Oil is a critical and vital liquid running through any engine. In this context, we can relate a vehicle’s oil to the blood of human beings. There is no way one can survive without blood. Gladly, unlike engines, though, we do not need a “blood change”. An oil change is necessary, and, in most instances, one is supposed to go for an oil change after driving for about 3,000- 5,000 miles. That is the range under which most vehicles need to get another “Jab” of oil. But why?
Well, this article will answer the question," why a timely oil change is critical for your vehicle’s smooth running. At the same time, you will also be learning about the importance of purchasing an extended warranty. Extended warranties are a great deal when trying to secure your vehicle against any
unforeseen and sudden breakdowns in your vehicle. Those that seem expensive to manage will all be handled by an extended warranty.
Therefore, you are relieved of the burden of paying for costly repairs and being always worried about unpredicted problems. Ultimately, you enjoy having peace of mind and saving cost.
Below are some well-explained reasons why your vehicles must undergo an oil change, and you must never miss one.
1. Prevents wear and tear
A single medium-sized car’s engine is composed of thousands of parts linked and connected to play different roles. They included; the head gasket, engine block, head gasket, camshaft, crankshaft, cylinder head and the timing belt. Still, under these parts, internal parts are also within them. Therefore, the
engine is so diverse and works uniquely.
Unfortunately, most of the parts of an engine are made up of metal. These parts moved and ground on one another when ignited under thousands of RPMs. The oil then acts as a lubricant to prevent the metals from eating one another. Eventually, reducing the wear and tear of these parts by a great
margin. Otherwise, if there is no good oil in an engine, the parts end up earing off and that call for problems that will need repairs or replacements if the condition is beyond repair.
Sadly, extended warranties coverage omits the wear and tear parts.
2. Acts as a shield against corrosion
Corrosion is usually the number one killer in most car engines and entirely any other metallic car parts. In this case, the engine is always highly vulnerable to corrosion due to its positioning. While under the
hood, the engine collects a lot of moisture and dirt. After being exposed to such conditions, corrosion begins to build up in the engine’s parts.
As we know, it never takes time, and problems begin to knock down your engine. If the situation is critical, the engine might eventually stall completely. Thankfully, we’ve got the engine oil. The oil comes with a protective property that is an anti-corrosion coating, thereby protecting your vehicles from any corrosion possibilities.
3. Prevents engine overheating
Due to the constant movement and grinding against each other. The internal parts of an engine generate friction which, as we all know, comes along with heat. If the heat is left untended, it could burn core parts in the engine that are not heat tolerant.
Since engine heat cannot be avoided, there must be mechanisms to cool down the engine. That led to the introduction of engine oil. While running through the entire engine, engine oil helps cool down the engine by absorbing the heat. An overheating engine could lead to serious engine damages that are
rather expensive or even cause unprecedented catastrophes such as an explosion.
4. Reduced costly repairs and increased resale value
Overheating, corrosion and wear and tear are among the core problems resulting from poor engine oil. When the engine runs on old and depreciated oil, you will likely encounter those issues. They will result in costly repairs and or replacements.
However, once you are disciplined and observe a routine oil change, you will certainly avoid the problems that come along due to a lack of engine oil. Good engine oil keeps your engine in tip-top shape and improves its well-being. Once your vehicle has a good engine life, the resale value also increases.
Engine oil is the lifeblood of any vehicle's engine. Any engine must run on engine oil that needs to change once the recommended usage period is due. Engine oil keeps your vehicle’s engine alive and healthy. Therefore, you can drive for the longest time possible and still as new.
The engine is vital, but other measures need to be taken to see the engine in better shape. They included observing proper engine maintenance tips and securing an extended warranty. Engine related problems are expensive to repair and replace. To beat the issue, securing an extended warranty will
work well. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here for you.
Reach us out through email at info@a-protectwarranty.com or consider giving us a call at 1-866-660-6444 for a free quote.