Improve winter driving visibility

Visibility is one of the greatest challenges when driving in winter. Not only is it essential for you to see where you are going, but it’s also important to make sure that other road users can see you too. Improving driving visibility is essential for avoiding accidents – especially during this time of year. Here are some tips to help you do just that.


Clear away all snow from your vehicle

It should go without saying that you will need to clean all the snow off your windows before you drive. However, many people do not take the time to clean the entire windscreen as well as the rear and side windows of their car. This can be particularly dangerous since the snow/ice directly affecting your view of the road and your surroundings. Apart from cleaning your windows, it’s also important to clear the snow off the rest of your car. This is not necessarily only for your benefit but rather for the benefit of fellow road users. When you leave snow on your car, it will fall off as you drive. This can create an almost blizzard-like haze behind your vehicle and this makes it difficult for drivers behind you to see properly. If you need to brake suddenly, the driver behind you could be slow to react as a result of poor visibility. Take the time to get up a few minutes earlier during the winter months and clean your car thoroughly before hitting the road.


Inspect your window wipers and defroster

Your windscreen wipers need to be in perfect shape throughout the entire year. This is especially true in the winter. You never know when snow might fall and it’s important that you are able to effectively clean your windscreen at all times. During the colder months, your windows tend to fog up, so it is very important to test your window defoggers/defrosters – both front and rear. A foggy window makes the road extremely difficult to navigate.


Use your headlights

driving-in-winterDuring low light and other periods of poor visibility on the road, it’s best to turn your headlights on. This is not only to help you see the road better but also to make yourself more visible to others. Remember, it’s important to check your headlights regularly because if they start to become dull or cloudy, they might need to restored or replaced. Clear plastic coverings on your headlights will ensure that they are as effective as can be.

Finally, don’t forget that visibility is just as important if you are stuck on the side of the road. Some important tips to remember include turning on your directional lights, setting out a road triangle, and perhaps attaching a bright-colored cloth to your vehicle. Always remain inside your vehicle and call for assistance promptly. Comprehensive vehicle coverage will ensure that you and your loved ones are taken care of and your vehicle will be moved to a safe location by experienced professionals. Contact A-Protect Warranty at 1-866-660-6444 for assistance choosing the right plan for you.

How to handle the greatest winter driving challenges

Winter is the perfect time to enjoy the indoors and snuggle up beside a fire or enjoy your favorite hot beverage. Unfortunately, we can’t spend the whole winter inside and, at some point, we need to venture out on the roads. These weather conditions can make driving more challenging than any other time of year but with these tips you will be able to safely navigate the ice and snow-covered roads.


Black Ice

Probably one of the worst dangers to encounter while driving is black ice. You can’t really see it but you sure can feel when you’ll hit it! It’s important to pay close attention to the road and look for patches of road that appear darker in color than usual. Low-lying areas are usually most affected as well as bridges and underpasses that don’t receive any sunshine. When temperatures drop below freezing, it’s time to look out for black ice. Even if things warm up in the day, black ice often forms overnight when the temperatures drop. Improve your chances of avoiding an accident by making sure that your tires are in perfect shape. Winter tires are necessary and will give you that extra necessary traction. If your vehicle has four-wheel drive, you can use it as an added safety measure. However, this does not mean that you should increase your speed! Winter tires or not, you should still drive slower than the usual speed limit. Do not tailgate and allow other drivers to pass you if necessary. You might not be able to stop others from speeding, but by allowing them to pass if it is safe to do so reducing your chances of an accident. If you hit black ice, take your foot off the accelerator. Do not brake immediately. To avoid loosing control apply your foot to the brake pedal gently. If your vehicle has a manual transmission, you can gear down to slow down rather than using your brakes. Remember not to shift too quickly and mind your revs. You don’t want to shift down from fourth straight to second or you could run those revs far into the red. If your car does skid, turn your steering wheel in the direction you want to go. For vehicles with anti-lock brakes, do not pump the brakes and don’t remove your foot from the brake. The anti-lock system will work to prevent the breaks from locking up.


Poor visibility

Some conditions are just not safe for driving and, in these cases, it’s best not to risk it. If you are planning on driving, make sure that you take the time to clear all of the snow and ice from your vehicle before you hit the road. Check your windshield wipers and make sure that your washer fluid has antifreeze in it. Test your defrosters to make sure that they are working and always travel at a safe distance from other cars.



While you might not intentionally go out in a blizzard, you could get caught in one while driving. If this occurs, it’s important to get off the highway as soon as possible. If you cannot get off the highway, you should at least pull over as much as possible and keep your directional lights on to warn other motorists. High winds during blizzards mean that your little warning triangle might not do the trick. Instead, attach a colorful piece of cloth to your vehicle’s antenna, mirror, or somewhere that will help ensure you are noticed. If you are stuck, call for help and make sure that at least one person in the car is awake while anyone else sleeps. Start your car from time to time and let the engine run to ensure that the car battery is not exhausted. Clear the snow from the exhaust pipe regularly.


Don’t forget to always pack a first aid kit in your vehicle. In winter, it’s also important to carry tools like a shovel just in case you need to dig your way out of some snow. Having the right coverage will also set your mind at ease. At A-Protect Warranty, our plans are designed to suit your needs and offer maximum protection in the event of a roadside emergency or vehicle maintenance. Contact us today at 1-866-660-6444.

Tips for smooth driving over the holidays

For families who no longer live in the same town or city, the holidays are the perfect time to get together and enjoy some quality family time. Other families make the most of the holiday season by getting out of town and making their way to a resort or other popular holiday spot. No matter your plans this year, it’s always important to pay close attention to the road and the state of your vehicle. Here are some important holiday driving tips.

Inspect your vehicle thoroughly

It’s often best to work according to a list so that you don’t skip a step or miss something. Start by checking your lights, tires, windshield wipers, and all the fluids in your vehicle. It’s also good to keep an extra bottle of wiper fluid in your vehicle just in case.

Fill up the tank

Fuel prices can increase over the holidays so, if you know that you are preparing to go away, you should fill up a few days or even a week in advance. If need be, you can top up on the day but at least you won’t need to overspend to fill an almost empty tank.

Stick to the speed limit

Given the road conditions, it’s even more important to stick to the speed limit or even travel slower than usual if conditions are particularly poor. During the festive season, there are usually extra police officers and speed traps on the roads so it pays to slow down.

Rest well before you drive

Driving when you are tired is never a good idea. Especially when you need to concentrate that much harder on the road and conditions. If you are tired, you will not be able to react as quickly to avoid danger and this can have disastrous results. If you have a long road ahead, plan your stops and give yourself time to stretch your legs. If possible, have your partner, spouse, or friend take over driving from time to time so that you can enjoy a break. Beware of driving “hypnosis” when on long trips. It’s easy to let the hum of the engine and the straight road lull you into a bit of a trance. If you are feeling particularly exhausted, it’s best to sleep it off at a hotel or motel rather than risk the drive.

Lock up

Whenever parking your vehicle, make sure that it’s properly secured. Even if you think that you’re in a small town where crime is virtually non-existent, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Do not leave babies or children in the car. If you don’t want to wake them, at least one adult should remain in the vehicle to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

Plan the route

It’s good to have a plan before you leave. Sure, you could rely on your GPS but, if for whatever reason your GPS lets you down, it’s also good to have a backup plan like an actual map. It might sound like an outdated idea but if technology fails, good old-fashioned paper will get you out of that pickle!

Check your emergency supplies

Your vehicle should always carry a first aid kit but, in winter, you might want to add such things as a shovel and other roadside emergency items. Reflective triangles and a reflective vest are all great for letting other drivers know where you are.

Charge all phones

In the event of an emergency, you will need to be able to call for assistance. There’s nothing worse than a dead phone battery when you need to make that call! Make sure that you have at least one or two fully charged phones before you leave. Alternatively, keep a fully charged power bank just in case. Sure, you can charge your phone in your car but, if your vehicle won’t start, this will mean that you cannot charge your phone either.

Avoid alcohol

Not only is drinking and driving dangerous, but it’s also illegal. Some people think that it’s OK to drink the night before and drive the next day. This is not advisable since you will most likely still have alcohol in your system and you will probably feel quite tired. Both of these factors will affect your driving capabilities and safety. So, instead of drinking the night before your trip, wait until you arrive at your destination and then take a moment to celebrate with some eggnog, rum, or whatever you fancy.

Early departure

Leaving early can help you beat the traffic and make for safer driving conditions too. Sometimes you can leave in the morning, sometimes you will need to plan to leave a full day early. Consider where you plan on going, the route you wish to take, and when the congestion usually begins. Similarly, when making your way back home, you might want to leave at least one day early to avoid all the traffic of people returning. Just one day can make all the difference!

Have fun

Remember, the holidays are about having a good time and the fun does not need to begin once you arrive at your destination. You can make the trip fun by choosing great music, playing travel games and simply talking. Make sure that any younger travelers have more than enough car friendly toys to keep them happy and don’t forget the snacks!

Remember, anytime you get into your car, make sure that you have your vehicle warranty details on hand. An emergency may occur at any time and these details are essential in such a time of need. To make sure that you are covered these holidays, call A-Protect Warranty at 1-866-660-6444 for more information.

Why is their fluid leaking from your car?

When you notice a wet patch under your car, it can be a sign of something serious or simple condensation. Your vehicle relies on a number of fluids to keep it running smoothly and, when you see a puddle, there could be a number of reasons. In some cases, your car might not be safe to drive which is why it’s so important that you understand how to tell the difference between these substances.


Black or light brown patches

This stain will have a medium consistency and it is usually the engine oil. There are several gaskets, plenty of heat, and your engine has one of the largest capacities for fluid in the entire vehicle. It might not be a major cause for concern but the source of the leak should be determined so that any worn or broken parts can be replaced. Remember, dripping oil on a hot engine is never a good idea!


Black, reddish, or light brown patches

These stains can have a thicker or thinner consistency. They often resemble patches made by dripping motor oil but they are somewhat thicker and located closer to the center of the vehicle. Vehicles with automatic transmissions have a fairly thin, reddish fluid which is the transmission fluid. Some other standard transmissions today also use this kind of fluid. This kind of leak can indicate a leak in a number of places or there could be a deteriorating seal somewhere along the line. Urgent inspection is important.


Light brown or reddish

This fluid has a thin consistency. It is your power steering fluid and it sometimes looks similar to your transmission fluid. If this fluid is dripping from the front of the car, then it’s the power steering. This is another important issue that needs to be resolved promptly or it could result in power steering failure.


Slightly brown or clear

This fluid is critical and used in the brake hydraulic system. It has a medium consistency and it will look like mineral oil and may have a slightly brown appearance. This is due to the build up of contaminants like rust and dust. Again, this is an important fluid and you should have this matter resolved immediately.


Differential fluid

This fluid is thick in consistency and it will drip from the rear of the car. Cars with front wheel drive, however, will experience leaks in the front. Finding the source of this leak may take some extra effort.


Green pink or yellow

This fluid is thin and slimy. It is your coolant and it is one of the easiest of all to identify. If you lose this fluid, it can result in overheating which is why it’s important to check your vehicle regularly. Older cars have hoses that allow the coolant to purge out onto the driveway or road. Newer cars, however, have special reservoirs designed to catch the coolant. So, if you have an old car, you might want to check if it has such a hose. If not, make sure that you check all the hoses, water pump, and never drive when your coolant is low.


Clear liquid

If you notice clear thin fluid under the front passenger side of the car, it might be due to condensation from your air conditioner. Just like home and office air conditioners release condensation, so too does your car.

Some fluid loss problems are fairly easy and inexpensive to fix. Others, on the other hand, can cost a small fortune. This is why it is so important that you have the right coverage. Call A-Protect Warranty today at 1-866-660-6444 to find out which package is best for you.


Important tips to remember when your car overheats

If your car runs out of coolant or water, it can have a devastating effect on your engine. Remember, your engine runs at a high temperature, and it needs some form of cooling to prevent overheating. Without water or coolant, the cooling system in your car will no longer be effective, and the engine temperature will rise, and this will cause serious and often expensive damage. Some cars have safety features built in that prevent the car from overheating. If your vehicle does not have this kind of feature, it should at least have a heat gauge that will tell you how hot your engine is. Keeping an eye on this heat gauge is important and, as soon as you notice that it is going up and not coming down, you might want to pull over.

First things first, you should never check the water level of your vehicle when the engine is hot. If there is water in the system, it will be very hot and can even result in burns. Allow the engine to cool down before you investigate. If your temperature gauge has gone into the red, you should call roadside assistance and possibly have your vehicle towed rather than waiting.

If your car has cooled down and you are able to check the radiator, feel free to do so. It’s always a good idea to keep a bottle of water in your car so, if you have some water, you can top it up, and hopefully, this will solve the problem. Make sure that you check for leaks too. If your car is leaking water, a simple top-up will not get you very far. Similarly, if you see any smoke, you should avoid turning that ignition key and call an expert instead.

Should you be able to top up the water and everything seems normal, it’s still a good idea to have your vehicle checked by a professional. They will be able to check all of the parts in the cooling system and determine if wear and tear or damage are present. If any part needs to be replaced, it is important to do so before driving your car any further.

Another good tip to remember is to check the fluid levels of your vehicle regularly. Just as you should monitor the oil levels on your car, so too should you check the water. By getting into the habit of checking your water and oil before each trip (even short drives), you can avoid serious engine damage and inconvenience. Remember, check the water before you start your car and always check your driveway whenever you pull out. Any leaking fluids will leave their mark in your driveway and are a good indicator should something be wrong.

Finally, don’t forget to only use authorized and trained mechanics to work on your vehicle. If your car is under any kind of warranty, it is important that you follow the claim procedure regarding towing and repairs or your warranty could become void. At A-Protect Warranty, our goal is to ensure that you have the very best coverage at the most affordable rates. Contact our team today at 1-866-660-6444 for professional warranty advice that caters to your needs.

How do you know when to replace your tires?

We lead fairly busy lives these days and, as a result, some basic vehicle inspections can easily be forgotten. It is always a good idea to conduct a pretrip inspection whenever driving your car and an even more in-depth inspection before long trips. By doing so, you can prevent more serious problems or driving risks by detecting problems early. Of all the things that should be checked regularly, your tires are one of the most important. Being aware of any possible problems will allow you enough time to have the matter resolved and avoid possible accidents.

What many drivers wonder is when they should replace their tires. In many cases, your tires simply need to be rotated in order to allow for more even wear. Just like our shoes tend to wear unevenly, so too do the tires on your car. Uneven wear can be corrected by regular tire rotation and this also allows you to get that much more use out of each set. Of course, there will come a time when your tires will need replacement.

First things first, it’s important to understand that we do need to change our tires to accommodate summer and winter driving conditions. The tires you use in summer will not offer the same traction that you need in winter. Winter tires, on the other hand, can wear faster during hotter summer conditions which is obviously not ideal. Winter and summer tires are not only different in terms of design but also composition which is why it is so vital that they are used as the manufacturer recommends and appropriately stored when not in use.

No matter the type of tire, wear will occur every time that you drive. You cannot avoid the friction between road and rubber. Not only does the treat of your tires wear down but the tire walls also need to withstand the elements and anything your vehicle may encounter along the road. The tire wall is not as thick as the tread but it is reinforced and durable which ensures that your tire maintains its form and thereby offers sufficient grip, comfort, and safety. The tire valves are another part that can also affect the functionality of the tire. If the valve is damaged or broken, this can allow air to be released and a drop in tire pressure is never good.

If you are wondering when to replace your tires, here are a few things to look for:

–  Damage to any part of the tire

–  Check the tread wear bars on the tire (if they have them) to ascertain whether or not your tires still have enough tread. Alternatively, you can use a tire tread depth guage on a regular basis to check.

–  Make a note of when your tires were replaced and note the mileage on your vehicle. This is another good way of keeping track of how many more miles you’ve got left.

–  Check the tire wall for bubbles, bumps, and cracks. If the tire wall is worn or damaged, it can result in a blow out which can put you, your passengers, and other road users in danger.

–  Even if you don’t drive often or you only make short trips, you should at least have your tires replaced every 5 or 6 years. Rubber becomes brittle and this can result in great driving risks.

–If you notice significant or regular loss in tire pressure, check for damage, and consider replacing your tires.

Remember that it’s always good to have a reputable professional perform any tire changes and rotations. Make sure that you also have your wheels aligned to prevent excessive uneven tire wear and to improve road safety. If your tires are significantly worn and you are involved in any kind of accident, you might be held accountable. If you are pulled over by a police officer and your tires are not in suitable condition, you could be liable for a fine. Make sure that you always understand the local laws as well as any wear and tear clauses that apply to your insurance and vehicle warranty policies. To make sure that yourcar is fully covered, contact A-Protect Warranty at 1-866-660-6444 for the best vehicle warranty plans to ensure maximum coverage designed to suit your individual needs.


What to do when your power steering fails

Power steering has become an essential feature in so many vehicles that it’s tough to imagine driving without it. There’s often nothing more frightening than finding out that your power steering is no longer working. Such a technical problem can occur while your vehicle is parked or in motion. In both cases, there are a few steps you can take as a driver in order to ensure that you, your passengers, and fellow road users are safe.

There’s no mistaking a power steering problem. You will feel just how heavy the steering wheel gets when the hydraulic system fails. Trying to turn the wheel will certainly make you break a sweat! One of the most common causes is the lack of fluid. If this is the case, you will need to top it up with fresh fluid. If you have recently topped it up or checked and the fluid was full, you might have a leak somewhere. The best way of preventing this kind of wear is by performing regular maintenance and making sure that you have your vehicle inspected regularly. As soon as any parts show signs of severe wear, your mechanic will let you know and advise on the necessary steps to ensure that your power steering does not let you down. If you notice a puddle of power steering fluid under your car, this is a clear sign of a leak, and you should rather avoid driving your car until you have it checked by a professional. The pump can also prove problematic and, if this is the case, you will definitely need a technician to diagnose and repair the fault. You will usually hear a loud noise when turning the steering wheel.

If, for whatever reason, you miss these signs and your power steering fails while you are driving, what can you do? The first thing to remember is to stay calm. Turn on your blinkers so that others know that you are experiencing a problem. Honk your horn to get the attention of other drivers so that they can avoid a potential accident. You will need to put a lot of muscle into turning the wheel so ease off the gas and turn as much as you can to pull over to the side of the road gradually and without causing other drivers to swerve or panic. Do not slam on the brakes or you could cause your vehicle to go into a tailspin. Once you are on the side of the road, stop your vehicle and set up the appropriate signals like your reflective triangle and so on. Call for help right away and make sure that you call your auto warranty provider so that any towing and work will be covered according to the terms of your agreement.

With all this in mind, don’t forget that prevention is better than cure. Being a driver means that you need to be prepared for anything and this includes wear and tear as well as unexpected car trouble. Contact A-Protect Warranty today at 1-866-660-6444 for extended auto warranty advice by experts who care.

Reasons why your car won’t start

With so many working parks that form part of the motor, it’s easy to understand why it can be tough to determine why your car will not start. While some reasons will require professional repairs, some other reasons can be resolved by the driver. Remember, you should never attempt to remove any parts or perform repairs yourself, or it could void your warranty.

If you turn the key and you don’t hear the engine crank, the following could be the cause:


Dead battery: Your battery is charged by the alternator while your car is running. That said, every battery has a limited lifespan, so they won’t last forever no matter how well you look after your car. If the battery gets old or if your alternator fails, you will be left without enough power to get the motor running. If you do not drive regularly, you should at least start your car regularly to avoid the battery from losing its charge. This is particularly important during the winter months.
Bad electrical connections: Corrosion has a way of building up on the battery terminals. If this happens, you will need to disconnect the battery, clean the terminals, and reconnect it before trying to start your car again.
Park or clutch switch problems: If you try to start your car and you notice that the lights do not flicker or dim when you turn the key, it could be the ignition switch. Alternatively, the park or neutral switch or relay starter might be to blame, and you may have to consider possible wiring problems as well. Remember to ensure that your car is in park or your foot is on the clutch when you start your car.
Security issue: Your car key is not just a key. It has been preprogrammed to work only on your car. If something goes wrong with this security system in the key, it will mean that your car will not start. Try using your spare key and, if this works, then you know that the key is to blame.
Bad starter: If you hear a clicking noise when you turn the key, it could be due to starter solenoid engaging nd disengaging quickly. This is certainly something that needs to be tended to by a mechanic.
If you turn the key, and you hear the engine crank, but your car won’t start, you might be experiencing one of the following problems:
Out of fuel: This might seem obvious, but it can happen to anyone! Especially if your fuel gauge is faulty or if there is a leak. Remember, you should never let your tank run too low because it can put serious strain on your fuel pump and filter.
Fuel pump faults: If your fuel pump does not work, the fuel will not reach the necessary parts of the engine, and your car won’t start.
No spark: The ignition coil or spark plugs might need to be replaced if you can hear the cranking sound without a proper start. Normally one spark plug will give you trouble at a time which means that you should notice a drop in performance. Regular inspections and maintenance will help prevent your car from letting you down.
Clogged systems: If the injectors or fuel system becomes clogged, it will prevent fuel from reaching the engine, and this will cause your car to fail to start. Dirt, debris and similar matter are usually to blame, and it’s often due to a bad fuel filter. Replace your fuel filter regularly in order to prevent this from happening.


Some of these problems, like an empty tank or faulty key, can be easy to diagnose and remedy yourself. However, other problems require your vehicle to be towed and repaired by a professional. Remember to always submit your claim with your warranty provider before agreeing to any towing.

Do your brakes need to be checked?

Whether you are driving around your neighborhood or cruising along the highway, you need reliable brakes. Being able to stop or slow down in time to avoid an accident is a crucial part of safety. Remember, it’s not only about you but also your passengers and fellow road users. Somebody else on the road could lose control or act recklessly which means that you need to be able to react promptly and appropriately. Your brakes need to be checked and maintained in order to prevent excessive wear. If you are wondering what to look for, here are some signs that your brakes need attention.


If you notice a high-pitched or grating noise when you brake, this is usually a clear indication of worn brakes. It is best to have them checked sooner rather than later just to be safe. That said, sometimes dirt and dust can build up on the brakes which result in a similar noise, so you might just need to have some minor maintenance done as opposed to a full replacement. Remember, brakes have a certain lifespan so keep track of the miles on your car when you replace them. This will help you anticipate the next replacement.

Veering left or right

While it’s true that there could be a number of reasons for your car pulling to the left or right, a problem with your braking system could be to blame. A stuck caliper on either side of your car can result in you fighting with your steering wheel to keep your car facing the right direction. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to check the pressure of all four tires, the tread on your tires, and your wheel alignment too. Your tires need to be rotated regularly, so this is the perfect time to check on those brakes too.

Vibrating brake pedal

ABS is an excellent feature and, if you have ever performed an emergency stop with this kind of advanced braking system, you know just how effective it can be. However, if the rotors become warped, they will thrum across the surface o the brake pads, and this sends a vibration all the way to the pedal. Of course, this kind of damage only occurs when the brakes are placed under severe stress for extended periods of time. If you have not done so yet you feel vibrations in the brake pedal; it could be time to check your wheel alignment.

Soft or hard brake pedal

If the pedal is very soft and you have to push it at least halfway in before it reacts, your brakes or hydraulic system could be to blame. You should also check your brake fluid just to be safe. A tough or very hard pedal can mean that the rotor is worn or your brake fluid is dirty. An obstruction in the brake line and an issue in the vacuum system also make your brakes tough to use. If you notice this kind of problem, you should avoid driving and have a mechanic diagnose the problem promptly.

As with any part of your vehicle, repairs and replacements should always be performed by a trained professional. If you are claiming from your warranty, make sure that you submit your claim prior to the commencement of any work. For more details on the right extended auto warranty for you, contact A-protect at (416)-661-7444.

Do you need auto insurance and a warranty?

Vehicle owners often wonder whether they should invest in vehicle insurance, an extended auto warranty, or both. It’s important to understand the difference between the two in order to fully comprehend what you need in order to ensure full and complete coverage.


About auto warranties

A car warranty covers a variety of unexpected and maintenance issues. Every auto warranty is different. There are usually several options from which to choose which means that vehicle owners can select a warranty based on the benefits and the cost. New cars usually have a warranty included but, when this warranty runs out, it leaves the owner liable for maintenance and repairs. When this warranty expires, an extended auto warranty helps ensure that you are covered as per the terms of the warranty you choose. Some warranties include basic coverage in the event of engine, transmission, and other powertrain problems. Other, more comprehensive packages include coverage for electronic components, fuel systems, and wear and tear. The age, value, and features of the vehicle will likely determine the best package for you. In addition, the more comprehensive the plan, the more it will cost. So, finances are also a significant determining factor.


About auto insurance

Car insurance, on the other hand, is designed to protect vehicle owners in the event of an accident. Like warranties, these policies vary from basic to more comprehensive. Premiums are determined by the type and value of your vehicle as well as driving experience and history. Some packages cover collisions, others cover damages caused to another vehicle, and there are also more comprehensive options that cover everything including natural disasters.


What do I need?

Since insurance acts as a form of accident protection and extended warranties prevent excessive expenses due to breakdowns and maintenance, it’s easy to see why both are necessary. By investing in the right warranty and insurance, you can drive your car with that much more peace of mind. It’s also important to remember that you have to choose what’s right for you. Never let any agent try to force you into a decision you’re not comfortable with. It’s always a good idea to shop around, compare your various options and conduct a fair amount of research on your potential providers before signing any contracts. This is as true for insurance as it is for warranties. Also, just because a deal is really great does not mean it’s the best for you. Make sure that you read any and all fine print while highlighting any questions you may have.


For the best extended auto warranty packages designed with your needs in mind, contact A-Protect Warranty today at 1-866-660-6444 or (416) 661-7444.