A windshield is a very important part your car should never lack. It guarantees the safety of the driver and all other passengers. Safety is the number factor every car maker out here considers. Driver a car without a windshield is exposing those in a car to life-threatening disasters. Do not forget the penalties associated with driving a car with no or damaged windshield. To avoid all the penalties, you are supposed to take good care of your windshield and make sure it is in good form and shape. Considering that it is such a critical part of a car, maximum care and protection are needed.

Protecting our assets from unexpected disasters is one thing we always want. Disasters ring or knock no bells. Your car can fall victim to any place and time. Frequent damage and expenses coming out of nowhere can be frustrating at times. You can avoid all that by getting an extended warranty. An extended warranty will help protect you from unexpected expenses that result from mechanical damages. By doing so, you will be free from unexpected repair expenses and therefore live a peaceful life.

For your windshield to live a much longer life and be in good shape and form, you need to do a lot. Care and maintenance are key in this case. Here are some tips on how to get your windshield to be in that goods form all through;


Immediately fix all rock chips.


Rock chips are cracks that are formed as a result of flying rocks that come in contact with your windshield. At first, the rock chips might seem too little to cause obstruction but that will not be the case after all. Over time, these rock chips increase in size and spread all through your windscreen. They cause vision obstruction and ultimately cannot be prepared. When you get hit by the rocks, always take fast actions and get the rock chip repaired. You are also advised to drive carefully and not too close to the cars in front of you. You don’t want to spend on replacing an entire windscreen which is costly. Just get that minor rock chip fixed asap!


Park your car in a shady or closed environment.


The risk of parking your car at any place is usually very high to your car. This is why the sign that says ‘’park at your own risk’’ is common at some parking lots. When you park your car in an open place is a threat to the windscreen in many ways. If your windshield has rock chips or cracks formed already, direct sunlight causes them to increase in size due to high temperatures. Temperature changes affect the windshield by exerting pressure on the already formed cracks making them expand. Parking your car in an open space exposes your car to falling rocks, flying objects, bird droppings and so much more problems. Now is the time to clear that garage and get your car parked in.


Maintain your wipers well enough.


Though you do not use the windshield wiper often you need to take good of them too. Those scratches and cracks are also brought about by a windshield. A rusty and n sandy windshield will be a huge contributor to the damaged windshield. Always clean the windshield wipers and get rid of debris and sand stuck in them. After every 6 months, you are required to replace the existing wipers with new ones.


Nano safeguards your windshield.


It treating your windshield with a chemical or coating which bonds to the glass on the windshield. It cats like a shield to protect your windshield glass. In case a stone hits one place on the windshield, the impact does not major on one spot but spreads through the entire screen. Nano safeguard is also rain and dirt-resistant. There are tons of ways to safeguard your windshield but this is the most preferred method.



Safeguarding and protecting your windshield is now easier thanks to the tips above. You are required to execute the above tips for a sure longer life of your car’s windshield. Do not forget to top warranty your windshield too. With the bumper-to-bumper warranty, you can get your windshield secure from expenses that come due to damages. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is the right place to purchase a plan What are you waiting for? Come secure your windshield with us. +1-866-660-6444 IS our direct line. You can write to us via and get yourself a free quote.


Cars and any other types of machinery out here are always victims of damage and breakdown. All this is inevitable on every machinery man makes. In this case, cars are the type of assets which given a long time of use, they do depreciate in quality. A car bought brand new in 2021 will not be in the same pristine condition come 5 years ahead. Care and maintenance is the determinant to the rate at which your car will depreciate. If you put in an extra mile in taking care of your car then be sure to use it for a much longer time. Again if you are the kind of person who cares less for his/her asset then be ready to face the consequence. While a car is depreciating in nature, it is accompanied by common breakdowns and failures. Engine and generally the powertrain parts become so much problem in that case. The only cure and remedy to that problem are following a strict maintenance schedule. By doing so, you will see your car being in good form.

Taking your car to a dealership for service and check-up is the common way of maintaining your car. You need to set up given dates on a calendar strictly meant for servicing your car. Now, you just don’t take your car to any dealership out there. Everyone wants his/her car handled by a well-qualified serviceman. You don’t wish your car to pass through the hands of an unqualified person. Well, here are the pros and cons of taking your car to an unauthorized dealership for maintenance.




Saves you money.


Taking your car to unauthorized personnel for repairs and replacement is quite cheaper than visiting a real and authorized dealership. The authentic and authorized dealership tends to charge more than the rest since your car gets treated with professional and quality check-up compared to the unauthorized dealership. Since the unauthorized dealerships have no qualified or well-trained personnel, they just provide their services at any rate provided at the end of the day they get something. With the habit of taking your car to an unauthorized dealership, you’re risking and attracting a lot of dangers to your car. As we all know, cheap is expensive. No matter how sweet the deal is, try as much as possible to avoid visiting unauthorized dealerships. Do not be lured by the cheap service fee but consider the well-being of your car.



Easy to find cheap replacement parts.


When you take your car to an unauthorized dealership to get your car parts repaired, you will be charged less than replacing the part in an authorized dealership. This is because the parts replaced by an unauthorized dealership are usually not obtained from the right source or by using fraud means. Unlike getting your car’s parts replaced with high charges, you spent less on unauthorized dealers.


Do not have upsells.


Dealing with unauthorized dealerships is very efficient. You are not exposed to frequent upsells which are very common with authorized dealers. Upsells come in the form of more repairs that are not even supposed to be done. The authorized dealership will often add fixations and repairs which are not even necessary. They want to reap off as much money as they can.




Cars get exposed to counterfeit parts.


Dealing with an unauthorized dealership is very risky to your car since it gets exposed to counterfeit parts. During replacements, the servicemen replace counterfeit parts rather than the original ones. That might work but be rest assured that it won’t last. Fake spare parts are very common and most guys go for them since they are cheaper and easily found. However, to see your car being in great shape for a long time, always use original and authentic parts. 


Spare part theft or bad repairs are common.

Currently, one of the leading spare-part theft is the removal of catalytic converters from the exhaust system. This is due to the presence of precious material in it. The most unauthorized dealership are not to be trusted due to that and so many other thefts done to your car while it is being serviced. Poor service is also common. Due to lack of skill, your cars go through the hands of unqualified persons who may end up tampering and causing more problems to your car.




The unauthorized dealership has a positive impact and the same time a negative one. From being cheap and affordable to ruining your car’s state with counterfeit and poor service and check-ups. Do not look at the pros of getting your car serviced by an unauthorized dealership, it may mislead you and end up losing your precious car functionality. Getting an extended warranty will help you a lot since it will ensure your car gets serviced by an authorized service center. It will make things easier in the sense that you just claim through a call and everything gets fixed and sorted. The fear of spending a lot on repairs will be no longer there if you have an extended warranty. Hurry and come get one from us at A-Protect Warranty Corporation. For more information and clarification, go ahead and dial +1-866-660-6444 and talk to our team.


Money is an essential factor in making sure your car is in good shape and form. It is applied in every aspect, from the point you inject money into that dealership to the time you resale it. This entails all repairs and replacements. Cars assets demand a lot of money to manage. The reason behind that is cars are never immune to damage and breakdown. The quality and nature of a car depreciate over time. Frequent breakdowns and failures are common in the long term of owning a car. Now, one question comes in mind, why does it cost more money to repair a car than it does to maintain or take good care of it. The two; repairing a car and taking good care are related and affect one another in one way or the other.

Look, a well-maintained car means fewer faults and problems whereas a poorly maintained one is the opposite. The costs related to a faulty car are one thing you should never think of experiencing. A problematic car will make you keep sinking deep in your wallet to cater for the fixes. It is such a terrible burden! However, you can avoid all that spending by getting an extended warranty. Is it new to you? 

Well, an extended warranty is an extension to the factory’s warranty. It plays the role of covering for expenses that are related to mechanical damages to the car. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is the right place to get your car an extended warranty.


Common car problems and their repair costs


1.Engine Control Module replacement.


The engine is one part of a car you should hope it never gets too faulty. You might end up stuck due to the bills. It is a small black block with inbuilt transistors and a circuit board. It might seem nothing big but yes it is! It is responsible for monitoring your car sensors and ensuring everything is performing at its required range. Current shorts are the common killers to the EMC system. To replace it, you need over $1,500. That price is for basic and average-performing cars. However, the case is different from luxury and high-performing cars.


  1. Head Gasket replacement.


Oil performs numerous activities in the engine and is very vital to its life. The head gasket seals the engine cylinder thus preventing any leaks of the oil. Faults related to the engine gasket are serious and pose a great threat to the engine life. Overheating and complete engine stalling are common when the engine gasket is at fault. To get it repaired, you need to cash in over $1,000 to get it done. Remember, that price is not for all car models.


3.Brake line repair.


Brakes are very important to the car since they guarantee safety to the entire person in the car. A failing brake system is very dangerous to the lives of those inside the car. Brake failures are among the leading factors for increased road accidents. The brake line is important in the entire braking system. Any faults on it will cost you up to $1,500 to fix. Depending on the type of car or the mechanic, the prices could even go higher than that.


How to take good care of your car to avoid expensive repairs.


Wash your car often.


Water is a good agent in making sure your car is sparkling and shiny. It is also very helpful in preventing direct particles and debris from affecting your car’s performance. 

The engine, air compressor, and braking system are usually affected by dirt and dust. Washing your car won’t cost you anything much if you do it by yourself. Even if you take your car to a professional carwash, you still won’t spend that much. Make it your responsibility to wash your car at least twice a week. Cleanliness will put your car in good shape and form.


Change engine oil and filters.


Oil is an essential fluid in a car’s engine. It plays crucial roles which are aimed at keeping the engine alive. From cooling the engine, lubricating internal components and so much more. As time goes by, the engine oil depreciates in quality. This affects the way it performs. You need to do an oil change as per the required range of 5,000 miles for conventional oil. The oil filters need to be changed since oil collects dirt as it circulates through the engine. This will cost you not more than $200 for conventional oil. On top of that, you get to enjoy free oil change if you have an extended warranty from us!




From the above information, it is clear that spending on repairs is very expensive than taking care of. As the saying goes, It is wise to repair cracks on a wall than repairing an entire wall. Care and maintenance are key. This and many other forms of car maintenance are ways of preventing spending too much on repairs. An extended warranty is also helpful. With an extended warranty, you won’t be required to use your own pennies to meet repair expenses. The expenses will be directed to the warranty provider. Our services and worth a try provided by our good and dedicated team always at your service. Give us a call to inquire more through +1-866-660-6444.


Honda is a Japanese automaker that has been in existence for almost ten decades now. The company has proven its consistency and hard work by producing something out of the ordinary every new year. Here in Canada, Honda is one of the best sellers and dominators in the auto industry. From crossover SUVs, Light Trucks, and cars, the company has a continuous positive reputation in the Canadian market hence the reasons for its great performance. 

When purchasing your new Honda model of any sort, the vehicle comes in handy with the manufacturer’s warranty. The manufacturer’s warranty is a cover that is under the carmaker responsible for repairs and replacements that are a result of mechanical failures. However, that type of warranty does not have a long life. In short, it expires so fast given a life span of up to 4-5 years. What if you plan on keeping your car for long? Again as we all know, cars will always fall victim to damages and faults. At times the damages bear very huge expenses which can be overwhelming to the car owner. 

An extended warranty is the remaining solution to the above problems. It is an extension of the factory warranty. It plays a significant by rather extended role than the manufacturer’s warranty. You can opt to get an extended warranty immediately after purchasing your brand new car or after a given time. It is wise to get it for your car immediately rather than waiting for some time so that your car might have a continuous warranty. For a used Honda car, you can inquire from the previous owner whether the car is warranted or not. If the car was warranted, you can transfer the extended warranty under your name. Yes! It is transferable.

Here in Canada and throughout entire northern America, there are tons of extended warranty providers from whom you can choose. Specifically in Canada, there are several companies responsible for the selling of extended warranties. It does not matter what model your car is, the miles are driven, or the age. Any car is eligible for being warranted. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is one of the many providers to choose from. The big deal here is that A-Protect Warranty Corporation is bigger and better. Extended warranty prices are friendly and not forgetting the courteous and dedicated team willing to serve you.


Purchasing an extended warranty.


Extended warranties come in as extensions to the previous factory warranty. Therefore, they can be purchased in case you need to get one for your car. There are steps you need to follow and factors you need to know before you finally landing on an extended warranty. 


1.What is covered under an extended warranty.


Unlike an insurance plan, an extended warranty will cover more extensively for mechanical damages. There are different types of extended warranties from which you can choose. Depending on the specific parts you want  covered;

  • Powertrain coverage- Cover for parts that are responsible for producing power and bring about movement of the wheels. The parts are; Engine, Camshaft, Transmission, Axle, and Crankshaft.
  • Bumper to Bumper- It is more extensive in coverage. Cover entirely everything from the rear bumper to the front one. Electrical components, Audio systems, Brakes, Steering, and air conditioning are just but a few on the list.

2.Prices of extended warranties.


Extended warranty prices vary depending on the type of warranty you want to purchase. The prices are also affected by the specific parts covered or the extent of coverage. For example, if you want to get a powertrain warranty, the prices will vary depending on the parts covered. If you choose to cover all the powertrain parts then you will pay more. If you choose to cover fewer parts then the prices will be down.


  1. Type of warranty provider.


Here in Canada, there are tons of warranty providers. Factory or car maker, dealerships, and third-party providers. All these are amongst the providers of extended warranty. You choose from that what you think should provide you with an extended warranty. Always do extensive research on the provider you want to pick before coming to a final decision. This is one way of making sure you land on a perfect provider with a good reputation and history. A-protect Warranty Corporation is the right choice to make. If you are looking to secure your Honda and forget about spending on unexpected expenses then look no further.



There are tons of options you can select from if you are looking for extended warranties. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to make sure your Honda and wallet are secured. You do not want to continuously sink money into regular repair expenses. Utilize this opportunity and get an extended warranty for your car. We are an A+ accredited company by BBB and render our service throughout entire North America. For more information and a free quote, feel free to call our toll-free line + Canada 1-866-660-6444 0r +1 416-661-7444. If you are within Ontario, Canada, pay us a visit at our offices at 7250 Keele St #421, Concord, ON L4K 1Z8. We are waiting for you!


Have your fuel gauge ever gone from F TO L drastically in the middle of nowhere and left you puzzled not knowing where to start from. Yes, that is not new to individuals who won cars that are poor economizers of fuel. Fuel is very essential for cars it can be compared to the oxygen we humans breathe. Without it they are nowhere you can go. However, unlike oxygen, fuel is not a mass kind of compound that is easily accessible and free. Due to its scarcity in the current times, it has increased in price making its value skyrocket. Almost 90% of cars used globally use fuel to power their engines. This makes fuel an essential entity in our day-to-day activities.

 Due to its value, fuel is very expensive. Most car owners do not wish to spend a lot in maintaining their cars. Cars however are made differently when it comes to fuel consumption. We have the usual high-performance cars which use a lot of fuel for powering the engine. Then there are the normal cars which are again not meant to have equal fuel usage. Fuel economy is one of the factors you need to consider before purchasing a car. You need to be assured that you won’t purchase a car that will constantly make you sink into your wallet to fuel. It is very embarrassing to get stuck in the middle of a busy highway and get towed away reason being your tank is empty.  

Well, to avoid all that and many more embarrassments, here is a top 10 list of fuel-efficient cars you need to get.


Nissan Kicks. Nissan has produced one of the cleverly designed and structured models that is a fuel economizer and such a reliable machine to the owner. The model comes fitted with a 1.6 liter 4 cylinder engine that produces over 122-hp and over 114 lb of torque. Hitting the road with this car is something worth trying. The drive experience is very smooth thanks to its Continuous variable transmission that enhances smooth engine performance. You will be amused as you will only achieve 31 city and 36 highway Miles per gallon. Save you a lot.


  1. Kia Niro.


This is a hybrid crossover car that comes with a 1.6 liter 4 cylinder engine with a full hybrid system equipped. The engine has an electric motor which when you are low on gas, the car gets power electrically. The 2021 model produces a 139-hp. The achieves a general of 50 mpg, with 53 being on the city and 48 on the highway.


  1. Mazda MX-5. 


The 2020 model comes fitted with a 4 cylinder 2.0 engine that produces a combined value of 29 miles per gallon. This means that it achieves 26mpg in the city and 34 on the highway. Very efficient and friendly for those living on a fixed budget. Starting a $33,000, you can get one.

  1. Chevrolet Spark.


This is a 995cc machine that is a 1.4 liter and produces 98-hp. It is small in size and also comes with a 5-speed manual transmission and a continuously variable transmission. On regular gasoline, the car reaches up to a total of 33 mpg with 28 mpg in the city and 38 mpg on the highway. This is equivalent to 3.0 mpg/100 miles.


5.Toyota Prius.


On regular gasoline, the Toyota Prius achieves a remarkable 1.8 gallons b per 100 miles. This is efficient since you won’t strain a lot and spend much on fuel.


6.Hybrid Toyota Corolla.


It is a 1.8 4 cylinder engine car that also comes with an electrical controlled continuous variable engine. If you choose to use a gasoline of which is possible, you will achieve over 1.9 gallons per 200 miles. This is approximately 52 miles per gallon in both the city and highway. Soothing!


7.Toyota Sienna Hybrid.


The all-wheel-drive machine comes fitted with a 4 cylinder 2.5-liter gasoline-powered engine. Let’s not forget about the electric motor and battery that come in handy too. With such engine power, the minivan can achieve about 39 miles per gallon on both city and highway.


8.Chevrolet Colorado.


In case you are looking for a small pickup truck that is fuel-efficient then this is the absolute choice to pick. It comes equipped with a 6 cylinder2.8 engine that achieves a fuel efficiency of 5.3 gallons per 200 miles.


  1. 2021 TOYOTA PRIUS.

This has been for the most efficient car when it comes to fuel economy. With an infused hybrid system, it can be traced back to the early 2000s when mass production of these models began. Currently, the 2021 model comes fitted with a 4 cylinder engine 1.8-liter engine. On both city and highway use, the car reaches a combined 52 miles per gauge.




Electric cars are now the kings on our roads. Not only do they facilitate movement from one place to another, but they also help combat climate change. Cars with zero-emission are the way to go if we what to change the climate topic. The above list of cars will help you pick any of them. A plan to do so, let’s not forget about an extended warranty. You will for sure need it to endeavour to own an electric car or rather own it already. For a detailed and informative inside look at an extended warranty, feel free and call our toll-free line. +1-866-660-6444 is the number and you can also reach us directly at our offices located at 7250 Keele Street, Suite 421, Concord, Ontario, L4K 1Z8.


Cars will never be immune to damage and breakdown. Cars are assets that in nature depreciate over a given period. A car purchased in 2021 will not be in the same condition and shape that it is in for the next five years or so. This is due to the frequent wear and tear and also the aging of some parts of the car. After a given time while using your car, a point reaches where it starts developing problems. In most cases, a problematic car is usually a result of improper care and maintenance. However, sometimes it can be due to the nature of the car, the material used in manufacturing. A problematic car needs to be repaired to restore it to normal condition. Failure to repair your car could lead to your once precious machine rotting off in a rusty and nasty junkyard.

Car repairs at times get too expensive. Too expensive to an extent where you can’t meet or bear that sum of money. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is the remedy to that problem. Sometimes you just get unexpected expenses out of nowhere. Don’t worry anymore, we offer extended warranties which comes in and cover you against those unexpected expenses.

Well, this article will establish out reasons that lead to people paying a lot for expensive repairs.


1.Model and nature of the care.


Paying a lot for expensive car repairs comes in as a result of nature and the make of the car. There are a variety of car models out there. We have the rich and classy cars and the moderate Class type of cars. Repair expenses will vary by a huge margin between these two types of cars. The luxurious and sporty cars will cost a lot higher repairing than the normal cars. These classy cars are made up of hard-to-find parts which damaged are very expensive to purchase. A good example is the repair and replacement of the engine gasket of a BMW compared to that of a Mazda. Getting that fixed for a BMW will cost you over $8,000 whereas for a Mazda it will go for less than $5,000. That difference in repair expenses is very wide. This is one reason why people spend a lot on car repairs.


2.Damaged parts.


This is the obvious reason for paying a lot for expensive repairs. A car has a lot of different parts all of which play a collective responsibility in making sure the car is working properly. All these parts starting with the basic headlights to the more complex engine and transmission are prone to mechanical damage and breakdown. The big deal now comes in with the cost of repairing each of these different parts. The repair of the engine and the cylinder will cost you up to $10,000. This might even exceed the actual value of the car. Imagine for that $10,000 you get a decent car rather than spending that much on repairs. You cannot compare repairing the engine or the transmission to fixing a car’s air conditioning compressor which only costs $500. The repairs cost vary due to the value of the parts damaged. Repairs to more complex parts mean you’ll spend a lot compared to basic parts.


3.Lack of warranty or insurance plan.


This can be testified by individuals who opt to drive without either a warranty or insurance. Driving without insurance is illegal here in Canada, lacking one is something you should never think of since it is punishable by law. A very essential warranty work should also be a priority. It works by covering for repair and replacement expenses born from mechanical damages. Driving a car without a warranty is one way of attracting and paying a lot for expensive repairs. Having a car with a warranty, will help you when you are met by such large expenses. However, for an individual without it means that he/she is responsible for all that burden. 

Extended warranties are the common forms of warranted taken to cover cars. You need to get one and protect your financial state from being ruined by expensive car repairs.




Paying a lot for expensive repairs is usually not someone’s fault. Cars are prone to mechanical difficulties and failures. The make of the car and the specific parts damaged determine how much you pay for the repair expense. Let’s not forget about a warranty. When new, your car comes with the carmaker’s warranty. This is not meant to last for long. You either have to renew or get an extended one. This is where we as A-Protect Warranty Corporation come in. We offer out-of-the-ordinary extended warranties which are very inclusive. With one, you will never pay a lot for the expensive repairs. Give us a call at +1-866-660-6444 or 416-661-7444. Our team is here ready for you!


Sweden and France have a long history in the production of automobiles ever since the 19th century when the industrial revolution began. Sweden particularly began with the first-ever steam car made by the two brothers; Jons and Anders Cederholm in the 1890s. The car was used as a means of transport for the two between their two houses. It was until 1898 when a Swedish man by the name of Gustaf built a car fitted with a full combustion engine. First electric car was made in 1900. Over the years, advancement and technology changed in the automobile sector scaling mass production of cars and trucks. Sweden is well known for its two giant companies; Volvo and Scania. These two currently reign as the world’s best companies producing trucks and buses.

France on the other hand has had such a huge contribution to the automobile sector. The country has two major companies; Renault and Stellantis; produces Peugeot, Citreon, and Opel). Both counties make cars that are reliable and meet the consumers’ needs. If then you are looking for a car under $20,000 then this article got you sorted. 


A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to provide you with an extended warranty. You need to secure your car and your wallet from constant demands out of repairs and services. As we know, all cars are prone to damage and breakdown. Driving without an extended warranty is a direct risk to you and the car. Imagine finding yourself in a situation where your car breaks down and you have no means to fix it. It is only with an extended warranty that you will be on the safe side. Do not get stressed any further by non-ending repair bills. This is the time to get that Peugeot or Volvo an extended warranty.


Swedish cars.


Having been in the game since the beginning of the automobile revolution, Swedish is such a good producer of cars. When you see Volvo or Scania machine anywhere, you see Sweden. Volvo and Scania are the two major companies that sell globally with Scania majoring mostly in the production of buses and trucks. There are still a good number of companies including; Koenigsegg, NEVS, and Uniti. Below are the specific features of the under $20,000 models.


Used Volvo S60 t5 sport.


Volvo came up with a new model in 2015 that was fitted with a 2.5-liter turbocharged engine. The car has a 6 sitter capacity and is an all-wheel drive. Performs incredibly well off roads. The car has all the advanced electric accessories. These are; The infotainments led display, Audio and cruise control features, and a 12V power outlet. When new, the car comes with a 4-year manufacturer’s warranty. Four years is such a short time. You need to make sure your used Volvo S60 has a used car extended warranty. It will help you meet up repair expenses. If you are buying the car from a direct individual, ask whether the car was warranted. If the warranty has not expired, make a follow-up and have it transferred to your name. The used Volvo S60 comes at $18,000 depending on the mileage of the car.


French Car.


When you hear of Bugatti, France comes into your head. France is also a big contributor to the automobiles industry. It is home to the fastest supercar, Bugatti. Other companies include; Renault, Pequot, Venturi, PGO, MPM motors, and Citroen. This and many more are automakers established in France. Let’s find out if we can get a French car for under $20,000 in 2021. 

Renault Zoe.


This is an electric car. It has good handling while driving and packed with other amazing features. The interior and exterior are stylish. Crafted to the satisfaction of clients. Renault Zoe can be driven up to 240 miles before getting another charge. You can even use it for a whole week with only a single charge! This car saves you a lot from extra spending on gas. For only $20,000 you can get your used version if you want to go green.


Peugeot 508.


This a car meant for long trips. If you’re a diehard road tripper then you got the right match. Peugeot is known for its good classic cars ever since it began production. In these current days, the company has incorporated technology and advanced to produce cars which upper-end. The 508 model has a sharp styling in the interior and the exterior. The car has been fitted with digital dials and modern systems for audio, air condition, and displays. It comes with a 1.5-liter engine and an automatic gear shifting system. This car is worth something!. The price ranges between $10,000 to $12,000 for used deals.




If you are a car enthusiast but live under a fixed budget `then France and Sweden cars are the best options.  Do not forget about getting an extended warranty for one if you purchase. Aren’t you afraid or tired of regularly paying for fixes and services? Well, A-Protect Warranty Corporation is the solution. Our service is very essential to your car and your wallet. Get that stress-free life you desire by purchasing an extended warranty from us. Hit the dial at +1-866-660-6444. Write to us at


Japan is home to the leading automakers in the globe boosting giant companies such as Toyota, Subaru, Nissan, Honda, and Suzuki. There is absolutely nowhere you will set foot on earth and fail to see a Japanese car cruising down a street. The country has been a huge producer of automobiles globally since the early 50s when the automobile sector become well recognized by people. Advanced enginuity, technology, availability of raw material, and hard work are the key factors to Japan’s success when it comes to the productions of automobiles. Cars produced in Japan sell thr4ough the entire globe and the high demand since the 2,000s for Japans used cars has increased Japans export by a great margin. If you dream of purchasing a car in then Japan should amongst your list of potential providers. You can either choose to buy a new car or a used one depending on how much you have. Currently, Japan exports mostly used cars than the new ones. The demand for used cars has grown tremendously over the years leading to an increase in the export rate. A car: be it used or new is never immune to damage and breakdown. All machines are destined to damage and problems. It is up to you to choose either to use your car without an extended warranty or purchase one. An extended warranty is very important to your car and your wallet since it caters to repair and damage your car may get involved in. This means that you won’t be required to use your own wallet money to meet repair costs. Leave to an extended warranty. We are here for you as A-Protect Warranty Corporation to provide affordable and extensive extended warranties. Keep reading!

The good side of Japanese cars.

1.Japanese cars are cheaper.

Compared to other automakers from different countries, Japan produces cars that are relatively cheaper in terms of price. This fact supported by various reasons amongst them being; High production rate- Japan has a 24-hour economy which implies that the economy never comes to a standstill. Work is always going on through meaning that the productions of newer cars are non-stop. This thereby brings about more cars being produced more than they are actual demanded by the citizens of Japan. Car dealerships and companies take this opportunity to sell these cars to the outside world. Japan’s advanced public system- japan is currently amongst the best countries for transport. The country is linked together by a vast network of good roads, high speed electric trains, and cable cars which eases up movement from one place to another. Most people prefer using the public means of transport than using your own cars. Previous car owners sell their cars to car dealerships who then export them to potential buyers.

2.Produces cars that are reliable and easy to maintain.

Japan poses a great threat to its rival by the quality of its products. One mega example of a pacesetter in Japanese automobiles is Toyota. The company incorporates quality skills and material in the production of these models which meet the client’s satisfaction. Maintaining these cars is also cheaper with most of the spare parts being available in the market. Throughout the whole of Africa, Toyota is the king of the road. The car is made to endure the hard terrain and bad road conditions making them very reliable.

The bad side of Japanese cars.

1.Less interior space

You may have come across a word such as ‘’econoboxes’’. Well, in case you are wondering what that is, it is definitely referring to Japanese cars. They are made in a way that only facilitates your movement from point A to point B. The interior is very tight and squeezed. Fall tall people, this will inhibit the comfortability you desire. Most Americans and Canadians in particular have that stereotypic idea that a car should have enough space and should be big enough. This belief impacts a lot on the decision of buyers wishing to get a car from Japan.

Ugly side.

1.The Takati airbag recall.

This is one thing that will never get off the minds of most drivers with Japanese cars. It recorded that over 100 million cars from Japan fitted with Takati airbags were affected. The airbags had a defect which caused metal fragments enter the car’s cabin one an accident occurred. More than 20 people were reported to have been killed from such fragments and offer 500 injured. 

  1. Rust.

Japanese cars are highly susceptible to rust more so that cars made in the 90s. The material that was used in making those cars was very weak thus could easily be eaten off by rust.


Japan is home to great companies which are very reputable and sell quality cars to the world. But there is nothing ever made by man that will be error-free. There will always be a good side and a bad and to some extent the worst or ugly fact of it. On top of that, cars will never seize being fault since they are prone to damage and breakdown. The pressure and stress from that car you own due to its constant problems should now be an issue of the past. We are here for you and your car. An extended warranty is the only remedy to having a peaceful experience with your Japanese car. Check us out and write to us through or call us via +1-866-660-6444.


Accidents and disasters generally do not alarm anyone before they happen. Something terrible can happen anytime and anywhere without prior alarming. Car carnage is the number one killer on our roads. It’s because a huge percentage of the population mainly depends on cars fro day to day activities. There are also different types of drivers. Some are being careful while others are just too reckless. Another cause of accidents is the quality of drivers. We have the professional ones and also newbies who are incompetent. However, accidents do not judge out whether you are too qualified to be a driver or how perfect you are. They can hit anyone despite their experience or age.

At times, the type of vehicles could also be a cause for accidents. An-road-worthy vehicles are a great cause of accidents. These cars always have faults such as a failed braking system or engine and transmission-related problems. Roads are also another cause of accidents. Some roads could have portholes which are very risky or some can be too steep and bumpy. Despite all those issues, accidents occur and will continue to occur. We, therefore, need to be vigilant with how we drive. Another thing that can help prevent these accidents is taking good care of our cars. A poorly maintained car has a high chance of getting into an accident than a properly maintained one.

A badly maintained car will fall victim to accidents. Care and maintenance are required. One way of protecting your car is by getting an extended warranty for your car. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to help you out. We offer extended warranties at affordable rates. Our extended warranties guarantee maximum protection from unexpected expenses that occur as a result of accidents.

 Here in Canada, there are rules and requirements one needs to follow when involved in an accident. This article will guide you through. Keep reading!




These are the major requirements you are supposed to do when involved in an accident. No matter how minor the accident is, always STOP! Never should you think of driving away from the scene? Many individuals always panic and speed off avoiding get in trouble or being arrested if he/she is the one carrying the blame. It is wise to stop if not injured, come out of the car, and assess the situation. If the accident is very minor, you can chart a way forward with the one you have collided with and sort out the situation. If the scene is deadly, go forward and take necessary action.


  1. 2. Protect the scene.


Scene protection is very important as it prevents further accidents by alerting another driver of an accident scene. Setting up flares or using a flashlight while in the dark will be very helpful. Failure to do will lead to more accidents since some drivers could just bump into you and cause more problems.


  1. 3. Report the accident.


Making a call to the necessary bodies which can help you out in that situation should be among your options. You need to make a call to the insurance companies you have insured your car. Insurance companies require immediate calls for the claim and give out enough details of the entire event. Inquire if the policy has your health coverage. Medpay is an extra coverage included in the main car coverage. It is responsible for the health of the driver and passengers. You are also required to make a call to the warranty provider in case your car is warranted. A-Protect Warranty Corporation has the fastest claims process ever with zero paperwork required. Don’t wait to get stuck in a problem. Come get an extended warranty from us.


4.Call the police.


Policed to be informed no matter how minor the accident. This is because a statement from the police will help you get an insurance claim faster. The police will be responsible for clearing traffic within the scene and also clear off the wreck if the accident is serious.


5.Contact your attorney.


It is wise to contact an experienced attorney to help you out with the problem. An attorney will aid in case you are at fault by defending you. He/she will also speed up the process of filing a claim to an insurance company.




If you are involved in an accident and luckily come out unhurt or rather with minor injuries, then this article will be useful. Cars will always be at high risk of getting into an accident. Make sure you drive your car carefully by following the traffic rules and respect your colleague drivers and other road users. Remember to take good care of your car at all times. This makes sure your car is in good shape and condition. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is also ready by your side any time you fall victim to an accident. Accidents can either be major or minor. Our extended warranty is not selective. As long as the parts included in the warranty are damaged, you need not to worry anymore. We shall take over the repair expenses. Get in touch with us at You can call +1-866-660-6444 and get a free quote.


Quebec City was founded by the late Samuel De Champlain in the 1500s. He was an explorer who came after Jacques Cartier; the one who originally discovered the place. Quebec city is located in eastern Canada. The name ”Quebec” came out of the native’s word ”kebek”. It means:  ”where the river narrows”. This is a city that has a deep history behind it and the story is something else you need to hear of. The city has a vast French-speaking population. If you are a good French speaker then that is the right place you need to be. The official language in Quebec is French.

Apart from the deep and interesting history of Quebec, the city is extraordinarily beautiful. The stunning and amazing sites of the city are eye-catching. The city is full of life with robust nature creating a serene and peaceful environment for you and your loved ones. The good vibes blended with the beautiful nature of Quebec bring out spectacular and amazing pictures of Quebec. Late spring and early summer between June to September and December to February are ideal for visit Quebec. The Carnival which is a Winter celebration id marked when February begins. In short, there are not times when Quebec gets boring. Tourists flock into the city all-time with vast activities being available in the city. If you have a car and plan on getting to Quebec then don’t use it without an extended warranty. This is to help you tick your checklist of want to need to have before getting to Quebec. You need an extended warranty all-time leave alone getting to the city. Despite Quebec being a nice place to visit, damages and breakdowns can never be avoidable. An extended warranty will safeguard you from unexpected expenses which come in as a result of damage.

Below are the top 5 things which you need to do while you are in Quebec.

Attending the Winter Carnival festival.

This is an annual festival that kicks in when February begins. It marks the beginning of winter times. It is a long-time tradition that has been happening with the past generations. The Quebec winter carnival is the oldest and the largest festival that still happens Tons of tourists pour in from all corners of the country to come and experience their life fun. From cross country skiing to riding horse-drawn sleighs and dog sledding. Quebec is a true definition of wonderlands and a place that will quench your thirst for fun. Not forget about the party king ”Bonhomme”. A sculpture crafted from ice. The badge one gest during the first day of entry will serve you for the next 3 weekends. Such a great value!

Take a ride on the famous Quebec-Levis ferry ”

A twelve-minute ride on the st Lawrence river is also another activity you should never miss while in Quebec. The river is a great spot for viewing the magnificent beauty between Quebec and Levis cruising on a ferry. You get to see the amazing architecture of the old Quebec city together with other eye-catching things.

Visiting the Aquarium de Quebec.

The famous Aquarium de Quebec is well known for its two polar bears; Eddy and Tiaga. On top of that, there are over 12,000 marine animals you need to spot. This is such a great place highly recommended for kids of all ages. There is also an outdoor center where your kids can enjoy other water sports such as water slides and other water games. If you want to make your kids happy then look no further.

Check out the traditional culture.

The Huron traditional site is a must-visit place in case you want to experience the culture of the natives. The site offers a wide scope into the Huron-Wendat culture. You will also get to learn of the past legends and stories about their culture and traditions.

Chill overlooking the Montmorency falls.

The Montmorency river offers an amazing site which is the Montmorency falls. The falls are one place you can visit all year round. You can ride above the fall using a zip line or cable car. For only a small fee, you will have a lifetime of fun.


Quebec is such a great place full of history that needs to be visited. In your 2021 must-visit places, Quebec should be marked on your checklist. The city offers what most will relate to as lifetime fun. From the breathtaking sites to the deep history of the city and the traditions of the native. Do not forget about getting an extended warranty. Your car is our number one priority. Contact us directly via phone at +1-866-660-6444. You can also write to us via