Honda is one automaker that is doing nicely in the automobile market. The Honda Civic has won many
people's hearts not only here in Canada but many other countries globally. As it’s the nature of Japanese
cars, they usually have this very huge impact on the automobile sector and perform nicely. Honda Civic
is one of the models and is such a great option to many families. This article is going to dive deep into
reasons as to why the Honda Civic has won a place in people's hearts.

The rate at which Japanese cars have stormed the market is very alarming. Homegrown car makers such
as Ford and Chevrolet are having a difficult time dealing with the non-ending competition brought about
by their entry into customers' list of choices. That cannot be happening without any reason, there has to
be. But before that, have a sneak peek into what an extended warranty is. An extended warranty is an
extension to the factory warranty that takes action once the factory warranty has expired. It shields the
car and the car owner from expenses that come when a car breaks down.

You need one for your Honda Civic to get it up and running for the longest time possible. A-Protect is the
right place to knock on doors and purchase one. Here is why Honda Civic is a top choice as a family car in
some countries.

1. Plenty of interior space

An average family is composed of between 4 to 7 members. There is nothing as sad as having a car that
cannot hold the entire family member for once. Many car owners always dream of owning a car that can
handle the entire family without leaving anyone behind. That is what the Honda Civic does to be exact.
Enough cabin space is something to die in this genius car.

The space is so wide and free that a family of up 5 to can seat comfortable and relaxed. Not only is the
interior made to offer enough room but also the best and quality feel ever. The ultra-modern
technology incorporated into the interior of the Honda Civic models is very appealing and attractive. It
adds an extra touch of luxury to the interior and entertains the family the best way ever.

If you are a family that is always on the road for trips and so on, your luggage will also not be left behind.
The Honda Civic boasts a large cargo room able to fit at least 4 carry-on suitcases and other small
luggage. This is arguably the best choice for a family car.

2. Fuel economy

Fuel economy is one feature many car owners seek to find in cars. It saves big having a car that does not
consume a lot of fuel just for a short trip. The Honda Civic is the right type of car if you are looking for a
car that runs on small fuel amounts for a longer period. The 2020 Honda Civic for instance has been
recorded to have a fuel-efficient record of 31 mpg on city and 40 mpg on the highway. Having a car that
saves you big in terms of fuel is a dream come true with the introduction of the Honda civic into the
market. The base model comes in a 171 Horsepower, 1.5-liter 4 cylinder engine that runs on basically
the best fuel consumption rate ever. Why opt for a fuel guzzler and yet you can get yourself a Honda

3. Reliability

Honda Civic is the very reliable and trusted car you can ever come across. The reliability score of the
Honda Civic according to Repairpal was 4.5 out of 5. This is such a high score because most cars get an
average rating of only 4 out of 5. Quality is one factor that Honda sticks in every make they have. The
Honda Civic is made to perform just right and is the reason why the car is very reliable among many

4. Affordability

Another reason why Honda is winning hearts in many families is its affordability. Honda Civic is very
affordable. The starting price for the Honda Civic is only $20,000. This is such a fair price bearing in mind
that you get value for your money. An extra $8,000 will get you the Touring trim which has a little
advanced technology and offer some more luxury than the base LX trim. Quality for that price is what
many are dying for.


The Honda Civic has been ranked at position 5 according to the consumer report. This position is good
and that is what makes Honda very famous and a great option for many families around the world. Here
in Canada alone, out of 10 families, at least half will drive a Honda model. Quality, reliability, fuel
efficiency, as well as affordability, are what is making automobile maker flourish. Remember, an
extended warranty needs to come in handy with that Honda. Get in touch with us here at A-PROTECT
Warranty Corporation for a free quote. +1-866-660-6444 is the direct line. You can also write to us using


Have you ever thought of purchasing an extended warranty for your car? Did you know that an extended warranty is very vital to your car's well-being? These and many more questions about
extended warranties remain unanswered and some people just ignore the presence of an extended warranty despite it being such a great deal for the car. Once you drive off that car dealership in a brand-new car, it always comes with a factory warranty. The factory warranty is a warranty that is attached to a new car to cater for any mechanical damages for an agreed period.

However, it does not last long and finally expires. You are therefore left with the entire burden of
looking after your car and spending your own money to get repairs and replacements done. Sometimes
you are caught off-guard with repair expenses that might be too much to bear by yourself. You might
get stuck and the car might stall forever.

Extended warranties were introduced to act as a continuation to the factory warranty. They cover your
car against unforeseen damages and breakdowns and your wallet from spending hard on the repairs.
They also act as a cushion by reducing the burden off your shoulders where you end up paying less than
what you would have paid without an extended warranty. A-Protect is an established and reputable
extended warranty provider.

Among the best providers, A-Protect falls in the top category where you can get an extended warranty
either for your new or used car. Here is why;

1. Fast coverage set up

A-Protect Warranty has one of the fastest processes to set up coverage. We all expect to be dealt with in
the fastest time possible. A-Protect offers the fastest services ever which have almost zero paperwork.
This will ensure that you are offered the best service and won’t be kept waiting by some strenuous
paperwork and so many tiresome procedures.

We value our customer’s time and wish to keep them waiting for the shortest time ever. Having the
initial setup process being swift is what makes A-Protect be on the forefront when it comes to the best-
extended warranty providers. A lot of paperwork is what we have done away with and ensured that all
customers undergo a paper-free setup thus making the process fast.

2. Easy transferability process

Did you know that extended warranties could be transferred to the next owners of a car?. If a customer
decides to sell his/her car that has an extended warranty from us, you can transfer it to the next buyer.
This happens to any type of extended warranty plan. Now, the process of transferring the extended
warranty has been made easy and fast. This way, both the seller and buyer can have the process done
quickly and everyone walks away satisfied with the quality service.

3. Best prices

Here at A-Protect warranty Corporation, we offer amongst the best and most friendly extended
warranty prices in the market. Most consumers are always looking for a provider that offers quality
services as well as fair prices for their quotes.

4. Levels of coverage

We offer over 6 levels of coverage from which you can choose depending on your own specific needs.
Our extended warranty plans are suitable for any time of car make and even milage. As stated before,
we cover both new and used cars. If you have a used car, then a used car extended warranty will work
best for you. The 6 levels of coverage are there to ensure that you have a wide array of options to
choose from. They all have a different price quote.

5. Extra benefits enjoyed.

Once we are in a contract with a customer, we always make sure to offer nothing but the best and
quality benefits to the customers. Among the extra benefits offered to the customers are;

24/7 roadside assistance- This is situated to help our customers any time they are caught up in a
situation that demands immediate assistance.

Free towing- Once an of our customers is caught up in a situation where the car stall in the middle of the
road, we offer free towing to the customer and get the car to the nearest service center and have it

6. Quick claim process

Once you as the customer are met up in a situation that demands our action, we have one of the
quickest claiming processes that will ensure you get the best service the fastest way. Just like the set-up
procedure, the claim process is paper-free and fast.


A-Protect Warranty Corp is one of the best-extended warranty providers here in North America. With
over 3 decades of serving customers, we are always motivated to work even harder to ensure that all
our customers get the best and quality services ever. If you need an extended warranty, do go looking
any other place. There are only a few providers to be trusted and we are one of them. Remember to
give us a call in case you need help via +1-866-660-6444/ +416-661-7444 or write to us at info@a-protectwarranty.com


Once again, it's winter times folks, and one this one period that comes with both happy and sad events.
Winter on the positive side offers the space for outdoor activities such as skiing, ice skating, and snow
bowling. On the other hand, you need to brace for some harsh time. Winter storms, high winds, sub-
zero temperatures, blizzards, and freezing rain are what you need to expect. Driving in winter is one
thing that becomes a huge task for many. Whether you are a pro or a beginner driver, bet you will have
some chills once you hit that road in winter.

Icy roads and constant snowing are some of the key things that make nay decide not to drive. Winter
driving is usually risky if you have no hands-on skills or you are not confident enough. Just like any other
season, the winter season has claimed lots of lives and caused uncountable accidents. The conditions
are what make the carnages happen. Now imagine being caught up in the middle of nowhere in a
snowstorm. This is a nightmare no driver can ever imagine of.

Storm weather is of the dust of rain will always be disastrous. Winter storms come with many
accompaniments such as blizzards and high winds. Since Winter storm happens a lot frequently, they
are the number one cause of many road accidents that occur. These accidents sometimes get terrible
depending on the rage at which the winter storm happens.

With all the insecurity winter exposes to your car, why drive without an extended warranty. We are here
to offer just that for your car. An extended warranty will protect your car and your wallet from
unpredicted expenses and repairs. This way, you will save your hard-earned money as well as your asset
will drive and be in tip-top shape. If you own a vehicle then this is the right article for you. Below are the
top 5 things you need to be careful about as your drive during a winter storm.

1. Visibility

Visibility is key and necessary not only during a storm by any other occasion. You need to see what is
ahead of you and approaching. Visibility will enable you to avoid unnecessary collisions that could be
disastrous and life-threatening. Snow usually from huge clumps on top of your car's body once the car
has been parked in an open space for a long. Your windshield and the entire door mirror could be
covered in both ice and snow. How can you maneuver a car when you have zero vision of what lies
ahead? Use a snow brush to clean off excess snow on the windshield and an ice scraper to scarp off ice
stuck on the side mirrors and any other parts of the car. Once you have vision, you can easily drive your
car in a snowstorm with no issues.

2. Speed!

Speeding kills even in an instance where you think it does not matter. During a snowstorm, there are
always strong blizzards that always come wind the mighty winds that push even a 10-ton truck with so
much ease. Now, road conditions are always another cause for many accidents. Ice formed on the roads
makes the car tires lose traction with the ground. When the storm winds and the ice roads play together
against a speeding car then expect nothing but a pure nasty accident. The only remedy is to loosen the
acceleration pedal and focus on the roads. Driving slow will ultimately save you and your car won't
fishtail to some ditch or wall close.

3. Safe following distance

You need to ensure that you are very secure within your radius are your drive through a snow storm.
This way, the possibility of hitting one another won't happen as the distance will save you and your car.
A distance big enough will ensure that you drive confidently and safely. Even if you brake, your car will
stop at a safer distance and not hit the car ahead. However, if you ignore a safe following distance, you
will bring about issues.

4. Handling a skid

A skid is one thing that can make your heart skip if you are a faint-hearted person. During snowstorms,
skids are usually very often. The conditions of the roads more so the “black ice” is one of the many
causes that cars skid. To handle a car perfectly in a skid, you need to first settle and focus. Controlling
your body to get rid of fear and focus on the road is the first step. Then bring your skills to the test and
aid in controlling the car to avoid any collisions. Always release the brakes and acceleration and gently
steer the wheels to where you want the car to move.

5. Sudden moves

Another tip to drive well in a snowstorm is to be extra careful with the moves you make. A sudden or
quick move could be deadly. You might skid and roll up in some ditch. Always anticipate any turns or
brake ahead before they come ahead.


Snowstorms will always be there, this is the time to brace ourselves and handle the situation manly. No
need to fear or worry if you are armed with the tips above. Another thing that will boost your
confidence as you drive in that snowstorm is an extended warranty. A snowstorm bears a lot of risk on a
car. The likelihood of a car breaking down after a snowstorm is very high. You need your car protected
from any unforeseen damages only by an extended warranty. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to
do exactly that. Call us now for a free quote. +1-866-660-6444 is our direct line.


Those who lived in the last two centuries might have thought of travelling by car, plane, or ship as an
impossible thing. However, with time, things have changed and taken a new shape in recent days.
Though not yet there yet, they're more than enough change that could make those who lived in the past
perceive us as wizards or aliens. A huge leap in the evolution of travelling to a sharp turn when the
industrial revolution began. Currently, we’ve got at least more advanced forms of travelling but still, the
evolution continues. Now, what will travel look like in the next 10 years?

Since the beginning of this century, we’ve witnessed a tremendous change in the last 2 decades. We are
now into the third decade and a lot more is expected to come in place. Travelling is a diverse sector that
comes with many forms of travelling. The list is almost endless with new and new methods raising every
time. However, there are common forms of travelling and they are as follows, Road(cars, buses, trucks),
Air(planes, helicopters, jets), Sea( Boats, cruise ships, canoes). All these are expected to change or rather
evolve in the next 10 years and here is how.

Travelling by road is arguably the most commonly used form of transport. It came first even before other
forms were introduced, that being sea and air. Currently, a huge population is largely dependent on this
form of transport. It is cheap, reliable, and very flexible. There is no place you can fail to reach while
travelling on road. Now the differences come in with the different modes of transport being used. Before
the early days of industrial revolutions, modes of road transport being used included; Animal driven
carts, animals (horses, donkeys and camels).

Things took a sharp turn in the late 19 th century and the beginning of the 20 th century when steam
engines were invented. Currently, automobiles and specifically vehicles have taken over as the primary
modes of road transport. Vehicles are very fast, reliable, and efficient. If you think of getting a
performance vehicle, luxury vehicle, or a super-fast vehicle, all that comes in one plate. These vehicles
have been equipped with state-of-the-art modern accessories, masterpiece designs, and made with
rare-to-find materials.

But the real truth remains that this and much more is expected to change in the next 10 years the future
at large. Let’s now have a look at what is expected to change.


The production of autonomous vehicles can be traced back to the early 1920s when experiments were
conducted on automated driving systems. It was until the 1950s that the first car was tested and it took
an additional 20 years for one to be fully produced. The analog computer systems worked miracles at
that time but the car had to be driven on special streets. Tireless research and unfolding innovations
paved way for more and more features added to the system.

Vehicles made between the period from 1950 to 2000 made up most of level 1 and 2 autonomous
vehicles. It was until 2021 March that Honda unveiled a fully autonomous level 3 sedan. This means that
you can get your hands off the steering wheel and the road on some occasions. However, the racer
continues to make a fully dependent car. In the next 10 years ahead, a level 4 autonomous car will be in place. At the same time, perhaps a level 5
will be under tests and experiments. Both level 4 and 5 autonomous cars are flexible and dynamic
therefore need very minimal human assistance.

Full-scale electric vehicles taking over

Within the next 10 years and into the future, more electric cars will be produced and increase the “going
green” effect. By 2020, over 10 million electric cars have been reported to be registered. This number is
expected to skyrocket 10 years from now. Due to the ongoing climate change debate, probably there
will be laws, incentives, and tax relief that will promote the purchase of electric cars by the population.

Besides the EV market booming in the next 10 years, a lot more advancement on the EV and Plug-in
hybrids is expected to take place as well. We are talking about the use of non-flammable inorganic
electrolyte batteries that reduce chances of fires, increase miles per single charge, and reduce
environmental impact from car battery production.


In the next years, we will probably not be traveling in the same manner as of now. A lot more invention,
innovation, and tests and experiments are undermined to revolutionize and advance further ahead. We
expect super-fast cars, flying cars, badass drones, and all the other super techy automobiles. Extended
warranties will never cease from being in use. As usual, every piece of machinery falls victim to
breakdowns. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here for you. Be part of our lovely team and let us
secure your car from unforeseen breakdowns and expenses. Talk to us now; +1-866-660-6444 or email
us via info@a-rptectwarranty.com


Extended warranties are a great option if you wish to see your car drive for long and be less demanding
in terms of maintenance. However, there is still some misinformation out here that kind of tarnishes
extended warranties and makes them unworthy. If you want to have a hard time looking after your car
then following that path won’t lead you any far. You have to bear in mind that purchasing a car and
maintaining are different things.

There is nothing as tuff as looking after a car and to make matters worse, a problematic one. It is
estimated that on average, a car owner is likely to spend no less than $250 annually on car maintenance.
This is just an estimate of which the cost could be 10 fold depending on the extent of breakdowns and
damages. Costly repairs and replacements that come by surprise kill many vehicles. Many car owners
decide to give up their cars giving them no option but rotting away in a junkyard. All because one could
not meet the repair expenses after the car stalled.

Most people begin facing it hard when the factory warranty expires. Factory warranties come with all
brand-new vehicles and act by meeting any mechanical or electrical damages within the car. However,
due to their short span of about 3 to 5 years, they expire. You are now left with the entire burden. No,
all cars are made with reliable quality materials. Having a problematic car escalates the problems even
further. No vehicle no matter the price, quality, or how big the brand is will be immune to problems.

In case you have doubts and lack sufficient trust in extended warranties, do not worry. In this article,
we’ve sampled out the best and arguably satisfying reasons why it makes sense to buy an extended car

Increased resale value

Wondering if extended warranties are transferable? Yes, extended warranties can be transferred to the
next owner after reselling. To make things sweeter, extended warranties increase the car’s resale value.
Regarding a statement at the beginning of the article, a car purchased now won’t be in the same
condition a few years ahead. This is because cars lose value and age as time goes by. This affects the
functionality and performance as well.

The powertrain for instance won’t be as smooth and flawless as it was when new. However, if you put
more effort into the maintenance and of course get an extended warranty, quality will be retained.
Thereby if you think of reselling it, you will get a reasonable value unlike a person selling a car in a poor

Peace of mind

Anxiety, anger, and frustration build up, especially with problematic cars that are too demanding.
Unforeseen issues that slap you with huge repair bills can make one desperate and sad. This in turn
affects an individual’s state of mind and well-being health-wise. Gladly, extended warranties are here to
help you in that rough time you might be experiencing. Once the factory warranty, the extended
warranty gives no room for any disturbances but swings in to deal with any arising issues.

A good extended warranty plan from a reputable provider (A-Protect warranty) can save you big. You
are guaranteed peace of mind and serenity together will confidence while driving.

Extensive COVERAGE

Extended Warranties are a great option if you are after maximum cars protection from any issue.
Extended warranties come in and work best since they are diverse, flexible, and offer extensive
coverage. Unlike factory warranties, extended warranties have multiple plans which you can choose and
purchase for the car. Factory warranties are only limited to specific plans which cannot apply when a car
needs repairs not specified in the warranty.

Saves costs

Spending hard on car repairs and replacements is never a good thing to many car owners. Serious
breakdowns on the powertrain parts can leave you almost bankrupt. Since these parts have very high
and costly repairs, you end up spending much and even dig in your savings. Due to the plight of many
cars enthusiast, extended warranties came to the rescue. Extended warranties save you big from the
costly repairs and all you have to do is pay out a small deductible fee monthly.

If you live under a tight budget then this is good news for you.


If you are planning to get a brand-new car, do not skip the add-on of extended warranties. Doing so will
lead to nothing but very severe and hard consequences. Extended warranties will protect your car and
your financial stability from any expensive costs from repairs and replacements. Picking on the right and
trusted provider is key in ensuring you have nothing but the best experience with extended warranties.
A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here for that. We are just a phone call away. Give us a call right now
at +1-866-660-6444(toll-free) or write to us via email info@a-protectwarranty.com.


Ever since Japan rose and got ranked as the third top automobile market and the second-best
automobile producer, Nissan and Toyota are not new to anyone. These two giant firms have made a
very great impact on the automobile sector globally. The pace and rate at which the two companies
have grown are mesmerizing and thrilling as well. Not so long ago, Japan’s products sort of struggled in
the western market. However, things took a sharp twist and the homegrown companies are now facing
tough competition from Japan’s products.

In this article, we are going to compare Toyota Camry and Nissan Altima. This comparison is meant to
find out which of two stands out to be reliable and efficient can think of buying. One fact remains ns
clear, the comparison is very tough, and judging out who is best than the other seems almost
impossible. The reason behind that is how these two companies kind of seem to follow one another
bumper to bumper. The difference margin in terms of reliability, drivability, powertrain specs, and
design the very small.

Before digging into the comparison, you have to understand the importance of an extended warranty
before owning a car. Nissan and Toyota's model comes in a basic factory warranty of 30,000 miles. This
is equivalent to almost 3 years. When this period ends, you become the bearer of all problems that arise
from the car. Costly repairs and frequent issues can be frustrating. To shield you from that, extended
warranties were introduced. Eventually, you gain peace of mind, save money and see your car drive and
feel as new for long.


When you think of Toyota, you think of quality, reliability, and performance of course. The Toyota Camry
powertrain comes paired with all three factors. Because the powertrain system is the heart and soul of a
car, it must be up and running and with minimal to zero flaws. Check out the following amazing specs.

Toyota Camry’s powertrain;

  • 2.5 L 4-cylinder engine.
  • 188 horsepower/ 6,000 rpm (for the base trim models)
  • 180 pound-feet of torque/ 1,800 rpm.
  • Mated with a 6 plus-speed continuous variable transmission system.

Nissan Altima Powertrain;

  • 2.5 L4-cylinder engine.
  • 203 horsepower/6,000 rpm.
  • 184 pound-feet worth of torque/ 5,000 rpm.
  • Combined with an 8-speed automatic transmission system.

Judging out with the above powertrain specs, it is evident that Nissan Altima beats Toyota Camry hands down. One thing that kills most cars is a faulty powertrain system. Most powertrain components top the list of most expensive parts in terms of repairs and replacements. However, with an extended warranty and specifically a powertrain plan, you are good to go. All that and many more packages are offered by us @a-protect warranty corporation.


Toyota has a worldwide positive reputation all thanks to its model's reliability. This record was set a long
time ago and is still embedded in all its products with the Toyota Camry included. According to
Repairpal, Toyota Camry has a very high-reliability score of 4.0 out of 5. Research has it that the average
estimated cost of maintenance of Toyota Camry is just only $388 annually.

On the other hand, the Nissan Altima performs just right but is not as perfect as the Toyota Camry. It has
a reliability score of 3.8 out of 5. This however does not put it in a bad position since it managed to
attain position 11 out of 24 mid-size cars. In terms of the maintenance cost, the Nissan Altima is quite
demanding and has an estimated cost of $487 annually.

However, with an extended warranty, what you might think is a miracle will happen. You can end up
spending less than the estimated annual maintenance cost. You will certainly be cushioned from all the
costly repairs and save money in the end.


Aside from reliability, performance, and all the many factors out here, the interior remains to be a key
determiner when looking for a vehicle. Most car enthusiasts imagine being in a cool, flashy, and
comfortable interior and not the opposite of that. Let’s have a look at how this factor has been made in
both models.

Toyota Camry
The Toyota Camry has been ported to struggle so much with the interior. The average material choice,
dull-like patterns, and unattractive design make the interior look below average. One notable downside
is the narrow back doors that make it difficult to get to the rear seats.

Nissan Altima
Though still with the same standard materials as the Toyota Camry, the Nissan Altima ultimately wins in
this category. The reason behind that is the genus pattern blending, careful and skilled design, and
finally the unique and out-of-the-ordinary layout.


Toyota Camry starts at $24,425 while the Nissan Altima starts at $24,000. Despite the differences, both
cars are a great choice if you after reliable sedans. But one thing you should be sure of is problems won't
leave you by your side. That is why an extended warranty needs to be on the other side. Get one from
us at very customer-friendly prices. We offer a wide array of plans with the inclusion of customized ones
as well. Call us right away!! (+1-416-661-7444) or write to us via info@a-protectwarranty.com.


France is one place with a very rich and diverse automobile history. It falls under the top ten best
automobile producers and sells its brands across the world. The dynamic nature of the automobile
industry in France is very fascinating and thrilling. You can never fail to get any sort of car with a unique
design and style, functionality, and or performance. All that comes under one plate when you are
looking to purchase any French-made car. The skills and talent of the French engineers are something
out of the ordinary.

This attributes to most models being nicely designed, engineered, and made out of reliable and quality
materials. Thinking of getting a French vehicle? Well, you might have some trouble with picking what car
to drive. There are many automobile makers in France with some still under production while others
seized active productions. Either way, the list of models you might want to choose is very long.
However, France is well-known thanks to some common brands that always making headlines.

France has a set record courtesy of Bugatti which has been classified as the world’s fastest sports car
currently. Among the reputable brands, we have; Citroen, Peugeot, Alpine, and Renault. Some classic
and old versions include; Ajams, Alba, Cedre, Charron, and, CHS. If you after quality, reliability, and
performance, then do not hesitate before deciding on getting one. But before doing so, always bear in
mind that whichever model despite it being classy or high-end, will always fall prey to faults and

Failures and breakdowns are very irritating especially when they are on repeat onto your car. You end
up spending hard and wasting time getting them fixed and repairs. Eventually, your wallet begins to
drain, your peace of mind gets faded and sadly you might lose your car. To avoid all that, all you have to
do is get an extended warranty. Extended warranties swing into action immediately the factory
warranty has expired. The cushion from the expensive repairs gives you peace of mind and serenity. A-
Protect Warranty Corporation is the place to knock on doors.

French cars have both the downside and their upside. This is common and applies everywhere in our
day-to-day lives. Judging a car based on its pros and cons is beneficiary and very important. Not only will
you get the right car but a reliable one you can lean on. This publishing has some common pros and cons
of French cars you might find helpful. It is based on individual and common models that are made in

2021 Citroen C5 Aircross

The 2021 Citroen C5 is a sleek and super cool model under the parent company Citroen. The C5 series
was first unveiled to the public in 2017 and production is still going on up-to-date. It is a beautiful mid-
sized luxury SUV that comes packed with a wide array of features that any car enthusiast will die for.

Powertrain features
The 2021 Citroen C5 comes with a stunning powertrain system that does exactly as on paper. The model
comes in different trims but we have the base engine for the basic trim. That is a 1.2 L petrol-powered
and 1.5 diesel-powered engine. The plug-in hybrid system in the model is another interesting feature.

1. Cool and attractive exterior look.
The C5 Aircross can be easily picked out of a fleet of cars all thanks to its unique and out-of-the-ordinary
design. The C5 Aircross comes with a matte black finish and the chrome embedded brand problem. The
positioning of the front and the rear lights both LED is just amazing.

2. Precise and quality safety specs.
Safety is mandatory in any type of car. The 2021 Citroen C5 Aircross has gone top-notch when it comes
to safety. It comes fitted with over 6 airbags, Hill descent control, Traction control, and last but not least,
a Blind spot information system.


  • The model comes in only the automatic transmission system with no option for the manual
    transmission system.
  • Highly-priced hence making it less affordable to a small budget buyer.

2016 Renault Clio

The 2021 Renault Clio is a fourth-generation model that has had Renault Clio's spirit ever since its early
days. The supermini is incredibly built and comes with a standard 1.2 L, 4-cylinder turbocharged gasoline

1. Fuel efficiency.
The 2016 Renault Clio performs very well in terms of fuel economy. With a combined Mpg of 53 on both
city and highway, you are never going to run short of fuel in the middle of a journey.

2. Spacious and comfortable interior.
The interior of the 2016 Renault Clio comes with a French flair and taste. The fine finishing and exquisite
material make it look luxurious. The space inside is worth it, thanks to enough legroom and headroom.

1. Problematic powertrain system.
The powertrain of most 2016 Renault Clio has been reported to have common problems in the
powertrain system. Engine rattling, poor ignition, and start-up and suspension rattling as some of the
listed issues.

2. Quick depreciating body panel.
The body panel of Renault Clio does not impress that well especially after using the car for a while.
Leaking sunroof, peeling paint, and rattling are common experiences.


Only a tip of the Iceberg is what these publications can be refereed to. It points out that indeed French-
produced very efficient and reliable models, but still they do have downsides. If you are looking to get any French car of any sort, then the cons above should not worry you a lot. Problems do occur regularly on any car. However, to get going with full confidence and peace of mind, you need to get an extended
warranty. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is where you need to knock on doors. Contact us via email at
info@protectwarranty.com or give us a call at +1-416-661-7444.

The Pros and Cons of Driving Volvo Cars

Since the past generations, Volvo has garnered immense recognition and reputation globally. The brand
has been among the top automobile manufacturers worldwide thanks to its quality and reliable
products. However, some car enthusiasts have always doubted Volvo cars' reliability. Car critics always
find a way to find setbacks despite a brand that is well known for producing good products. Such
information is vital in enabling buyers to make an informed decision before purchasing.

This article is an eye-opener to Volvo cars' good and bad sides. Read on to familiarize yourself with Volvo
cars various pros and cons. Besides, Volvo lowers will also learn of the need to purchase extended
warranties for their Volvo cars.


Check out some of the advantages or good facts about Volvo cars.

Safety features
When shopping for a car, you always want to consider safety. Some car manufacturers usually underrate
this factor despite it being a crucial feature. Gladly, Volvo has prioritized the safety of its brands to
ensure customers enjoy nothing but the assurance of safety. Safety can be noted on most Volvo cars
and other types of machinery. Volvo is known to be a "guru" regarding safety, thanks to its genius and
exceptional safety features. The safety feature of most Volvo cars is usually a combination of innovative
ideas and advanced technology.

Some of the top luxury safety features on most Volvo cars include;

  • Electric safety belts
  • Advanced airbag system
  • Advanced driver assistance features (Lane departure warning, adaptive speed control, forward collision warning, and automatic emergency braking.

Fuel efficient
The current gas prices are unbearable, with some car owners resorting to public transport systems.
However, Volvo car owners seem not to be affected by such disruptions thanks to their fuels saving
vehicles. Volvo fully understands how fuel economy is vital despite performance dependent on huge
fuel consumption. The car owners driving Volvo cars enjoy the fuel economy feature that has seen
Volvo's ratings rise. In addition to that, Volvo is seen working round the clock to have mass production
of hybrid and full EVs released to the market in the coming decade.

Volvo cars are among the most reliable cars you might ever find in the automobile industry. This feature
is a key selling point for Volvo cars since customers always opt for quality and value. Volvo cars are
naturally known for their toughness and perform impressively even after a few hundred miles.
Remember that if you reside in areas with harsh weather conditions and ragged terrain, then a Volvo car
will surely do well.

Superb exterior and interior designs
As much as most car enthusiasts go for quality, reliable cars with excellent powertrain systems looks still
matter. Thanks to its wonderfully crafted interior and exterior designs, Volvo hasn't disappointed at all.
Exterior designs boast sleek body panels with attractive colour options, sharp angles, and aerodynamic
curves. Interior-wise, Volvo has a touch of luxury, comfortability, technology, and overall functionality.

Cons of Volvo cars

Poor performance
Volvo has a relatively low rating when it comes to performance. Volvo cars primarily focus on comfort
and safety with a basic powertrain system. Despite some models with super strong engines with high
horsepower, only some Volvo brands are known for performance. If you are a car lover obsessed with
speed and agility, then Volvo might not be the perfect choice.

Volvo is naturally one of the market’s most expensive basic functionality cars. The high-cost ranges from
both purchasing and maintenance. If you plan on purchasing a Volvo car, you ought to be prepared
financially for what is coming ahead. Sourcing Volvo spare parts when looking for a replacement can be
tough and costly.

Fast Depreciation
Quick depreciation is a common setback for most of Volvo's models. That does not mean all Volvo
vehicles are vulnerable to quick depreciation since some models have longer lifespans. Unfortunately,
quick depreciation is an enemy of value. Once a car loses value quickly, reselling it might not collect top
dollar compared to a car whose value is still untouched.


Generally, be sure that there will be both advantages and disadvantages to driving a Volvo car. The
primary benefits of owning a Volvo include advanced safety features, reliability, fuel efficiency, design,
and comfort. However, the cost, repairs and maintenance, performance, and potential for depreciation
should also be considered before purchasing a Volvo. Ultimately, it's important to consider your
individual needs and priorities when choosing a car and carefully weigh the pros and cons before

A-protect Warranty Corporation still has the opportunity to ensure your Volvo vehicle is free from
sudden breakdowns. Be sure to check out our website for a free quote or give us a call at +1-866-660-
6444 or write us an email at info@a-protectwarranty.com.

6 Things You Wrong About Extended Car Warranty

Assets such as cars will always need protection against threats affecting their functionality. There are
several ways of protecting your assets against damage. However, getting an extended warranty is one of
the least used methods in doing so. This form of warranty is one of the most underrated and often
misjudged ways of securing your investment. As a reasonable and responsible car owner, you may have
encountered misconceptions that darken the reputation of extended warranties.

This article digs into extended warranty to fish out six wrong things about the extended warranty
worthiness. That will put you up to speed and make you invest in an extended warranty.

Extended warranties are unworthy.

This is a common misconception about extended warranty that views extended warranty plans as
unworthy. Well, despite the fact some extended warranty plans might be costly, that does not make
extended warranty plans unworthy. Extended warranty plans cost varies depending on the plan you are
going for. That means the more car parts you need to be covered, the more you will pay. That fact does
not make extended warranties expensive.

Eventually, investing in extended warranties will help you achieve peace of mind, making purchasing an
extended warranty worth the cost.

Extended warranties are the same as the manufacturer’s warranty.

You might have encountered such misleading information about extended warranties not once, not
twice, but severally. This baseless fact makes it seem that extended warranties are no different from the
manufacturer’s warranty. Well, truth be told, the two are different and cannot be stuffed into one.
Extended warranties do not come initially with a brand-new vehicle, as with the manufacturer's
warranty. Manufacturer or factory warranty is assigned to all new cars out of the factory doors. On the
other side, extended warranties are always purchased when the manufacturer's warranty is nearing

Additionally, the manufacturer's warranty coverage is less extensive since it covers fewer parts than a
factory warranty.

Extended warranties can only be purchased from dealerships.

Another thing about extended warranties is that all warranty plans are purchased from dealers only.
This point is wrong, stating that you can only get an extended warranty plan from the dealership that
sold you the car. Well, it is common for most car dealerships to offer an extended warranty as an extra
add-on. That does not mean the extended warranty can only be strictly purchased from the given
However, the truth is that extended warranty plans get purchased from other third-party providers.
Third-party providers are companies that have been assigned to provide extended warranty plans to
customers. As you plan on securing an extended warranty, do not relay to the information that says
extended warranties can only be acquired from dealers. The extended warranty industry is broad, and
plenty of providers exist.

All extended warranties have no difference.

Extended warranties will always be different as much as such kind of information keeps on spreading.
Like insurance premiums, the extended warranty plans are relatively the same and work similarly. The
extended warranty plans come with different coverage parts, duration, deductibles, and terms and
conditions. When in the quest for an extended warranty plan, you are advised to keenly read and
understand the fine print to be up to speed with how an extended warranty works.

That makes the fact that extended warranties are the same to be misguiding information to potential

Extended warranties are unworthy of a reliable car.

Car owners with cars in good shape will always come up with such ideologies and believe in them.
Unfortunately, as time keeps ticking, they realize how wrong they are. That is because as depreciation
keeps eating up your car, the more the chances of faults and damages keep growing. On top of that,
calamities ring no bells. Sudden faults can turn out to be very costly to manage personally. Your car's
reliability does not make you immune to damage.

Extended warranties cover all repairs.

The assumption that many people believe that extended warranties cover all parts of a car is misleading.
That isn’t how extended warranties operate. The limitation behind extended warranty coverage is that
they only cover some parts since they have exclusions. Wear and tear parts such as tires and brakes are
excluded from extended warranty plans. Therefore, it is wise to learn of extended warranty exclusion
before investing in an extended warranty.


Extended warranties help you avoid many shortcomings when owning a car. Damages are inevitable
during car ownership. On top of that, costly damages are also prone to occur. The best remedy to
dealing with that is through securing an extended warranty. Sadly, not all facts about extended
warranties favor their existence. There are common misconceptions that some car enthusiasts tend to
believe in. Gladly, the information has clearly outlined the wrong things you might be knowing wrong
about extended warranties.

In case you need services related to extended warranties, we are just a phone call away. Give us a call at
+1-866-660-6444 or write to us via email at info@a-protectwarranty.com.

Do’s And Dont’s Of Driving A German Car

German is home to unique and world-class car-making companies that are much more reputable
globally. They include; Mercedes Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, and Audi. One feature about all the models
above is that they produce quality and performance cars. The models come with a potent powertrain
system, luxurious interior, and not forgetting sharp and edgy exterior looks. However, calling a German
car yours comes at a cost since most German car makers are known to have an abnormal price tag for
their products. The good thing is that one gets value for their money once they invest in a German car.

Well, once you put your hard earned money into purchasing a German car, consider what to do to the
car and what not to do. This brings us to this article that comprehensively outlines the various dos and
don’ts of driving a German car.


Avoid speeding, braking frequently, and jumping over bumps
Most German car brands are made for performance. Their powertrain comes engineered with speed,
stability, and better controls. However, you shouldn’t take advantage of that as a driver and try to push
your car to the limit. That can be through speeding, frequently braking recklessly, and running over
bumps and potholes.

By doing so, you will be slowly killing your German car. Speeding and abnormal acceleration will
prematurely wear out most of the core parts in the engine and transmission. Within a short period after
purchase, major powertrain problems will begin rising. On the other hand, frequent and reckless braking
quickly wears out most of your brake pads, consequently affecting the entire braking system.

Therefore, if you are an adrenaline junky, you should take it slow. Alternatively, secure an extended
warranty coverage that shields your car from all unforeseen damages to the car.

Keep an eye on the dashboard lights.
Frequent physical inspections are never enough, nor does it guarantee that your car is in good form.
Gladly, we have dashboard lights and notifications that notify you of any underlying problems within the
car. As a responsible driver, you must never ignore the dashboard warning lights. These lights include;

  • Oil warning light- When this light shows up, you need to check up on your engine's oil. The
    levels might have dropped due to leakage, low oil pressure, or the oil needs to be changed.
  • Coolant light- That is a sign that your engine might be overheated. The best option is to park
    aside and give the engine time to cool off. Also, check on the coolant levels.
  • Brake light warning- This warning light indicates that the brake fluid levels are low or the
    braking system is faulty.

The dashboard light is critical and plays a pivotal role in keeping your car in charge of the problems that
can be seen physically.

Ensure your car is warranted.
Calamities ring no bells, and that is for sure since problems related to car pop in out of nowhere. The
best option is always to protect your car from any unforeseen problems. Such problems include engine-
related failures, transmission skipping, electrical components faults, and body panel dents and
scratches. An extended warranty is essential, especially once the factory warranty has expired. It can be
purchased via third-party dealers and covers your vehicle extensively, depending on your plan type.


Avoid overloading
If you care about your German car, wish to see it drive, and feel as new for the next couple of years
ahead, avoid overloading. Furthermore, it is an offense to overload your vehicle since its punishable by
law. Excessive loading damages your car’s suspension system and massively strains your vehicle's wheel
alignment. Don't get surprised when told to change your car’s suspension system after a short period of
use. On top of that, tires wear out so quickly and require changes within the shortest time.

Skipping routine cleaning
One free tip for making your German car look fresh and appealing is routine cleaning. You are advised to
wash your car thoroughly at least once a week. That includes washing and cleaning the car's interior and
exterior parts. Debris and dust tend to clog most vital parts within a car that eventually jam up when not
cleaned. Besides, cleanliness helps preserves a car’s radiant and sleek look.


The guidelines above are essential in helping you secure the well-being of your car. You are advised to
always stick to the do and avoid the don’ts. Besides, once you own that German car, consider purchasing
extra protection through an extended car warranty. The 36,000 miles factory warranty will only be
enough if you keep your car for a short time.

We are just a phone call away! +1.866.6660.6444 is our toll-free line, or email us at info@a-protectwarranty.com.