Almost every other car dealership offers you an extended warranty, immediately after you have exchanged money for that new or certified used car. You may fall for their words or not. Do not rush into signing a contract before getting to know more about extended warranties. When you get a new car, it comes with the factory’s warranty. The factory’s warranty plays a crucial role that is to cater for expenses associated with mechanical damages to the car. Most factory warranties do not last for long since they only have a short duration of use which is almost about 4-5 years. When the warranty expires, you are now responsible for expenses that come your way. Things will be tough for sure especially if you were dependant on the warranty.

An extended warranty is the remaining option. It plays an extended but much further role than the previous car maker’s warranty. It can be purchased from a dealership or a third party. Depending on your choice, you can get it from any of them. A-Protect Warranty Corporation should be a top priority on your list. We offer extensive and affordable extended warranties which are highly recommended for your car. Remember, no car will ever be immune to damages and breakdown whatsoever. You need to secure your car from frequent breakdowns and failures and your wallet from sinking all your savings to maintain a car. Unforeseen repairs and damages are very common in every car. This is the right time to secure your asset from them.


Types of extended warranties.


Extended warranties come in two types; those offered by the original car makers and those offered by third-party sellers. Original Car Maker’s warranty offered by the factory and Aftermarket warranty offered by the third party.


1.Original Car Maker’s Warranty.


This is the original warranty that comes with the car and is provided by the carmakers. This form of warranty is primarily meant to cover your car for a period of up to 5 years or 60,000 miles. In case you wish to resale your car, the warranty can be transferable to the next owner before its expiry is due. It excludes damages that are caused by other factors such as weather, accidents, and collisions. Just a tip, never buy a new car that lacks the original car maker warranty.


  1. Third-party extended warranty.


This is an extended warranty that is purchased from third-party dealers. They are purchased as a continuation or an extension to the original car warranty. Third-party dealers can be car dealerships or companies established with the key purpose of providing extended warranties. Just like the original car warranty, they only cover mechanical damages and not other factors that cause damages to a car.


Types of extended warranty coverage.


Extended warranties fall into two major levels; Bumper to Bumper and Powertrain. These two are subdivided into smaller plans depending on the specific parts you want the car covered.


Bumper to Bumper warranty.


This is coverage for parts that is to cover for parts of a car from the front bumper to the rear bumper with the inclusion of drive train parts. These parts include electronic components, audio and infotainment system, interior, exterior bodywork, suspension, steering system, fuel injection system, and other accessories in a car. It a comprehensive coverage that is highly recommended for your car. Under the Bumper to Bumper warranty, there is a variety of plans you can choose from depending on the duration you want. These plans range from the longest-serving ones to the least. We have the Platinum coverage plan that covers up to 10+ years to the Bronze coverage that covers up to 6 years.


Powertrain warranty.


It is a coverage level that covers parts that are involved in powering the wheel of a car. These parts are usually very vital and expensive. We have the car engine, transmission, crankshaft, camshaft, axle shafts, and exhaust and intake manifolds. This form of coverage is vital in ensuring your car is top-notch and in good shape. It is divided into smaller plans that vary depending on the duration of coverage. The highest being Titanium coverage and the least Bronze.




An extended warranty remains to be the best option and remedy to the stressful life that comes from unexpected repair expenses. Having an extended warranty solves all that and for sure you have peaceful coexistence and experience with your car. A from the above information, it is clear that extended warranties vary in terms of plan and coverage. Not all car extended warranties have the same equal plans. Depending on your financial ability, you can pick your desired plan and have your car covered. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to stand by your side as you endeavor to protect your asset. Get an extended warranty from us at an affordable and friendly price. We are just a phone call away. +1-866-660-6444 is our direct line. You can also talk to us through email at


Brakes are one of man’s greatest inventions which have been in existence ever since the eras where chariots were in use. Well, the brakes on the chariot were applied when the chariot came to halt. It was meant to prevent the chariot from being pulled by the horses as they seem to get restless. The brake was in form of a long piece of wood that was placed inside the wheels. It was until the 1800s when now a man came up with moving cars. It can be traced back to 1890 when the first brakes were used in the earliest steam cars. The brakes were almost similar to those used by the chariots since they used wooden blocks which pushed against the wheels when applied.

In 1920, the mechanical drum brakes were invented by the late Louis Renault. A French engineer and a great pioneer in the field of automobiles. That was the initial advancement made in the braking system in cars. Have you ever asked yourself which mechanism brings about the halting of a car? When you set foot on the brakes, the vehicle’s speed reduces and the car can halt. Well, there are several activities responsible for that but first, let us start by getting to know the types of brakes used in our cars.


Types of brakes.


1.Disk brakes.


This is one of the common types of brakes installed in many vehicles. It works simply by applying friction to the router which is in a disk shape. The caliper which is an attachment to the rotor is fitted with a pad. When brakes are applied, the caliper receives the signal through the brake fluid and presses hard on the rotor. The pads fitted in the caliper apply pressure onto the disk and reduced its speed according to the pressure applied on the brake pedal.


2.Drum brakes.


It’s kind of an older version system of braking which is not commonly used nowadays. You can still find it on older cars and motorcycles. It was only installed on to the rear axle of cars. This type of braking system does not have calipers nor brake pads. Instead, it used brakes shoes. These are curved and are kinked together by pistons. When braking is applied, they are pushed to the walls of the spinning drum.


Braking system.


This is a complex and very vital part of a car that guarantees safety for the passengers and the driver. A car without a working brake system is a direct ticket for disaster. Brakes worked through a combination of many parts which are involved in converting kinetic energy into heat. When you press the brake pedal, the pressure applied is transferred to the master cylinder. The master cylinder is a cylinder-like structure that is filled up with brake fluid. The pressure forces the brake fluid out of the master cylinder via interconnected tubings to the calipers. The calipers are connected to the wheel’s rotter using a mechanism that receives the pressure and pushed the brakes pads hard to the rotor. This reduces the rotor’s speed according to the pressure applies to the brake pedal.


How to maintain brake pads.


Brake pads usually have a lifespan of between 60,000km to 150,000km. Driving past the required miles is very dangerous to your safety. Also depending on your driving habits, brakes pads can only last longer with a careful driver. Below are some tips which can make your car’s brake pads last longer.

1.Keep up with the flow of traffic to avoid unnecessary emergency breaking.


Unnecessary braking means that you end up engaging the brake pads a lot. Remember, there is wear and tear. Doing so will help prevent a faster rate of wear and tear.


2.Avoid speeding.


This is the number one cause of road accidents on most of our roads. Frequent speeding and sudden braking make your brake pads get eaten up very fast. Since brake pads work by transforming kinetic energy into heat, it means that they end up wearing off quickly. Avoid speeding!


  1. Do not overload your car often.


Heavyweight load is usually a challenge to the brake pads. Brake pads now have to deal with a much larger kinetic force which could at times make them lose off and accidents occur.


  1. Check on your brake pads after every two years.


You should consider flushing your brakes after every two years so that your braking system can be in good form and condition. The brake fluid brings about corrosion to internal vital parts which can diminish the braking effectiveness. The fluid also attracts water and loses the properties that are necessary for braking.




Brake pads on average cost up to $200 per axle to replace. If you use the above tips then you are on the good side and can avoid those huge expenses. Brakes are very vital and critical in the safety of a car. Maintenance and care for your car is also another huge contribution to the health of the brake. Don’t forget about good driving habits. A poor braking system could lead to unexpected expenses which can be too much to handle. A Protect Warranty Corporation is here to help you out with those unexpected expenses. This will enable you to have a smooth experience with your car. You will not be required to use your pennies to cater for any repairs. Just a phone call awauy.+1-866-660-6444 is our toll-free number.


‘’Civic duty’’, as I may be referred is the act of taking care and maintaining your Honda model to keep it running in good form. Honda is a Japanese automobile company established over 80 years ago. It has grown tremendously and taken over the Americas’ markets with a great shock and posing competition to the existing local manufacturers. Honda models cars are always made to perfection thus bringing out reliability and efficiency while using. The cars are made up of quality rich material made to sustain harsh conditions and long-term use. However, without proper care, long-term use cannot be achieved. This article will shed light on what you need to do to keep your car in good shape.

An extended warranty might seem something odd and unnecessary if your new Honda still has the factory warranty. Things fall apart after the factory expires and perhaps you are financially low. Just like any car, Damage and breakdown are very common. What if you’re being hit by a breakdown and by bad chance it demands a lot to repair? Well, this is the right time to get an extended warranty before things take a sharp turn. An extended warranty plays a significant but more crucial role in securing your car against mechanical or electrical damages. You Honda in this case will be secured from all those breaks down and at the same time, your financial stability will be reinforced.


1.Get an oil change after every 7500 miles.


Oil is an essential component that works closely with the engine. It is very crucial to the point that an engine can suffer total damage when it is not fully functioning or rather missing. Oil performs an incredible task that brings about the normal functioning of the engine which is to power the wheels. The internal part of the engine is made up of metallic parts which are always moving and grinding against each other. This created heat due to friction. The oil then comes in to cool these parts and prevent them from further friction which can cause permanent damage to the engine. As the engine continues to work all round the clock, dust and debris pose another challenge. Oil circulating inside the engine chamber collects with it the dirt and debris. This is normal hence an oil filter is put in place. It clear and filters dirt off the oil. However, as time goes by, the dirt accumulates a lot in the filter making it unable to play its role well. You need to clean the oil filter often to reduce the chances of engine failure as a result of dirt particles.


2.Check will other fluids.


Just like our human bodies, cars also have a wide array of fluid each playing its role. We have the brake fluid, power steering fluid, and transmission fluid. You need to be vigilant with these fluids at all times. A slight leak or decrease levels of the fluid is harmful to the car. Make to get under the bonnet hood and personally check on the levels of the fluids. Visit a nearby service center if you notice anything unusual.


3.Regular check-up and service routines are key.


You need to follow a tight service schedule and never miss a day. Service and check-ups are important to the well-being of the car. Early diagnosis is better than being slapped suddenly with a demanding replacement or repair. You can do that by yourself at how by just doing a basic check-up. Open the good, check if everything is right, and also check on the wheels. If you think you are not good at that, take your car to a nearby service center and get it checked by a qualified technician. A specialized computer connected to your car’s system through the on-board diagnosis port will get an in-depth analysis of your car and find out any problems.


4.Do wheel rotation and tire maintenance.


For longer use of your Honda Civic tires, you need to have a strict maintenance schedule. Tires are essential to a car. A slight failure to your car tires is very dangerous and can cause a devastating disaster. Wear and tear are very common to tires. To confirm whether your tires need to be changed, the check will the tread wear bars. If the tread wear bar is in line with the tread pattern, then you need to change the tire. Using an easy-to-find tool known as the depth gauge, you can read your tire’s measurements using the tool and determine how long to use the tire before you change it. Tire rotation is always another way of maintaining your wheel. After 6 months, you need to rotate your tires. The front one goes to the rear and the rear one to the front. The way will make the wear and tear even.


  1. Get your car warranted and insured.


Insurance or warranty is also another way of placing your Honda civic in good shape. Insurance will cover your car from accidents, fire, and natural catastrophes such as floods. A warranty on the other hand will protect you from unforeseen expenses that result from mechanical and electrical damages.




Using the above information, your Honda Civic will be for sure be in great shape and form. No one wants a problematic car that is at all times making you sink into your wallet to repair and fix. The only remedy is to love what you own and give it extra care and protection. A-Protect warranty Corporation is here to offer you an extended warranty. It is what you need to protect yourself from unexpected expenses and protect your car. Get in touch with our team for more help through our toll-free line +1-866-660-6444.



To new car owners, the word extended warranty might seem new and strange. Well, an extended warranty is a service contract purchased to extend the factory’s warranty on coverage of repairs and replacement of parts. Can be offered by the manufacturer, third-party provider, or a dealership. When purchasing a new car, it is common for the seller to offer an extended warranty, you can also get your used car an extended warranty too. An extended warrant will play a very crucial responsibility in ensuring your car is in top shape and condition. A well-maintained car guarantees increased lifespan for the car thus you can keep and use your car for a longer time.

A-Protect Warranty Corporation offers extended warranties for a consumer-friendly price. The extended warranties offered are very extensive and are a sure option in securing the well-being of your car. Check us out now for a free quote.

As much as extended warranties are helpful to the car, there will always be setbacks to entirely everything. Arguments will always spark up to derail the worthiness of an extended warranty. Some claims state that getting an extended warranty is a waste of your money. We all want to spend our hard-earned cash on something meaningful and worth it. An extended warranty does not waste your money in any way and here is why;


1.Saves you money.


Extended warranties save you a lot for repairs and replacements. On average one can spend up to $11,000 to fix the Engine gasket of a car As we know all cars depreciate in quality over time. Imagine you find yourself in such a position where your car really needs to fix but the expenses are too high. The repair cost will pose such a heavy burden on your financial ability. Sometimes the repair expenses could even surpass half the price of the car itself. If you are an individual living under a fixed budget then you are in for a rude shock. With an extended warranty, you will save a couple of bucks. For example, your transmission gets faulty, you will spend that much to get it done. With only a deductible of a maximum of $100, the fault which originally is over $1,000 will be fixed under the hands of an extended warranty provider.


  1. Peace of mind.


Disasters ring no bells. We always live in unpredictable moments where no one knows what happens next. Your car could fall victim to a breakdown at any time and anywhere. There is no bad feeling such as getting in trouble which requires urgent and emergency funds to clear it off. That is how cars breakdowns and failures happen. Your car engine could just get problematic in the middle of a road trip or so. Such a frustrating thing you never want to experience. Having an extended warranty is very beneficial in the sense that you seamlessly live with no stress with your car. Research has it that 90% of drivers lack the $500 emergency funds in their accounts. It is wise to have that sum of money saved to cater to emergency expenses. However, having an extended warranty will make enjoy a peaceful and soothing life. What are you waiting for? Hurry and get one.


3.Extended warranties come with extra benefits.


Having an extended warranty comes with extra benefits that you get to enjoy. You need to confirm with the provider and check whether their policies have extra benefits. Among the common benefits are;

Free towing- When your car jams up in the middle of nowhere, you can call for assistance and a towing team sent directly to your location to help you out.

Flat tire repair- Flat tires are very common. Extended warranty providers have set up a service that is to help customers in situations that need immediate repairs such as flat tires.

Free oil change-A-protect Warranty Corporation offers free oil change to its customers any time a customer needs one. What you do is submit for oil change then you are good to go.



Think of any other thing that wastes your money but excludes an extended warranty. From the information given by this article, it is clear that extended warranties are worth that money and never a waste in any way. Do not let your decision be interfered with by the fact that some claims state that extended warranties are a waste of money. You are putting your car at risk since without proper care and maintenance; your car won’t be in good form and shape. That can be achieved with the help of an extended warranty. We are an A+ accredited company by BBB rating and serve entire North America. Hit the dial at +1-866-660-6444(toll-free). You can also write to us via for a free quote.


For the last couple of decades ago, rust has been the number one killer of most classic and old vehicles we have in the junkyard. Only through a chemical reaction of air and moisture over metal, a brownish substance forms and costs over the metal Rust eats off the metal through the chemical reactions and makes the metal general weak. Rust has been a huge threat to the health and well-being of our cars for a long time. It is just a couple of years back when scantiest came up with techniques that can help combat this menace. Rustproofing is a process of protecting your car against agents of rust or rather delaying the rate of rust formations. It can be either permanent or for a given period all that depending on what the owner chooses. It is broken down into several different techniques and methods which will be discussed later. Keep reading!

After getting that brand new whip, the manager or the person in charge likely asked if you get extra rust protection for your car. This happens more often especially to those in the winter and cold regions. It is also likely that the same guy introduced you to an extended warranty. Well, before we dig deep into rustproofing, you need to know about an extended warranty. It is an extension to the original manufacturer’s warranty. Plays a similar role to the original warranty and is much comprehensive. You might have turned that person down reason being you did not believe if it is effective or maybe you knew nothing about it. Now that you know, you need to get one from us at A-Protect Warranty Corporation.

Before we get down to the pros and cons of rustproofing, you need to know the different types of rustproofing methods.


 Types of rustproofing methods.


1.Electric module.


The use of the electric module is a new concept developed to combat rust. It works through a small electric device that is connected to your car. The small device emits an electric current that flows through the car’s metallic structure. The current helps prevents the metal body from reacting with oxygen thus causing rust. However, unlike other methods, it is a little bit expensive.


2.Tar-based spray.


This method involves a tar-based spray being sprayed onto the cars and forms a barrier or acts as a shield against rust. When sprayed onto your car’s wheel, body panel, and any other exposed part, the fluid thickens over the surface thus preventing entry of water and oxygen which as we know are agents of rust formation. However, this form of rust protection does not guarantee a long time of protection. Over a given period, the layer begins to peel of hence exposing the bare p[arts to rust. You need to year redo the spraying so that the method can be effective.


Pros and cons of rust proofing.

Here are the pros and cons of rust proofing your car;




1.Extends your car’s life.


 Rustproofing is one way of extending the life of your car. Since most vital parts are usually beneath the car’s belly, rustproofing protects them from rust which as we know is a deadly killer. Rust-causing elements find it hard to penetrate and cause harm to the vital parts.


2.Boosts the resale value of the car.


If you don’t plan to drive your car for a long time and wish to sell it shortly then you won’t need to worry a lot about its value. It is because rustproofing prevents rust from attacking and ruining your car’s state. Hence after a given period, you can sell your car while it is still in good shape.




1.Only works best with new cars.


The right time to get a rust-proof done to your car is immediately after purchasing it. You don’t have to wait till it’s too late. This is because; doing a rust-proof for an old car is less effective or rather does not give amazing results in the end. For an old car, you won’t get the best result in it. You will strain a lot by first removing the already formed rust and dust beneath then applying it.


2.Needs to be redone after a given period.


 The ‘’permanent’’ of the rustproofing method is not a lifetime guarantee that your car will be protected forever. You need to redo the rustproofing method you used after a given period. In most cases, you need to do it after every 3-5 years. This is the only way to guarantee your car lifetime protection.




Rust has been and shall never seize from existing. This means that our cars will forever be victims of rust. Rust should not be taken lightly as it can ‘’kill’’ your car within a very short span. However, being wise and protecting your car before things get worse is the only remedy. Get your car protected today and be free from the stress and expenses that come along with rust. A-Protect Warranty Corporation will work closely by securing your car against all expenses you are met with and in general maintenance and care of your car. Our extended warranty is what you need the most. Get in touch with our team through email at You can also give us a call using our toll-free line +1-866-660-6444.


The Canadian market is filled with a wide variety of SUVs from which you can pick. Giant companies such as Toyota, Honda, Mazda, and Kia Motors are amongst the kings of SUVs makers here in Canada. In the last decade, it is well known that the Canadian auto industry had more passenger cars such as the Corollas and the Cobalts. SUVs were not that much in the market during those days. However, the industry took a shape turn and shifted to light trucks. Minivans and SUVs began taking over the Canadian roads. Currently, these types of makes have surpassed the 50% margin with the productions and sales increasing day by day. Last year was such a bad time due to the pandemic. Things are now taking shape in 2021 and the auto industry is still struggling to revive. The pr- pandemic time is set to improve the auto sales and bring it back to normal.

While in your quest for hunting down your dream SUV, do not forget to purchase an extended warranty too. An extended is very important for your car and you financial stability. It caters for unforeseen expenses which come as a result of a break down and damage to the car. Cars are never made to be immune to failures. These failures vary from minor to major ones. At times you may get hit by a breakdown that needs a lot of money to fix. If you have an extended warranty then you will for sure have a great time and experience with your car. Check out A-Protect Warranty Corporation for more details. Keep reading!

 The pre-pandemic time is here with us and thanks to the vaccines for making life at least turn back to normal. The economy is slightly picking up with tons of activities getting back in shape. Movement restrictions are now done away with. Workers can now resume to work and the road trippers can hit the road as normal. Summer is here and the vacationers are set. We all got different tastes and to some, a car is not a car unless it is an SUV. Here are the top 10 of the best SUVs in Canada.


Kia Seltos.


While passing by the Kia motors showroom to sample out what to buy, do not pass the Kia seltos 2021 model. The appealing sport and edgy design will drool you away. The master-crafted exterior is something out of the ordinary. When you open the doors, you will be greeted by a premium feeling rich with class. The interior of the Kia Seltos is polished with fine materials. The seats are very exquisite and comfortable. It’s a five-seater by the way. The accessories include an 8 infotainment screen (Inclusive of Apple car play and Android Auto), air conditioning system and a six-speaker sterio system. The SUV comes packed with a 2 liter engine for the lowest series producing over 150 hp.


Mazda CX-5.


Once again, Mazda has once again done what it does best by giving the world a new model; the Mazda CX-5. The well-finished and the crafted machine come fitted with a four-cylinder 187 moderate horsepower engine with appealing throttle response. The interior is breathtaking. Crafted with fine materials to bring out a detailed and executive feel. The front seats have an armrest which can be adjustable. We can’t ignore the spacious cargo room which comes with other compartments to store small items. The infotainment system comes with a 10-inch display screen, Mazda services and other services are included in the system. For a base price of $38,680, you can find yourself behind the wheels of a Mazda CX-5.


Toyota Rav4.


Starting at $27,000, you get be the owner of a 2021 Toyota Rav4. This is a compact crossover boasting a 2.5 litre four-cylinder engine. The engine produces 203 horsepower. The in driver-assist helps a lot in terms of safety, making the Toyota Rav4 rated a five-star. Interior comfort and cargo room is appealing too. 


Honda CR-V.


Honda decided to pack its CR-V with A 1.5-liter engine producing over 190 horsepower. The continuous variable transmission is also a key feature for the Honda CR-V. The interior is stylish and comfortable thanks to the quality and fine materials used. The chromed plastics and faux-wood accents upscale the interior layout. The cargo room is soothing with a capacity to hold over 10 carry-on suite cases. For only $25,350, the Honda CR-V can be yours.


Hyundai Tuscon.


The Japanese automaker delivered the Hyundai Tuscon the market and the feedback is very positive. You can choose to get the 2.0 liter 164-hp or the 2.4 liter 181-hp engine model. An 8.0 inch screen is mounted on the dashboard, offering essential services such as Apple car play Android Auto. The interior is well-built using fine materials crafted to perfection. The seats are stain proof with the higher versions offering leather seats. What are you waiting for. With only $24,885 you can be the real owner of the Hyundai Tuscon.


Toyota Highlander.


The Toyota Highlander comes with a 3.5-liter V-6 295-hp engine. Such a powerful engine for maximum performance on off-roads. Although handling is not that exciting, the car is very stable. Toyota value the live of its passengers and drivers. The car has driver assistance features. Lane control, cruise control and the automated emergency braking are amongst the key features in driver assistance.


Subaru crosstek.


This is among average performing SUV which comes with a 4 cylinder 152-hp engine. Engine noise is a bit of a nuisance but generally, the case is stable and has good handling. Cargo space will melt you away with the foldable rear seats which increase cargo volume. You can get one from the nearest dealer for a starting price of $23,000.


Hyundai Kona.


The Hyundai Kona comes in two versions, the SE and the SEL. The two come with a 147-hp four cylinder engine. The interior of the Kona series is made out of bold and stylish fabric and materials. The seats are comfortable with the steering wheel being wrapped in fine leather. Cargo space is surprisingly huge with ability to hold over 14+ catty-on suite cases.


Kia Sportage.


Kia Sportage is a turbocharged 237-hp SUV that is one of the best fuel economy crossover in the market. The interior is impressive with its mix of quality and exemplary features making it relate closely to the AUDI models. Fine materials and edgy designs make the interior appealing and luxurious. Cargo space is minimal and does not have compartments for small items. With a base price of $25,265, The Kia Sportage could be yours.


Nissan Rogue.


The Japanese automaker; Nissan is rocking the Canadian roads with its new model: The Nissan Rogue. This SUV comes with a 2.5-liter engine that powers to over 180-hp. The continuous variable transmission is equipped also with the all-wheel-drive being optional. The Nissan Rogue interior is rich in style and uniqueness. The interior is made up of fine materials that are well crafted to bring out an exquisite feel and look. The driver-assistance features are equipped to ensure safety is top-notch. $27,000 is the base price if you want to lay your hands on one.


Toyota Venza.


This is a five-passenger mid-size crossover SUV. The Venza is powered by a 2.5 liter engine that produces over 218-hp. The interior is less spacious compared to the Toyota Rav 4. The feature that is different from all other Toyotas is the sunroof. It has been made to change from opaque to transparent with only a switch button. Toyota Venza is 5 star rated in terms of safety with an inclusive driver –assistance. Starting at $33,385, you can make it yours.




In case you have been tirelessly looking for your dream car then there goes top 10 best SUVS of 2021.A-Protect Warranty Corporation offers extended warranty for any new purchase from the above list and any other car out there. New cars will always come with the factory’s warranty, however, it does not last that long. You need an extended warranty to cushions you any time you are met with unexpected expenses. Hit the dial at +1-866-600-6444or write to us via


Production of electric cars began in the 20th century with the earliest model being produced by the pioneer in 18. Later in the years to comes, advancements were done and with the gradual growth in industrialization rate, there was the need to produce more electric cars. However, this did not go well since the production of such kinds of cars started stagnating and lagging. It was until the early 2000s when the production of electric cars came back to life. Toyota was the first to produce the first-ever modern hybrid car which encompassed both fuel and electric systems. Since then the world has experienced a tremendous increase and mass production of electric cars.

Climate change is the key contributor and is what pushes for the production of electric cars. The need for green energy is necessary to combat climate change which brings about devastating catastrophes. Wildfires, increased temperatures, melting of the polar and so much more are the common signs of climate change. With the establishment of new companies and the advancement of previous ones, the rate of production of electric cars has increased steadily. Competition is now tuff as to which company produces good electric cars. In case you want to get one and find it hard to make the right choice, this article will align our top five electric cars in 2021 for you!


1.Tesla Model S.


This is arguably one of the world’s common and best producers of electric cars. Established over a decade ago, the company has grown and spread its cars like wildfire through the entire globe. The models series began production 8 years ago and has produced elegant and outstanding cars of the S model up to date. Currently, the Model s 2022 series is out. Powered by an electric motor that can produce over 1020-hp, the car surprisingly has a pick-up speed of zero to 60 in just 2 seconds. With a price tag of $90,000, you only expect nothing but luxury. Yes, and that is what you are met with when you open the interior. It is furnished and polished with fine material. The white leather seats and the huge cargo space are just a drop in the ocean. The giant infotainment screen provides you with real-time information about your car and not forgetting the smart features such as air updates, web browsers, front and rear cameras, and body sensors.


  1. Hyundai Loniq 5.


Still under the electronic family comes the majestic Hyundai Ioniq. Its external looks and sharp angles giving it an appealing and attractive look. Bet you will want to stand and stare at it while in a showroom. The car is in different battery packs. We have the 72 KWh that comes with one or two motors and the 58kWh that comes with one motor. The model comes with rear and all-wheel drive both producing 225 and 330 horsepower respectively. The 800-volt battery-equipped makes the Hyundai Ioniq catapult from 0 to 60mph in only 7.6 seconds. The family crossover SUV comes with enough cargo space as well as a fine and attractive interior. Starting at $45,000, you can make it yours.


  1. Ford Mustang Mach E.


Ford decided to give it ‘’all’’ to its first-ever all-wheel electric SUV. This is one type of EV you need to lay your hands on. The SUV comes fitted with a 78kWh battery which can be extended up to 93kWh. The electric motor producing a whopping 480 hp and a torque of 634 pound-feet. The fewer model ones produce around 250 horsepower. Fast charging is also another feature that is incorporated in this model. The car has an EPA range of 211 to 305 miles depending on the battery pack installed. The interior is not that similar to the regular Ford Mustang. The 15.5-inch infotainment screen offers a wide array of very important features. Customized features such as sunroof, heated seats, and heating steering can be added to the package. With only 443,995, the Ford Mustang Mach E can be yours.


  1. Polestar 2.


Polestar comes fitted with two motors one in the front and the other on the back. The two produce over 480 horsepower and a torque of 487 pounds per foot. This gives the car the ability to pick in only 4.1 seconds from 0 to 60mph. The Swedish car claims a fast charging ability of over 140 kilowatts. This can boost a dead battery from 0 to 80% in just 40 minutes. The interior is slapped with a 12.3-inch display screen that encompasses a wide array of features and soft wares necessary for the day-to-day use of the car.


  1. Porsche Tycan.


It is a double-powered motor car with one motor on the front and then the other on the rear wheels to power the all-wheel drive. E quipped with a 79 kWh standard battery, the Porsche Tycan is capable of producing over 520 horsepower. The 84 kWh battery pack in the premium version can produce over 560 horsepower. The car has an incredible speed pick-up time of just 3.4 seconds from 0 to 60. The car’s 800 volts battery allows it to charge up to 270 kWh. Versions with the 83 kWh battery can charge from 5% to 80% in 93 minutes. The interior is rich in class and luxury with a wide variety of amazing features such as massaging seats, climate control, and heating steering wheel. You can get starting from $ 81,250.




The above cars are should be at the top of your list in case you are looking for an electric car. Such kinds of cars are very friendly to the environment hence getting one will bring about a positive impact. An extended warranty will also be necessary when you own one. Just like any other care out here, electric cars also break down. Unforeseen expenses come along with these breakdowns which at times could be very expensive to manage. A-protect Warranty Corporation offers extended warranties that are very comprehensive and affordable. Get in touch with our team by simply giving us a call via +1-866-660-6444 or you can write to us through


Most car owners by the fact all know how to drive. There are the more skilled ones, skilled ones, and newbies. However, amongst all those levels of driving experience, accidents, damages, and breakdowns are inevitable. These types of disasters do carry along a couple of bucks to get them fixed. In simple terms, expensive repairs come as a result of driving habits. It doesn’t matter how skilled and perfect you are behind the wheel. What matters a lot is the habit and behaviors you use while driving. Many will argue with the fact that driving habits affect the health and well-being of a car. It is true, the way you drive your car affects the car’s shape and form.

Now that disasters are never evadable, you need to get an extended warranty. This type of warranty protects you from unforeseen calamities which pose unexpected expenses to the owner. This distracts the car owner’s peace of mind and comfort. Sometimes the situation can worsen to the extent of permanent stalling of a once precious machine. You don’t want that to happen to you. Do not hesitate. Make that decision a.s.a.p. and come get an extended warranty from us at A-Protect Warranty Corporation.

Expensive repairs are usually a result of damages or any other failure on one or many parts of a vehicle. Driving habits are one of the main factors which affect repair expenses. Good driving habits mean that you won’t spend a lot of repairs whereas bad driving habits are vice versa. In most cases, the repair expenses are usually moderate and manageable. However, there reaches a point where repair expenses are too high. Well, this article will help find out how you can drive your car to avoid huge repair expenses.


Stop before shifting between reverse and drive.


Hurry hurry has no blessings! not at all. The same applies to shifting between the drive and reverse gears. When driving be it manual or automatic, you need to come to a complete stop before engaging either gear. The crunching of the two gears will cause devastating problems to your transmission system and the engine too. However, modern cars have an inbuilt inhibition system that prevents engaging reverse or forward while in motion. For old car versions, it is a bit different. These cars do not have an inhibition mechanism. Doing that is posing a huge risk to the transmission. If you try that and all goes wrong then prepare to pay. It is just advisable that you don’t try doing that no matter how old or modern your car is. Don’t!


Slow down on bumps and avoid portholes.


This is a clever way of avoiding unnecessary damages to the car. Due to ignorance and recklessness, most drivers bump into bumps while speeding and also slam in to portholes without evading. This is by far the silliest thing to do. As a good driver, you need to slow down when a bump is ahead of you. No matter how shallow a porthole might look, always try to avoid it. The vice versa causes damage to the wheel alignment, steering, suspension, and also the tires. Hitting a bump while speeding affects the steering wheel mechanism. This might also extend to losing control and handling thus cause accidents.


 Avoid Overloading.


This is a common mistreating we show our cars. We always want to put in a much cargo as possible and fill the car to the brim. A car has the specific cargo load limit it is supposed to carry. Surpassing that level means you overloading it. Overloading increases stress to the powertrain, brakes, and suspension of a car. Any damage to those parts is something you never want to experience. You will end up spending a lot to fix the repairs.


Respond to dashboard alerts.


A car has an inbuilt system that can detect any faults the car might be having. These faults are displayed on the car’s dashboard to alert the driver. Ignorance is one thing that kills a car. Most drivers ignore the important alerts displayed. Over time, faults get more and more devastating bringing the car to complete stalling. You need to immediately fix any repair alert popping on your dashboard or else you will be digging a grave for your car.



Driving habits have a close relation to the well-being of your car. We wish to drive in perfect working cars which are free from frequent errors. Yes, that is possible but only if we put in the above and more good driving habits. An extended warranty will also be a plus to the car. It comes in to take over or rather cover your cover from expenses that arise as a result of mechanical damages. Yes, damages do happen, but it is wise to change your driving habit to reduce the rate and effects of such occurrences on our cars and our financial states. Our courteous and dedicated team is waiting for your call. +1-866-660-6444 is our direct line. You can write to us through


No one can explain the feeling that feeling of coming out of a car dealership cruising down the lane in your brand new whip. In this case, it is not just any other car nut the might German machine, Mercedes Benz. That feeling is usually the way too special to summarize it in one word. Apart from getting your dream car, the car comes warranted by the factory to cover a cost that comes as a result of mechanical breakdowns. Mercedes Benz factory warranty varies from covering your car from 50,000 miles to 80,000 miles. After that period is over, the warranty expires. This means that you are the one responsible for all repair and replacement expenses.

This is now when things now begin to change. The excitement feeling at first now turns into the worst and bitter feeling ever. There is nothing as bad as a faulty Mercedes Benz. A problematic Mercedes Benz will cost you a lot than you ever expected. A good example to support the fact that a problematic Mercedes Benz is expensive is the damages to vital parts. The Engine gasket of a Mercedes Benz costs up to $10,000 to repair or replace. This is way too much to bear only to get your car fixed. What if your car has such expensive repairs frequently? That value is even to get a new or used car that is in good shape and form.

To avoid the lack of peace of mind and stress associated with a problematic car, you need to get an extended warranty. An extended warranty is an extension of the factory’s warranty. It plays a similar role to that the factory’s warranty. It is very helpful when owning a problematic Mercedes Benz car since you won’t be bothered by expensive repair expenses. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to help you out. Come get an extended warranty with us and secure your Mercedes Benz and your wallet from frequent and sudden expenses.

To avoid your Mercedes Benz from being problematic, here is what you need to do to keep your car running smoothly. Now you won’t need to worry when the car’s warranty is over.


  1. Constantly check on the engine mount.


The engine mount is one of the most reported issues that Mercedes Benz cars have. Engine mount perform a very crucial role which is to hold the engine and the transmission firmly on the frame. They help prevent a rough handling and feel while driving simply by absorbing vibrations and shock from the engine. Engine noise and vibrations are usually the signs of a cracked or worn out engine mount. Replacing and fixing is a bit expensive with a quoted price of over $1,000. You are therefore obliged to maintain and regularly check on your engine mount to make sure it is working properly and is in good shape.


  1. Never miss an oil change.


Oil is an essential liquid to any car’s engine. The engine plays a significant role to that played by the human heart. Oil on the other hand can be related to the blood. It flows through the engine. It plays very crucial responsibilities that are needed for the day-to-day activities in the engine. Oil is responsible for lubricating the internal parts of an engine. The internal parts are always grinding against each other. The grinding fastens wear and tear hence frequent failures. This needs a lubricant. On top of that, the engine generates temperatures that can be too high to cause explosions. Oil cools down the engine’s high temperatures hence regulating the internal temperatures from bringing disaster to the engine. Since most Mercedes Benz cars use synthetic oil rather than conventional oil, you have up to 10,000 miles to get an oil change.


  1. Always inspect the drive belts.


A Mercedes Benz drive belt is meant to only run for up to 40,00 miles after which you need to replace it for a new one. A drive belt is responsible for conveying power from the crankshaft to alternator, steering pump, air conditioning compressor and water pump. By closely monitoring the well-being of a drive belt, you will evade sudden repair repairs expenses that result from problems which are hard to see. You also need to ensure that the belt is tightly and well attached to the pulleys since loose pulls that are not well held by the belt are usually noisy.


  1. Adhere to the service schedule.


Following a strict service schedule is one way of ensuring your Mercedes Benz is secure from breakdowns and failures. Cars were never made immune to faults. Cars are assets that depreciate over time. In most cases, faults don’t just happen suddenly. They are usually developing into bigger problems over a given period. It is wise to maintain and follow your service schedule. This will make it easier to detect a problem before it develops and gets out of control. Frequent oil changes, brake pad check-ups, Engine diagnosis, and many more are what your cars undergo in a service center.




It is up to you that your Mercedes Benz will either run smoothly or be problematic. The expiry of your warranty should not make you stressed up. By following the above tips, you will for sure enjoy your experience with your car. You don’t want to fall victim to a problematic Mercedes Benz. Because it is a luxury car, maintaining it is a bit expensive than normal cars. Another remedy to having a perfect-performing Mercedes Benz is getting an extended warranty. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is one provider you need to work with. With zero paperwork, you can get an extended warranty very faster and safeguard your car. Call +1-866-660-6444 to chat with our customer care team. You can also choose to write to us through our email at


Increased desertification, wildfires due to high temperatures, and increased ocean waters due to meltdown in the polar are the commons signs of climate change. Climate change has been brought about by the fastest-growing industrialization globally. Mass production of auto machinery began in the 50s and saw an increase in levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Up to date, there is still a high production so toxic fumes by machinery with cars being the highest producers due to the numbers. This led to scientists coming up with an alternative means to prevent excess damage to the environment. It can be traced back to almost 100 years back when the first electric car was invented. However, by the end of the 20th century, electric car models were slowly dying.

It was until the early 2000s when Toyota Prius was invented as the modern hybrid electric car and this brought back life to electric car production. Currently, most nations are pushing for green cars which do not harm the environment. The current world-leading producer of fully electric cars is Tesla. When purchased new, these cars come with the original factory warranty. It plays a very important role that is to take account the repair expenses and replacements that are of mechanical damage. This form of warranty will help you protect your financial ability since you will not drain money into fixing and repairing your car. However, the bad is that it is not meant to last for a long time. You will have to rough especially when you want to keep your car for long.

This now calls for an extended warranty. This is a form of warranty that is an extension to the factory warranty. You can get it for any type of machinery with electric cars being an inclusion too. This article will answer your doubtfulness in whether your electric car needs an extended warranty or not.

An electric car is not an exception when it comes to damages and breakdown. It is not immune to any of that. Just like any other car out here, it can break down and have failures. In fact, in some instances, managing such types of cars can be very expensive. Well, an extended will play a crucial and make you have a smooth experience with your car. And this is how;


1.Extended warranty enhances peace of mind.


Imagine you wake up in the morning, hit the road while hamming your favorite tune smoothly with no interruptions daily. This is what an extended warranty does to you and your electric car. The fear of your car breaking down and being slapped with high bills for repair and fixes is not even with your space of thinking. You always have the assurance that in case of anything, an extended has got your back. An extended warranty will make you healthier since you are not bothered and stressed with a problematic car. With all the peace of mind and stress-free life, what else do you want! Come grab an extended warranty for your car. 


  1. Extended warranty saves costs.


Unforeseen damages and breakdowns just come out of nowhere. At times the damages can be very expensive to repair. Imagine your transmission systems jams. What can you do when your bank account is below the quoted price for fixing it which is almost $2000. The motor of electric cars and replacement of the batteries is something else you don’t what to hear. All that expensive repairs on you? No way! Bu t with an extended warranty, you will not spend that much in catering for the expenses. With only a small deductible of around $200 or even none, you end up saving a couple of dollars in the end. If you live under a tight budget, your plans and calculations won’t be interfered with. An extended warranty for your car promotes the spirit of saving.


  1. Extended warranty increases the resale value.


If you plan to resale your electric car in the future then you also have no reason to worry about your car’s value. Cars and other machinery depreciate in times over a given period. The value of the car in 2021 will not be the same in 2025. The depreciation process speeds up more when your car is not taken good care of. With an extended warranty, you are sure that your car will be in good shape and for a good time. When you resale it, you end up getting a good value for it.




Extended warranties are very important for your car and need not doubt the decision of getting one. Do you want tom to keep your car in good form? Do you want a stress-free and peace of mind to come your way? Then an extended warranty guarantees all that. Come check us out at A-Protect Warranty Corporation for a free quote. We are located at 7250 Keele Street, Suite 421, Concord, Ontario, L4K 1Z8. If you wish to call, contact us at +1-866-660-6444 or write to us at We are ready for you!