessary Weight

Different vehicles have different maximum weights that they can safely handle. Overloading your car will cause your tires to fail or worse, blowout. It causes a lot of strain on your car and makes it impossible for you to drive properly. Aside from having tire problems, you will be consuming more fuel because your car will need to produce more energy to go forward when there is too much weight.  

6 Tire Pressure Facts You Should Know for Safe Driving

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Properly inflated tires are essential for a safe drive. This is the only part of your vehicle that has direct contact with the road. Here are 6 facts about tire pressure for your peace of mind.


  1. Why Is Tire Pressure Important?

Correct tire pressure is important for tire maintenance. When you follow the recommended tire pressure from your manufacturer, you’re one step closer to minimizing the fast wear and tear of your vehicle tires.

When your tires are properly inflated, you will have maximum performance and have better control of your car.

  1. How Will I Know the Correct Tire Pressure for My Vehicle?

One of the ways to know the correct tire pressure is to look at your owner’s manual. The air inside your tires is measure in PSI (pounds per square inch), and the most common psi range is from 30-35.

There are 3 pressure gauges you can use to find out the tire pressure.

  1. Pen-type pressure gauges 
  2. Dial pressure gauges 
  3. Digital pressure gauges 

When you check your tire, make sure it’s “cold”. You either do this before you drive your car, or wait for about 2 hours or more after you’ve driven your car. Check your tire pressure once a month or before any lengthy travels.

  1. What Should I Do to Maintain the Correct Tire Pressure?

The first thing you should do to maintain proper tire pressure is to regularly check it. Some people do a quick check every time they get their gas-filled up. If that sounds a bit extreme for you, you can check it at least once a month. 

When you notice that the PSI level on your tire is over the recommended range, then let out some air until you reach the proper range. If your tires lack air, visit your nearest gas station to use their pump. 

  1. What Happens When I Drive with A Poorly Inflated Tire?

Poorly inflated tires do not only mean underinflated, but this also covers overinflated tires. What happens when you drive with poorly inflated tires is that you don’t have good control when maneuvering and that you’re more likely to waste fuel.

Poorly inflated tires are the number cause of tire failures and blowouts. Blowouts happen when tires overheat caused by increased friction of an underinflated tire with the road. 

Overinflated tires can also cause a lot of damage. Aside from experiencing an unpleasant ride from feeling all the humps and bumps from uneven roads, you’ll also have a hard time maneuvering the vehicle with a hard and stiff tire.

  1. Should I Consider Weather Condition for My Tire Pressure?

Have you ever wondered why you suddenly find yourself with low tire pressure during colder temperatures? This is because the air molecules tend to move slower and clump together. When the temperature rises, the air molecules tend to move faster and away from each other. 

Some would say that when it’s cold outside, you should inflate your tires automatically, others would say to let it be. The only thing that you should follow is what your owner’s manual says about the recommended psi for your tire. If you’re not sure, visit your mechanic and have them inspect your tire air pressure.

  1. Should I Just Rely on Tire Pressure Sensors?

A TPMS (tire-pressure monitoring system) is a device that continuously monitors tire air pressures and warns you when the pressure is dangerously low. TPMS are present in 2008 vehicle models or newer.

The TPMS warning sign only gets triggered when the psi drops down to 25 which is way below the manufacturer’s recommended psi requirement. This is why you shouldn’t rely on tire pressure sensors as an alternative for regular tire pressure check-ups. If the warning light is on, you’re in serious trouble. 

Key Take-Away

Tire issues shouldn’t be ignored. The key to proper tire air pressure is to always follow the recommended manufacturer psi range which you can see in your owner’s manual. Make sure that you do your regular tire check-ups. You can do this on your own by using any of the 3 pressure gauges or you could visit your mechanic just to be sure.  

Driving On Highways? 8 Tricks to Remember to Reduce Fuel Cost

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These days, more people are looking for ways to save money. Some people choose to eat out less, others prefer to recycle. Did you know that there is a trick you can do whenever you’re on the road to save money? 

In this article, I’m going to tell you 8 tricks to remember to reduce fuel cost whenever you’re driving on the highway. 

  1. Make Sure That You Drive Only Within Speed Limit

Aside from driving beyond the speed limit is illegal, mix over speeding with a bad weather condition and that’s a recipe for disaster. But did you know that when you drive only within the speed limit will not only save you your life, but will also do wonders to your fuel?

Yes! You read that right! If you drive within the speed limit, you’re on your first step to saving on fuel cost. What happens when you step on the gas harder Is that the more fuel your engine consumes.  

  1. Be A Sensible and Responsible Driver

Don’t go too fast or go on road rage. Stop driving like Tyrese in Fast and Furious or you’ll end up worse than just getting a fender-bender. There are a lot of risks involving aggressive driving. For one, driving aggressively is an accident bound to happen. Another is faster wear and tear on your vehicle, and lastly, a waste of fuel.

  1. Avoid Idling Too Much

Whenever you need to do a quick stop, you might be thinking that idling won’t do much damage to your car. Well, it won’t but it can consume fuel as much as half a gallon per hour. Remember to turn off your car whenever it is parked. 

Excessive fuel consumption only equates to excessive and unnecessary fuel costs.

  1. It Costs Lesser to Decelerate Than to Keep Use the Brakes

Instead of relying so much on your brakes, try to anticipate traffic and decelerate whenever you can. To minimize fuel cost and improve car economy, change your bad driving habits such as harsh braking. 

Choosing to decelerate first instead of harshly braking will also reduce the wear on your brake since you will only need to hit the brakes when your car is at a lower speed. 

  1. You Don’t Need That Much Weight

Remove unnecessary things inside your vehicle. There are 2 important reasons why it’s necessary to remove excess weight.

  1. You’re going to save a lot on fuel consumption when there’s less weight since your car will also need less power to pull.  
  2. You’re going to have a better performing vehicle and maneuvering it will also be easier.
  3. Try to Keep Your Speed Steady

Another trick to saving fuel cost is to maintain a steady speed. Aside from being on the safe side, keeping a steady speed will help your engine perform efficiently. Without having to do sudden accelerations will save you from consuming excess fuel. This may take a bit more practice but eventually, your patience will pay off.

  1. Keep Your Tires Properly Inflated

Keep your tire properly inflated with the manufacturer’s recommendation. Proper tire inflation and pressure are important in order to prolong the life of your tire and contribute to safe driving. 

Proper tire inflation also gives you better fuel mileage. This means that you can go further without having to stop every now and then to gas up.


Get Your Car Protected!

Save yourself the trouble of having to pay for unexpected repair costs too! Prepare for a better future with an extended car warranty. Get your free quote today with A-Protect Warranty. Get a chance to get personalized protection for your car needs. We have a team working around the clock and ready to cater to your needs. 

You’re already here wanting to know the tricks in reducing fuel cost, get some peace-of-mind too by ridding yourself of the responsibility of paying expensive repair costs.


Key Take-Away

The key to reducing fuel costs whenever you’re on the road is to basically be a responsible driver. Once you change your bad driving habits and follow these 8 simple tricks, not only will you be able to reduce fuel cost but you’ll also be less prone to accidents.

Hidden Costs of Not Changing Engine Oil | 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Skip It

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If you have plans of skipping on that oil change, I suggest you think twice. Not only is this not recommended but not going through with your scheduled oil change will cause major engine issues in the future.

It might be very tempting to do so given that you don’t have much time or just simply being lazy, but in doing so, you’re bound to eventually have a costly engine repair. In this article, I’m going to show you five reasons why you shouldn’t skip that scheduled oil change.

What Is an Engine Oil?

Engine oil is a lubricant that is used to decrease the contact between moving parts of an engine. It creates a protective coat that comes between external parts of the engine to minimize friction and reduce wear.

There are two types of oil – synthetic oil and mineral oil. Just like gasoline, mineral oil is also derived from crude oil. Mineral oil is typically cheaper but doesn’t last long compared to synthetic oil. Synthetic oil is developed in the laboratory and lasts a lot longer.

  1. Changing Your Oil Regularly Will Help Clean Your Engine.

One of the main functions of engine oil is to keep it free from dirt and any impurities that may restrict the engine parts from working properly.

Regular grinding of metal engine parts will produce fine particles. Although microscopic, these particles can do a lot of damage to the engine once it accumulates. When the fine particles and impurities build-up, the oil thickens. As the oil thickens, it makes it harder for it to pass through the filter which can lead to oil deprivation of engine parts such as crankshafts, bearings, and camshafts. 

  1. Engine Oil Adds a Layer of Protective Coat to Your Engine.

Engine oil creates a layer of lubing coat that greases between the moving parts of an engine. As the oil is pumped within the engine, it leaves behind a slippery substance that produces a greasy coating. This will protect the parts from roughly grinding into each other. Without any proper lubrication, the metal engine parts will grind against each other that will cause it to wear faster.

  1. Clean Engine Oil is Essential for Optimal Engine Performance.

If you want your vehicle to have better gas mileage and efficient fuel consumption, then see to it that you follow proper maintenance and oil change. When the oil loses its viscosity and ability to lubricate engine parts, it loses its ability to perform efficiently since it lacks the proper lubrication and causes inefficiency in fuel consumption.

  1. Changing Your Oil Regularly Prevents Major Engine Issues.

The problem with not changing your oil regularly is that all that dirt and fine impurities will build up inside the engine that can eventually harm it caused by unnecessary friction between the parts. 

If you want to keep your vehicle running for a long period, then make sure that you follow your regular oil change schedule. Following your oil change schedule will help you identify any potential issues in its early stages. 

  1. If You Want to Keep Enjoying Your Warranty, Follow Your Scheduled Maintenance.

One of the few reasons why you need to follow your regular oil change is that you’ll be able to continue enjoying your extended car warranty. The advantage of having an extended car warranty is the peace of mind that comes with the added protection. You’ll know that in case of any breakdowns or costly repairs, you don’t have to pay any out-of-pocket expense because your provider will take care of the payment for you.

Key Take-Away

The main reason why you need to change your oil regularly is to prevent your engine from irreparable damage in the future. Aside from this, not only are you able to prevent your engine and car from future damage but regular oil change can optimize engine performance and enable efficient fuel consumption.

Make sure that you’re able to properly protect your car with an extended car warranty. Get your free quote today with A-Protect Warranty and talk to our customer service for a personalized plan.

Top 5 Most Reliable Brands of 2021

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Ways to Know How Reliable a Car Brand is

  1. Read Reliability Reports

The best sites to read about reliability reports are Consumer Reports, J.D Power Dependability Survey, Edmunds, Kelly Blue Book, Motor Trend, and Nada Guides. These sites offer an in-depth explanation and top-notch survey answers to vehicle inquiries we never knew we would be asking. 

Sites like these get their information from surveys sent to them every year. For them to know how reliable the car is, they would ask the members to identify what serious issues they have with their vehicle that happened in the past 12 months. The issues that the members had to identify were parts that were covered by warranty and not the ones that stemmed from vehicular accidents or recalls. 

  1. Read Reviews Online

The great thing when it comes to the internet is the wide range of information you’re going to acquire. You get raw knowledge and first-hand information from other people’s experiences since no one can regulate the information that goes into the internet. 

You’ll get honest reviews from people all around the country without any difficulty. 

  1. Ask Around

People have always based their decisions on information and what better way to get facts is from friends and from people you already know. If your friends already own the brand of car that you’re eyeing, make questions on the certain issues they have had with their car.

You can also ask your local mechanic about the different types of cars that they’ve service and the kind of major repairs they had to fix. This way, you get better information straight from a reliable source. 


Most Reliable Brands

Because there are a lot of great vehicles in the market right now, it can be very difficult to choose which one is the best. So to help you out with that dilemma, we’ve listed 5 of the most reliable brands in no particular order. 


  1. Toyota

While other automakers battle against who can introduce new features the fastest, Toyota takes their time. Not because they’re lazy in thinking of innovations but because they want to make sure that every feature they engineer in their cars would work perfectly and that they are safe.

Japanese automakers see to it that before the car leaves the production plant, the new feature functions successfully. They are detail-oriented and thus if they have doubts about the performance, they’ll do more research.

  1. Buick

Buick is the only American brand that’s included in the foreign-dominated top list of reliable vehicles. Although an American brand, the popularity of the car is far from reaching its foreign competitors this doesn’t mean that it’s the least reliable car.

One great aspect of a Buick is its safety technology features. This includes Automatic Emergency Braking, Following Distance Indicator, Forward Collision Alert, IntelliBeam Headlamps, Lane Keep Assist with Lane Departure Warning, and Front Pedestrian Braking. Although their safety features are impeccable, driving safely is still the owner’s responsibility.

  1. Lexus

Lexus was listed as one of the most reliable cars in Consumer Reports and has been on J.D. Power’s list for 8 years. So what makes Lexus vehicles reliable? For one, they listen to their customers and immediately make changes based on feedback. Customer feedback is an integral part of their constant endeavor to improve.

Aside from customer feedback, they also see to it that their staff can work exactly to what is specifically required. New members undergo intense training before they’re sent to their manufacturing plant. 

  1. Honda

Known for its engine reliability, Honda is often rated as one of the most reliable cars. Honda is popularly synonymous with being well built and great for driving that’s why you’ll see a lot of Honda cars on the road.

One of the reasons why Honda cars are so dependable is that they don’t cost a lot of money when it comes to repairs and it doesn’t take these cars very long to be on the road again. Another point for Honda is the simple technology embedded in the vehicles. 

  1. Mazda

Consumer Reports gave Mazda one of the top spots in reliability and dependability. Unlike other automakers, Mazda is one of the brands that are careful with their model redesigns. They know that their existing features work well that’s why they only make modest changes so as not to compromise the car’s performance.

How to Get Your Car Ready for Spring 2021

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Whether you’re planning on heading to the beach or getting ready for a road trip with friends, have your car spring-ready with these tips.

  1. Your Car Needs Some Spring Cleaning Too

With spring fast approaching, the first thing that you should keep in mind is to was your car from all that winter leftover and salt from the road. You can head over to a car wash and have your vehicle professionally cleaned and ready for spring.

You can also do the cleaning by yourself, but don’t forget to add baking soda to the wash water. This will help you get rid of that strong salt build-up.

  1. Change Your Winter Wheels

When the temperature rises to 45°F or 7°C, then that’s the best time you should change your tires. If you think that not changing your winter wheels to spring-appropriate tires will save you a lot of money, I suggest you shy away from that thought. Winter tires are designed for snow and cold temperatures and using them on a hot day will only destroy the tire faster.

  1. Replace Your Wiper Blades

It might not seem like much but changing your wiper blades is as important as changing your tires but it’s not as expensive. Snow can do a lot of damage to the wiper blades, and if you don’t change them, you’ll see streaks every time you use it on a rainy spring day. You don’t have to go to your mechanic to have the blades replaced, you can do it yourself. 

  1. Inspect Your Oil and Change if Necessary

Remember during the wintertime that you had to change your oil and add some anti-freeze? This time, it would be best to check your oil and change it accordingly. Each time you change your oil, also change your filter for optimal engine oil performance. 

  1. Check All Your Tires, Don’t Forget the Spare!

Now that you’ve removed your winter tires and replaced them with a spring-appropriate tire, inspect the tire air pressure if it corresponds to the manufacturer’s recommendation. The recommended psi range is from 30-35. 

Don’t forget to include your spare tire in your inspection! Most people neglect to check the spare thinking that because it’s not being used, it doesn’t lose any air. You can physically inspect the tires but if you’re not sure, visit your mechanic. 

  1. Update Your Emergency Kit

When you’re done spring cleaning on your car, try to update your emergency kit. You won’t be needing that blanket and extra-thick coat anymore. Check if you have good working batteries for your flashlight, a few bottles of water, flares, jacks, and a patch kit. 

  1. Inspect Your Brakes

The ideal time to have your breaks checked is every 6 months, and spring is just the perfect season for you to do it. Make sure that it’s working properly, tighten it if you have to since you’ve been probably using it a lot during the winter.


Have Your Car Properly Protected with A-Protect Warranty

Get the proper protection that your car needs with A Protect Warranty’s comprehensive coverage. The best thing about A-Protect is that they’ll be able to give you the best coverage that will tailor-fit your needs. Visit A-Protect Warranty now and get your quote for free!


Key Take-Away

A lot of times, we tend to forget about taking care of our possessions, but with a big investment such as a vehicle, you shouldn’t neglect its regular maintenance schedule that will extend your vehicle’s life and minimize wear and tear.

Changing Winter Tires in March? Is This Too Early?

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With the summer season just around the corner, you might be thinking of changing your winter tires to all-season tires already but is it too soon? When is the most ideal time to remove winter tires?

In this article, we’re going to find out the risk of using winter tires all-year-round, the perfect timing for removing winter tires, and the additional protection you need to have.

Winter Tires Are Engineered for Real Winter Conditions

Winter tires, also known as snow tires, are manufactured for cold temperatures and deep snow. The difference between regular tires and winter tires is the tread pattern. Winter tires have a larger tread pattern to increase traction on icy roads, while all-season tires have smaller treads for better grip in warm climates. 

It’s Not About the Best Time but About the Best Temperature

It’s safe to say that in this day and age when planning on changing your winter tires, it’s not about the perfect time or season for it but instead, the perfect temperature. 

As long as the temperature falls below 45°F or 7°C, then keep your winter tires until the temperature rises. Once the temperature reaches above 45°F or 7°C, then it’s high time for you to change your tires. If you continue to use your winter tires during the summer season, you’re going to risk both you and your car’s life. 

Risk of Driving Winter Tires during Summer

  1. Loss of Control

Winter tires are manufactured to perform properly only during the cold temperature. When the road temperature rises, it’s going to be very difficult to maneuver your car. Try to picture yourself driving with a soft winter tire and you need to make a quick turn, your winter tire won’t be able to have a good grip on the warm pavement compared to all-season tires. 

  1. Unexpected Blowouts

When you use winter tires during summer, you risk your tires overinflating. You also increase your possibilities of experiencing a blowout. There are a lot of issues that will arise if you decide on using your winter tires all-year-round, you’ll risk experiencing issues on your wheels, tread patterns, and even dangerous driving. 

  1. Faster Wear and Tear

Winter tires are designed to be soft and flexible to maintain good traction on icy paths and snowy roads. Aside from a challenging drive, expect faster wear on your winter tires since the soft rubber compound gets undermined easily due to the warm, dry pavement. 

  1. It’s Going to Cost You More

You might think that not changing your winter tires will help you save a lot of money, then you’ve got that wrong. You might be able to save money upfront by not changing your tires but it’s going to cost you a lot in the future. 

Because winter tires are created to be soft for better traction on icy roads, they will wear faster on warm pavements. This means that by the time winter comes again, you’re going to have to buy new sets of winter tires. 

Why an Extended Car Warranty Is a Must!

No one ever wants to encounter unexpected car breakdowns or expensive repairs, all the more if you’re the one who needs to pay for it. This is why you need to purchase an extended car warranty. 

An extended car warranty, also known as a service contract, is an extension of the manufacturer’s warranty coverage that protects the owner from unexpected out-of-pocket expense from repairs. 

Key Take-Away

There’s no definite time as to when you should remove your winter tires but there is somehow a perfect temperature to keep in mind when planning on changing it. You still need to be careful because temperatures during the day might be very different from the night. So remember the rule of thumb when it comes to changing from winter tires, the temperature should always be above 45°F or 7°C.

If you’re planning to keep your winter tires all year-round, I suggest you consider the thought carefully due to the risks of driving with them during the warmer climate. Not only Is it risky but it will cost you a lot of money in the future. 

SUVs vs Sedans | Which Is the Best Car to Keep for the Next 3 Years?

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When it comes to buying cars, you’re not only faced with how much investment you’re have to put up but you also have to consider which type of car you are going to buy. Just like you, a lot of people have been pondering on which vehicle is suited to keep for a longer time. Would an SUV be a better choice over Sedans, or the other way around?

To help you with that dilemma, I have listed the advantages and disadvantages of both an SUV and Sedan to give you an idea of which would be a perfect fit for you.


The Advantages of an SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle)

  1. It Offers More Space

If you’re the kind of person that loves a good-sized vehicle with ample space, then an SUV would be a perfect fit for you. One of the best-selling points of an SUV is its capacity to carry a lot of passengers and its roomy cargo space. It’s easy to carry bigger loads that don’t fit well in other cars.

  1. It’s Very Durable

With their large size, SUVs are built with sturdier and stronger chassis. This makes hauling and carrying more weight possible. SUVs have now become a popular choice for towing boats and caravans over bulky trucks or less powerful cars.

If you want a powerful but family-friendly car, then I suggest you go with an SUV.

  1. It’s great for the Wild Outdoors

If you’re the type of person that loves the outdoors and enjoy wilderness trips, then an SUV is the best option for you. Several SUVs can be driven off-road without any problems. Even though an SUV is not the typical off-road vehicle, but it can be as powerful as them.

The disadvantage of an SUV

  1. It Doesn’t Do Well in the City Compared to a Sedan

With its ample cabin space and large build, SUVs are less practical to be driven in the city especially on busy roads where traffic jams are common. You’re going to have a hard time maneuvering in narrow streets and parking. 


The Advantages of a Sedan

  1. It Offers Peace of Mind

What makes sedan vehicles safe? It’s the low center of gravity and the weight is closer to the ground which makes swerving and maneuvering very easy. Unlike SUVs where drivers have to be very careful when taking corners so as not to tip over.

Aside from having a low center of gravity, Sedans also have a lot of safety features driving assistance, an anti-lock braking system, and electronic traction control.

  1. It’s Very Affordable

Things being what they are now especially with the pandemic and the negative effect it has on our financial resources; people are tightening their belts to cope with the economic slowdown. This is why it’s more practical to buy a Sedan over an SUV since it offers better value.

  1. It’s Very Fuel Efficient

Both vehicles more or less offer the same power. If you’re looking to save more money, choose a sedan since it’s particularly fuel-efficient. The reason for this is that most Sedans come with a four-cylinder compared to a V-6 or V-8 in SUV.

The Disadvantage of a Sedan

  1. It Has Less Cargo Space Compared to an SUV

Even though Sedans offer comfortable seating space for passengers, it doesn’t give much capacity for cargos. So if you’re looking for a vehicle with ample cargo space, then a Sedan wouldn’t be such a great option for you. 

Aside from less cargo space, you also would have poor visibility since Sedans have a low seating position. 


Key Take-Away

In all this, choosing which vehicle to invest in depends on what your priority is. If you’re the kind of person who likes to go on off-road adventures or needs ample cargo space, then an SUV is the perfect vehicle for you. 

If you’re always driving within the city or someplace with narrow roads, then choosing a Sedan would be a no-brainer. 

Whatever vehicle you choose, always choose what would best fit your priority. This will make choosing easier especially if you’re planning on keeping it for the next 3 years or more. 

Extended Car Warranty | Are Transmission Issues Covered?

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Have you ever asked yourself, “does an extended warranty cover my car’s transmission issues?” Well, this is a good day for you to be reading this article since we will be talking about what an extended car warranty is, what it covers and the other plans offered.

What Is an Extended Car Warranty?

All new vehicles have a standard factory warranty. This warranty protects the owner from paying for an expensive repair. Right before the factory warranty expires, an extended car warranty is offered. 

You have the option to get the extended car warranty from the manufacturer or you can purchase it from a third-party warranty provider. 

An extended car warranty, also known as a vehicle service contract, is a contract that extends the factory warranty coverage for part replacements and repairs.

The Most Common Types of Warranty

Here we’re going to find out which of the 2 most common types of the extended warranty will cover transmission issues. 

  1. Bumper-to-Bumper Warranty

A bumper-to-bumper warranty also called a limited warranty, covers almost everything from the front bumper to the rear bumper. Most manufacturers offer up to 3 years / 36,000 miles of coverage. The “limited” part of the bumper-to-bumper warranty is the part where it doesn’t cover everything. 

The question here now is does a bumper-to-bumper warranty cover transmission issues? Unfortunately, due to its limited state, this warranty does not. The examples of parts covered are steering, suspension, heating and cooling, fuel delivery systems, brake systems, and electrical.

  1. Powertrain Warranty

A powertrain warranty covers the expenses incurred due to repairs or parts replacement. A powertrain warranty generally covers up to 5 years / 60,000 miles. This warranty covers the parts of your car that thrusts it forward, this includes the engine, drivetrain, and transmission.

Yes! You read that right, powertrain is the warranty that covers the transmission issue. The best thing about a powertrain is that it covers the expensive parts of your car saving you from spending a lot of money on sudden breakdowns and repairs. 

Common Transmission Issues Covered by a Warranty

The 4 most common transmission issues in a car are worn-out synchros, worn-out clutch, dirty transmission fluid, and stalled vehicles. It’s a good thing that these issues are covered by the powertrain warranty so if in case you have transmission problems, you’re sure to get some help from your warranty provider.

  1. Worn-out Synchros

Synchros, also known as gear synchronizers, are part of the transmission system that helps stabilize the speed when shifting from one gear to another. If the synchros wear out, expect to have a vehicle failure. Synchros are found in manual transmission cars. 

  1. Worn-out Clutch

A clutch is used to help the driver shift gears. There are 2 common reasons for clutches wearing out, one is through human error. When a driver frequently accelerates and shifts gears without releasing the foot from the clutch. Another error is a mechanical error like a hydraulic fluid leak. Worn-out clutches are present in manual transmission vehicles. 

  1. Grimy Transmission Fluid

It’s important to keep your transmission fluid clean to keep your transmission working properly. In case of dirty transmission fluid, immediately have it flushed, inspected for defects, and replaced with clean transmission fluid.

  1. Stalled Vehicle

Automatic cars use a torque converter to control transmission fluid and keeps your car running while at a stop. If the torque converter fails, this will make your car stall. Some of the reasons why the torque converter fails are when you have dirty transmission fluid, or experiencing overheating. 


Get Your Car Covered with A-Protect Warranty

Don’t let sudden breakdowns and expensive repairs cost you your emergency savings. Purchase an extended car warranty and give yourself some peace of mind whenever you’re cruising down the highway. Get your free personalized warranty quote now with A-Protect Warranty! Not only will you get covered for transmission issues but you’ll also have the choice to include additional coverage that will give you and your car 360 coverage. 


Key Take-Away

When it comes to transmission issues, a powertrain coverage will save you from spending out-of-pocket expenses due to repairs or part replacements. Don’t forget to purchase an extended car warranty from A-Protect Warranty to continue driving a worry-free ride.