Are you having trouble choosing the best destination to unwind and relax in 2022? Well, look no further. Lake Louise is one of the greatest destinations you can ever find in 2022. Lake Louise features tons of areas to visit plus almost non-ending activities you might find fun to engage in. The destination is welcoming to all sorts of visitors looking to explore and unwind from the day-to-day hassles in life.

Though there are many other places in Canada to check out, Lake Louise remains to be the best of all. There are lots of factors that make Saint Louise great. This article tries as much as possible to answer why Lake Louise is a great destination in 2022.

Where is Lake Louise located?

In case you have been wondering where, to begin with, your trip to Lake Louise, then here is a brief guide on how to get to Lake Louise.

Well, to begin with, you first have to book a flight from whichever point you are direct to Calgary city. This is a city located in the far western province of Alberta. Once you have reached the city’s airport, you then have to connect to Banff town.

There are many ways to get to Banff town. You can choose to book direct buses from Calgary to Banff or rather rent a car to Banff. Some of the buses available directly go to Lake Louise. Driving to Banff is scenic and therapeutic thanks to the 140 kilometers full of amazing and cool views. After all that traveling, you finally reach the wonderland! Lake Louise!

Traveling by car? Well, make sure you have secured an extended warranty from us at A-Protect Warranty Corporation. The journey might be so long and full of mystery. You never know what could be awaiting you are you plan to hit the road. That is why we are recommending an extended warranty. Only with it secured will you drive stress-free unbothered by any unforeseen repair expenses.

Things to do in Lake Louise?

As previously stated, Lake Louise is a dream-come-true paradise you have been wishing for. It can also be referred to as a wonderland. Truly, the destination is packed with a lot of goodies and absolutely no set of words matches a perfect description of the place. Wondering what you can do or explore in Lake Louise?

Here are amongst the things you can do while on a trip to Lake Louise.

Foreshore relations at Lake Louise

You might kickstart your exploration of this beautiful destination by checking out the mighty Lake Louise. Gladly, there is a paved way to get to the shore of the lake where you can get a glimpse of mother nature’s great wonders.

Walking around the shores of the lake is so therapeutic and mind-healing. Doing that will a cup of coffee and a good camera for taking cool shots works well.

Hiking on the 6-glaciers

Around the great Lake Louise, there are many mountain tea houses. Therefore, you choose to join a team from any of the tea houses around and get to hike the glaciers plains on the mountains around.

Road trip to Banff and back.

Choosing to stay in Lake Louise is a great idea. However, on any of the days, you feel bored, you can choose to hit the road from Lake Louise to Banff and back. Banff is a town located in a mountainous region bustling with tons of activities you can choose to engage in as well. A combination of spending a couple of nights in Banff after leaving Lake Louise will make your trip more interesting and fun.

Canoe paddling on Lake Louise.

Canoe paddling is one activity that many love doing while visiting lots of places with lakes here in Canada. Luckily, Canoe paddling is offered around and one of the core activities you may decide to try out. With services just at the foreshore, you can get yourself a canoe and paddle to the extreme ends of the lake.

You will be rewarded with a magical and scenic view of the precious lake around the majestic Alpine trees. Canoe paddling goes half an hour and a full hour for CAD112 and CAD125 respectively.


Canada is one country whose territory boasts supernatural and fascinating destinations one could ever think of. One of its greatest destinations is of course the magical Lake Louise. The destination is found in the furthest west of Canada and comes packed with tons of cool destinations and things to do.

Once again, if you are planning on visiting Lake Louise by vehicle, then make sure you are well prepared. Have the car protected with an extended warranty from us. For further inquiries, give us a call at +1-866-660-6444 or directly email us at info@a-protectwarranty.com.

5 Things You Should Consider Before Buying a Used Car

Buying a used car can be an exciting opportunity for many. Although new cars are beneficial, they don’t provide much value to you, the buyer. New cars are only advantageous to the seller. However used cars can save you thousands of dollars.

Generally, the value of a new car drops as soon as you buy it and you should consider buying a used car that has already taken the huge depreciation hit.

Buying a used car is not as simple as you may think. Unlike new cars, you have to do everything yourself. To get a quality used car, you have to make your research and find the right used car for you.

This article focuses on the 5 most important things you should consider before buying a used car to make the task less stressful for you.

Determine the Car You Need and Research

Car shopping can be as exciting as it is tedious. Before buying a used car, you have to define the type of car you need to prevent any stress that may ensue. To make it all easier, search online and write down what you need in a car. How many are you in your household? How many are going to ride with you? Is it really necessary to have a high-end entertainment system? These are the questions you should ask yourself before buying a used car. A small model may not be suitable for a family and those who drive with high mileage will consider a car’s fuel frequency. It all depends on your lifestyle.

Having done that, do thorough research on what car is perfect for you since you now know what you want. With this age of the internet, anything can be found online. Therefore before going to a dealership without a specific car in mind, you should research online for the perfect fit for you and get the best prices without being convinced by a highly persuasive salesperson.

Define Your Budget

Before you buy a used car, determine your budget and stick to it. Don’t let anyone persuade you to change your price range. Have a clear price in mind and do not sway from it. You shouldn’t also reveal it to the seller as this gives you negotiating power. Be willing to negotiate as much as you can to get your desired price.

When setting your used car budget include extra costs that will be incurred not only the overall price of the car. These can include money for any repairs required, that of inspection and anything else that may be needed. It is important to set aside that money hence avoiding problems later on.

Test Drive and Review the Vehicle’s History

Having looked at the prices of the car you desire and your given budget in place, it is extremely important to test how the car you are purchasing works before actually buying it. Make sure you a test drive on the highway, side street and wherever else is needed to examine the car’s performance. 

To avoid any future problems, you should review the vehicle’s history. The mere fact that you have scanned and test-driven the car and everything looks perfect does not mean it is. Some used cars may reveal internal damages that cannot be ignored even though everything looks perfect on the outside.

Request a Pre-Purchase Inspection

This is an important step to follow when buying a used car. Make sure the vehicle you are purchasing is what it is by requesting a pre-purchase inspection. Sometimes the car may have difficult issues underneath the surface that a seller may not be aware of.

It is therefore relevant to have a mechanic inspect the car for you before making a purchase.

Complete the Transaction or Walk Away

Before thinking about closing a transaction, you should become accustomed to negotiation as it is the key to closing a good deal. When completing the deal, your negotiation skills should be on point. If you don’t think you can achieve that, take a more confident person with you to assist with that if you think you may be influenced to change your terms.

The most relevant factor you should consider is the paperwork required. The appropriate paperwork should be in order and anything associated with the car like warranties have to be accounted for.

Therefore when buying a used car, the above-mentioned factors should be considered. A used car is an affordable and efficient means of transport. You should focus on the right vehicle that will fit your needs.


Japan is a giant global producer in all almost every sector, from foods, Electronics, pieces of machinery and not forgetting the most obvious, automobiles. Japan is so far the world’s most renowned producer of a large percentage of cars driven globally. Big brands such as Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Subaru, and Nissan are all but just the tip of the ice burg are produced in Japan. America too cannot be left from the list as it also contributes a lot to the automobile sector. We have the Ford, Chevrolet, Jeep, Ram, GMC, and Cadillac. Both countries’ giant car companies try everything new to combat the constant competition that is between them. However, considering a large array of factors, Japan remains to carry the day. One of the key factors bringing about competition between the two countries is maintenance. Many drivers wish to own cars that are less problematic and less demanding. Maintenance is the issue here. Japan once again wins this one. This article will answer the most common question which is why Japanese cars need less maintenance compared to American ones.

Driving without a car extended warranty on either a Japanese or American car is something you really should never try. Are you not afraid of the sudden faults and damages which just happen without earlier warning? You end up spending a lot on fixing and repairing problems which would not be a great deal if you had an extended warranty. An extended warranty works by taking charge of expenses that come as a result of sudden breakdowns. In other words, you won’t spend your hard-earned money to get your car in good form. Hurry and come get an extended warranty from us at A-Protect Warranty Corporation.


Japanese cars are not that classy and high-end, unlike American ones.


Most Japanese cars are not that classy and high-end in nature compared to their American counterparts. The likes of Mazda, Subaru, Honda, and Toyota majorly base on producing affordable and average-performing cars that certainly get purchased by a huge population. The American models such as Jeep, Cadillac and Ford, engineer their models to sophisticated levels and super performance. American cars are rich in luxury and class. Just like the German ones. This makes them a bit expensive in terms of maintenance. A damaged transmission system for example in a Mazda will only cost you under $1500. When you compare that to the damaged transmission system of a Cadillac, Chrysler or so, the cost goes threefold up. The good news is that with an extended warranty, you are guaranteed security for your wallet and car. It doesn’t matter how big a problem is. As long as it is secured under an extended warranty, show no worry at all.


Cars made in Japan are durable and quality in nature.


Japanese automakers who have been in existence for a long time now can attest to that. The likes of Toyota can confirm that the skill and engineering used to produce their models is a no-brainer. This is also visible with consumer satisfaction. These cars are made with top-notch raw materials under the hands of qualified personnel. That guarantees long-term usage and minimal breakdowns. Used cars from Japan prove this point. There are tons of used Japanese cars on our roads that perform incredibly fine with minimal disturbance. Before being exported to their various destinations globally, these cars go through a thorough check of quality assurance. When you finally get your car, it feels as-new. This clearly shows the quality and durability in them and will therefore need less attention in terms of maintenance.



Japan is arguably the reigning champ in automobile production and not only does it produce good cars but ones that need less maintenance. This fact might be soothing but should not make you ignore care and maintenance for your car. Your car will still need your attention no matter what. You don’t want to keep on paying repair bills for that problematic car. Come on! You need an extended warranty. We offer the best-extended warranties in the market. Give us a call for more inquires at +1-866-660-6444 or write to us via info@a-protectwarranty.com immediately.


The unforgettable feeling that comes when you purchase that brand new whip that is sparkling and attractive vanishes too quickly if you pass your car through harsh conditions. The shiny and appealing exterior, the cool and comfy-rich interior, silent and powerful engine, and a stable suspension are what many new car owners would wish their cars to be in a couple of years to come. However, that dream gets shattered and everything turns into a mess. Engine noise and vibrations become common, the car’s handling gets unstable and generally, the cars just get too problematic to the extent of total stalling. All that happening will depend heavily on how the car is handled, driven, and taken care of. Just like any other asset out there, cars needs to be cherished and treated in the right manner. How you drive your car while new will have a huge impact on its condition come a couple of years ahead.

Here are the ten mistakes that you must at all cost avoid if you wish your car to drive like new more years to come.


  1. Ignoring an oil change.

Oil is very essential to the engine life of a car. As we all know, the engine is like the heart of a car. Oil aids in cooling the engine and provide lubrication to the internal parts of the engine. Heat is always generated by the internal moving parts and needs to be cooled or else the possibility of an explosion is high. At the same time, the internal parts grind against each other as they move. The friction generated increases wear and tear which gives the engine a slow death. Never miss an oil change no matter what.

  1. Never use the wrong oil.

When getting an oil change, you need to be extra keen not to use the wrong oil rather than the one advised to. Different types of oil come with different types of features such as viscosity. This affects the rate at which the internal parts of the engine spins that’s regulating the power produced.


  1. You should never use a dishwashing detergent to wash your car.


Dishwashing detergents are designed to combat food remnants, oil, and grease. Using them on your car is risky since you expose the car’s paint, cost, or wax to a great threat. This is because dishwashing detergents will want to clear the vital oil property in the paint.


  1. Driving with old fuel and air filters.


Both fuel and oil filters are never meant to last forever. With time, they depreciate in quality thus a reduction in their effectiveness to clean dirt and other harmful compounds. You need to replace them over time so as to keep your car in tip-top shape.


  1. Not following a scheduled service.


After driving for a certain given mile, you are required to take your car to a nearby service center for extensive extermination by a professional. This will help in noting out problems that might be too hard to see and generally put your cat in a good shape.


  1. Poor cleaning routine.


In order to get a perfect and smooth running car, cleanliness is usually the number one remedy in doing so. You need to have and follow a strict cleaning routine so as your car might drive and feel new for longer. Dirt and dust attract problems and breakdowns.


  1. Driving with worn-out tires.


Not only does it put you under the police watch but poses a great risk to the safety of those in a car and passengers. Driving on worn-out tires is very risky. The chances of getting a bust are usually high. Always regularly check with your tires for any cracks or gouges.


  1. Ignoring tire pressure.


You must make sure that your car’s tires are properly inflated at all times before hitting the road. Never drive on overinflated tires or on underinflated tires. On both tires, chances of damage and accidents are very high. Avoid any problems that might come along by always driving on properly inflated tires.

  1. Avoiding visual inspection.


Taking a quick walk around your car and opening the hood to check with the bonnet parts is very wise. You should never ignore the fact that your car is always in good form. Low tires pressure and reduced fluid levels are common. A visual inspection will really help to note out all that and so much more.


  1. Mixing fuel or using the wrong fuel.


This is a direct ticket to the death of your car’s engine. Mixing fuels is something you should never find yourself doing. One common mistake is using diesel in gas cars. This is very harmful to your engine. It is much more of a disaster than mixing premium and regular gas. Either way, always ensures you avoid any mistakes while fuelling.




The above mistakes are what turns your brand new clean car into a rusty old car in the years to come. Without much care and protection, don’t be surprised by towering your once precious machine to its graveyard while it’s still early. An extended warranty in this case will be of good aid. You need it so as to combat unexpected expenses that come as a result of breakdowns. An extended warrant will also help keep your car in a pristine and new look more years to come. What are you waiting for, come grab one for your car at A-Protect Warranty Corporation? We’ve got the best deals in town. Go ahead and call us via +1-866-660-6444 or write to us through info@aprotectwarranty.com.


September to November is when fall begins in most Canadian places and is characterized by the orange color of trees and leaves and not forgetting the cool warm vibe. Fall is the time to do tons of activities, from outdoor activities such as hiking and traveling to various destinations. During fall, the land gets kissed by wonderful colors portrayed by the tree and leaves. The scene is usually so magnificent and thrilling that one can think of it as paradise. It is this time that many couples prefer to hit the road and get to various destinations in a cool and beautiful environment. A couple of pictures with the vast colorful fall background is just spectacular.

Here in Canada, there are tons of wonderful destinations to visit if you wish to experience and see the amazing fall scenic views. The red, orange, and yellow colors offer a great attraction to nature enthusiasts. From international tourists, families, and curious individuals who love nature adventures. The thrilling fall scenic view conquers from the west coast of the British Columbus to the mountainous and fjords of Newfoundland. With all that vast space full of amazing and beautiful fall colors, you are sure to enjoy the view and soothe your brain. Here are amongst the top 10 best places to visit this fall in 2021 and have the best unforgettable scenic views ever.


1.Niagara Parkway, Ontario.


Winton Churchill once related driving through the Niagara parkway as the ‘’the world’s loveliest Sunday afternoon drive’’. That is true especially in the peak times of early October. The view is beyond beautiful and can be compared to walking through an art gallery passing by famous and perfectly crafted impressions. The booming lush and green grass all together with the gold, green and yellow trees is just paradise.


  1. Confederation trail, Prince Edward Island.


The many trails found in the forest of Prince Edward Island offer the best hiking experience ever. The maple trees within don’t disappoint when it comes to providing a colorful and beautiful background. During mid-September and early October, the vibrancy of the land gets more appealing and the region is one of the places with the longest fall foliage periods.


  1. Banff National Park.


The blend between the warmth of the region together with the vast array of colors make the Banff national park a top destination to visit and significantly experience the fall. The park has several trails from which you can use to move around and get the best views of the shouting yellow, orange, and red colors.


  1. Laurentian mountains.


The Laurentian mountain’s Golden birch trees and sugar maples trees offer another scenic and majestic view during fall. They burst into red, yellow, and orange colors which blend to bring out a thrilling and perfect view that is just satisfactory. Outdoor loves enjoy in such environment.

  1. Butchart garden, Victoria.


If a beautiful and scenic view can cure all kinds of problems we face then this would probably be the place to be. The Butchart Gardens are blessed with serene and spectacular maples and golden chrysanthemums which bring out the colorful look. Just a walk in the garden cures all your mental issues.


6.Algonquin Park, Ontario.


This is also another ideal destination this autumn fall if you wish to see the best scenic view here in Canada. The park is made of a dense forest and several rivers which can be canoed around to get the best pictures or views. The forest comprises maples, aspens, and tamaracks which all burst into colorful trees during fall.


  1. Cape Breton.


Driving through the roads of Cape Breton during autumn is usually breathtaking. You can be carried away by the colorful nature surrounding. With multiple walking trails and view lookout points, you are certain to enjoy and create memorable experiences.


  1. Gros Morne National Park.


The place is always considered the best to visit all year round. However, during autumn fall, the place turns into some sort of paradise. The view changes to magical. Visiting the park should be on your to-do list this autumn.


  1. Agawa Canyon, Ontario.


The grand AGAWA Canyon is one of the iconic places to visit this autumn. With aid of a sightseeing train, you are guaranteed an unforgettable experience. The train meanders through the North Ontario side where you are met with a magnificent view of the rivers, lakes, and the ultimate Agawa Canyon Wilderness Park. A stop at this place is always the best moment. Sneaky trails offer the best views.


  1. Okanagan Valley.


The pleasant warm and cool temperatures during fall make this place the best to visit during autumn fall. If you are a wine lover then this is the right place to be during October. The Fall Okanagan wine festival takes place at that time.




If you were having trouble finding the best destination to chill and have the best scenic view this fall then look no further. The above destinations are arguably the best in Canada with a visit to them guarantying satisfaction and fun.


Most of us usually have that dream of walking into a car dealership and draining all our finances for a key to our lifetime dream car. You see yourself slowly cruising down the street in your luxury rich and perfect-crafted machine listening to your favorite jam. Spending over $100,000 on a car is not something that easy to do. However, if you wish to get something to be yours then nothing can stop you. You may wish to own such an expensive machine for many reasons. One is for show-off, fun or just to fulfil your long-term desires or dream. 

If you are ready to drop over a hundred thousand bucks on the table for a car then here are the top 5 cars you need to consider. Do not get that dream car without thinking of an extended warranty too. It is a warranty bought to help you manage unexpected expenses that come as a result of unforeseen car breakdowns. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is here to offer you a car extended warranty if you need to secure your car and wallet.


1.Lamborghini Gallardo.

Waking up in the morning to see a Lamborghini Gallardo parked in your garage is a dream and wish to many. Well, for that to happen, it comes at a cost. The Italian carmaker is a huge brand and is well known for producing high-end luxury sports cars and supercars. Most of us are used to seeing them driven by the wealthy and famous in our societies. But who said we still can’t make it and get hold of our own too. The Lamborghini Gallardo is here. Since no new models are being produced currently, you will only get certified used ones in the market. This does not mean that they come cheap, the price of one ranges from $100,000 to $250,000 depending on the model. We have the 2003-2005 models and the 2005-2013 models in the market. The highest model has a top speed of up to 200mph with the engine producing 550 hp.


  1. Tesla model s.


If you wish to go green with the most expensive whip then the Tesla Model S Plaid is the best option. This is an old model but an all-electric car. One arguable feature about this car is its crazy speed. You cannot ignore how this car picks up speed in a steady manner. The car picks up from 0 to 60 in only 1.99 seconds! Magic! That’s is truly amazing and the fact that the car is electric. The car has a big storage capacity and a very stylish interior. The interior has fine and well-crafted with a chrome finish giving it a rich and executive feel. The huge infotainment with tones of features is on the package too. If you are looking for style and performance then this is the right car for you. Comes at $129,990.


  1. Audi R8 Spyder.


Germany never disappoints when it comes to producing world-class cars. Audi has an incredible model; the AUDI R8 spyder. This model comes with a 5.2-liter V10 engine capable of producing over 550 hp and 380 lb-ft torque. The AWD produces a higher 602 hp and 413 lb-ft torque. This gives the car enamors power thus great functionality and performance. Prices ranges between $150,000-$208,000. An extended car warranty needs to come along too. Managing this car by your means won’t be enough.


  1. Mercedes-May Bach S.


This is also another German automobile with a great influence globally on those who yearn for luxury and class once again. The exterior and interior are both sporty and stylish look with nice crafted curves and edges. Soft-close doors, panorama sliding sunroof with an electric trunk are amongst the cool amazing features. The engine power is something else with some of its models producing over 600 hp. Getting one is a sure guarantee of power and performance. Price range is between $170,000 to $205,000.


  1. Bentley Flying Spur.


 Just from the name, one can conclude that is truly a flying spur. Pick-up speed from 0 to 60 happens only in four seconds. Thanks to the W12 and V8 engines fitted in respective modes that can produce over 600 hp and 600 lb-ft torque. The semi-aniline leather finish gives the interior a sporty and cool feel. The mix of color and material inside is just amazing. Starting at $109,000, you can make your dream come into a reality.


We all dream and wish our desires would come into fulfillment or a reality. If you were having problems on which car you wish to buy that is over the six-figure margin then you just got sorted. When shopping for one, always consider getting an extended warranty too. Expensive cars are usually expensive to maintain. An extended warranty will make things easier for you. If you don’t like spending a lot on a problematic car then an extended warranty got you sorted. Contact us for a free quote of what we offer through phone at +1-866-660-6444 or just write using info@a-protectwarranty.com.


We all live under a budget no matter how low we earn or rich we are, we strive to adhere to it, or else we could end up messing our financial statuses. Shopping for a car is one aspect which depends on your financial ability. If you are a low spender then you will opt to go low. Again if you are a spendthrift then you go high. There are tons of cars under the $20,000 margin which you can purchase for your first time. We have the newest models or you can go for the certified used cars. All will all depend on your choice and here is a guide to help get your dream car under the 20k margin.

When you are about to purchase your first car, the process will be tricky. You just can’t jump and land on any car and drive it off. There are several factors which you need to consider with one of them being the price. Going under your budget is important. Also, consider getting an extended car warranty on that first car purchase. The life and well-being of your car depend a lot on how you treat and take care of your car. An extended warranty is one way of protecting your car from unforeseen expenses and breakdowns. At the same time, you will be protecting your financial stability.


1.2022 Subaru Impreza.


Subaru is a Japanese automaker that is well known for producing outstanding, incredible, and quality cars. One surprising fact about these cars is how cheap they go for considering the quality and stability in them. Subaru engineers their cars to customer satisfaction and one of the best models ever is the 2022 models of the Subaru Impreza. Comes fitted with a 4-cylinder engine that can produce up to 150 hp and 145 lb-ft of torque. Also comes in both manual and CVT transmission. With a starting price of $19,755, the Subaru Impreza 2022 model could be yours.


2.2021 Mazda3.


It is a premium AWD car that is a real performer all courtesy of the 3 trims of the 4-cylinder engine that comes in different horsepower and torque. We have the 154 hp that is an only front-wheel drive, 187 hp AWD, and the 250 hp model. It is a fuel economy saver model in case you are looking for one. This car comes at a starting price of $20,000. That is quite fair considering what the car comes packed with.


3.2021 Hyundai Veloster.


The Veloster series comes in two power trims. We have the 2.0 liter 4-cylinder that produces around 1476 hp and 132 lb-ft of torque and then the 1.6 liter 4-cylinder model that gives out 201 hp and 195 lb-ft torque. The interior is made of decent and pleasing materials to bring out an exquisite and appealing look and feel. The car comes cheap at only $19,905.


4.2021 Kia Forte.


It is a 5-seater compact sedan with a basic trim of a 2.0-liter engine producing over 145 hp. The car also comes in both manual and CVT transmission from which you can pick or choose what suits you. The high-end trim comes in a 1.6-liter engine giving out 201 hp


5.2021 Volkswagen Jetta.


The base model of the Jetta series has a 1.5-liter engine capacity producing 158hp and 184 pound-feet torque. The car has a starting price of $20,000.


  1. 2021 Mazda CX-3.


This is an elegant and sporty sort of car that offers an athletic-like vibe while driving. This is due to the package under the hood which is a 4-cylinder engine that can give out 145 hp. Has a well-crafted interior space with modern infotainment systems and other cool features. Goes for $20,000 or slightly above depending on the car dealership. Remember, when purchasing g a new car, never leave an extended warranty off the list.


7.2021 Nissan Versa.


It’s the price tag for many that will attract them to getting hold of the 2021 Nissan Versa. If you just want to move from one point to another without complications or any issue then this is the right car for you. Might look simple but us truly a masterpiece. Comes fitted with a 4-cylinder engine that powers the front wheels only and produces 122 hp. Only going for around $16,000. Such a soothing price tag.


8.2021 Kia Soul.


It is amongst the most affordable cars starting at $17,500. Comes with a 2.0 liter 4 cylinder engine producing 147 hp. We have the six-speed manual and CVT transmission versions.


  1. 2021 Hyundai Accent.


The base trim comes with a 1.6 liter 4 cylinder engine that gives out 120hp pushing the front wheels only. Has six-speed manual and CVT transmission systems. Goes for $16,400.


10.2020 Honda Fit.


This perfectly fits to be the first car to purchase if you are a first-time car owner. Comes fitted with a CVR or manual transmission from which you can choose. Has a base engine power of about 130 hp. Has a price tag of $17,165.



Getting your first car is such a hard task without proper research, advice, and guidance, you can end up falling for what wasn’t your perfect match. However, with the above listing, you are good to go with any of the models. The under $20,000 margin cars still offer exciting and amazing experiences not that different from cars above that margin. Always reflect your budget with the car you need and go low if necessary. While making the purchase, don’t leave behind an extended warranty. It will help you cover unforeseen damages and expenses. Contact us now for further guidance and advice about extended warranties at info@a-protectwarranty.com. You can also call us at +1-866-660-6444.


Purchasing a brand new car can be easy, quick, and fun, and at the same time, the process can be tiresome boring, and hectic. Getting a brand new car, in general, is never a walk in the park as you may think of. You need to have factors that will drive you to pick the right and perfect match and just the car that suits you. In this case, getting an AUDI will always depend on various factors which need to be considered. AUDI is a German machine and as we all know, Germany never disappoints when it comes to making quality and luxurious cars. The brand is known to produce high-end cars rich in class and extra performance which most first-time car owners would wish for. Well, you just can’t rush into a car dealership or showroom and pick your choice and drive off. No!, that is not the right way to go about it. 

This article will help you get to know the factors to always consider when buying an AUDI be it new or used. An extended warranty is a necessity too while making a purchase. When new, the AUDI comes with the original factory warranty. However, it does not last long or covers extensively as an extended warranty would do. An extended warranty works more and is meant to last longer thus putting your car in good form and shape. When the factory warranty expires, an extended warranty comes in and helps you handle unexpected expenses and breakdowns which perhaps maybe too much for you. Check out A-Protect Warranty Corporation for more information. Keep reading!




Like purchasing any other thing out here, a budget is always a necessity before getting that AUDI you desire. Because AUDI is a high-end luxury car, your budget needs to be a little bit high and more. You need to set a budget depending on the specific model you need. There are a variety of brands from which you can pick. We have the least expensive model which is the AUDI A3 Sedan starting at $38,900 and the most expensive starting at over $100,000. You can only pick a car that is equivalent to your wallet. If you opt to get a loan then have a budget set to help you pay it out. Budget is very important not only in purchasing the car but other extra charges that will come along. That is car registration, insurance, and a warranty. Service and maintenance will also need to be included in your budget. In this scenario, a carefully and well-structured budget will work best.


  1. Fuel economy.


This is another important factor to consider before laying hands on your new or used AUDI car. Fuel is still in use in also 99% of cars produced globally. This makes fuel a most important asset thus more dependable and reliable to use. Actually what runs the world’s economy is fuel. This makes it go up in terms of value thereby coming at a cost. In these current days, the international prices per gallon have hiked thus spreading its effects to the grassroots. The amount you spend to fuel up your car will depend on the model. There are fuel guzzlers and at the same times fuel economizers. It alL depends on which model to pick. The introduction of hybrid cars and electric AUDI’s is an option still. 


  1. Engine capacity.


The performance of a car depends on so many factors with engine power being on the front line. AUDI never disappoints when it comes to engine size and powers. However, not all models have the same engine features. The more and stronger the engine is, the better.


  1. Safety.


A guaranteed safety to the lives of those in a car is very vital and needs to be top-notch before picking on a car. When it comes to safety, AUDI carries the day with its pristine and unmatched safety features. All AUDI cars are equipped with modern and advanced features such as cruise control, AUDI pre-sense, Night vision assistance, turn to assist and collision avoidance assist.


  1. Mileage(if the car is used).


Mileage is a measure of the amount of distance the car has been driven. It is an important aspect, especially when getting a used car. A car with more mileage on it means that it has been used for a long thus might not be in good form. For a low mileage car, most of the car’s parts are in good form and shape thus more suitable.




From the above information, we can point out that getting a brand new AUDI is not that swift and easy. There are tons of factors to watch out for before heading and getting one for yourself. An extended warranty will be of great help and importance to your car. Damages and breakdowns are very common and unpredictable. Your car can be a victim at any time and anywhere. You need an extended warranty which will cover all the expenses and costs that come along. A-Protect Warranty Corporation is the best provider to choose when getting an extended warranty. Get in touch with us through email at info@aprotectwarranty.com or directly call us via +1-866-660-6444.


Colour is one very important thing in the lives of us humans. Colour communicates and speaks with the outside world of what we are made of in the inner side. We always want to get better things in life that satisfy our needs. There will always be options to what we need and you need criteria to pick out what stands out and suits you well. One factor that helps you in that quest is color. Colour carries and expresses desires, emotions, and our inner personalities of who we are. Shopping for a car for instance is usually not that easy. As we know, there are tons of cars out here with different color paintings. But you won’t just walk straight to any car and drive it off. First, you need to sample out and weigh the car with other factors such as performance, fuel economy, and features. Then the ultimatum which is the color comes in.

We all are different and everyone has his/her personality. Car color choice is one way of showing the world what we are made up of. Here is what your car’s color says about you.




To some individuals, black is considered a dark color full of grim and generally associated with negative reputations. That is wrong! Black is a powerful color and reigns and stands out of all colors. Being a black car lover puts you in some exaggerated level of executive and luxury class. This can be related mostly to famous individuals like actors, musicians, and high-profile business people. Black is always a match with them. Another trait of black car owners is they are very independent individuals who don’t like their space being interfered with. They have control over themselves and those within. Style and sexiness are also other personalities with black lovers.


  1. Gold.


If you see Gold, success is what comes into your mind. It is a precious and expensive mineral in reality and therefore can only be acquired by the rich. Gold lovers are usually guys who have made it or are trying to be successful in life. With success being in your reach, all that surrounds you is nothing but quality and rich in class. You always radiate love and compassion to those within you and try to uplift them to successful levels. At the same time, you pull people close to you and treat them with warmth, and show positivity amongst them. You are an intelligent and sharp-minded person who is driven by the mentality of success.


  1. Silver.


Silver tells us that you are a busy person who is practical business-oriented and innovative. Similar to gold, silver symbolized prosperity and success. The slickness and stylish nature of silver make it associated with people who value style. On cars, silver kind of camouflages dirt. This shows that you are also on a busy schedule and have no time for minor barriers since you are success-oriented and only steer going forward.


  1. White.


You are a clear and pristine person who does not like to hide things but rather expose them. You also can stay calm and humble even in trying times such as conflicts. You are a peaceful person. White makes you live a simple and cool life with minimal to zero disturbance. This color also signifies that you are a clean person and love all that you own and what is around you look sparkling with no dirt. The braveness and more confidence speak out for themselves for those with white cars.


  1. Red.


Red comes out as being bold, dynamic, and energetic. This means that you are a go-getter who pushes it to the limit and gets what you want no matter what. The boldness makes you fearless and can confront absolutely anything without any worries. Energy is also another trait with red color lovers. Compassionate and love to those close to you are common too.




Colors are very powerful and artistic since they speak or portray what our inner personalities are made of. Your preference for any color simply brings out the real you to the world. In short, colors do resemble who we are. Traits are different with each color just like our fingerprints are. This makes us different and unique from each other.


Just like any other assets out here, cars get affected in one way or another by several factors. One of the commons factors affecting the well-being of a car is the weather. We can compare a car to a living thing in some way. Whereby, for a car to ‘’live long’’ and be in good form and shape for a long time, needs to be treated with care and protected all times from agents that might hinder its operation and functionality. Effects of weather change are usually felt in almost every aspect. We usually live in an always weather-changing environment that sometimes is unpredictable. 

Cold weather mostly comes in during the winter seasons. The snowing, icing, and freezing temperatures are usually experienced the most during wintertime. Cars get affected in different ways during such times. You need to brace and prepare earlier if you are heading into cold weather. You also need to have information on how you can take good care of your car in cold weather. This article will show you how.

 Heading into a cold season without an extended warranty is the very first mistake to make. An extended warranty comes in place after the factory warranty expires. As we all know, the factory warranty does not last long. Damages and breakdowns are very common in cold weather. Spending a lot on fixing your car is not what you wish for. However, with an extended warranty, you will have a smooth transition in and out of a cold season without issues. Check out A-Protect Warranty Corporation for more details.

Now let’s dig into how to maintain your car in cold weather.


1.Get a winter service before the cold season begins.


Cold weather is associated a lot with winter. The beginning of winter comes with freezing sub-zero temperatures which are usually harsh not only to us but to our cars too. With earlier preparations, you can get into the cold weather and have a perfect experience all along without your car jamming up or being problematic. Getting a winter service before the actual cold time begins will put you ahead of the pack. A service puts everything in good shape and form and ensures your car is in tip-top condition. Make sure you get it done by a professional from a reputable service center. Extended warranties offer service to the customers in selected service centers. Having an extended warranty is a plus.


  1. Do not ignore dashboard warning alerts.


In surveys conducted by research institutions, it was confirmed that a good percentage of drivers do not show concern for most of the dashboard warnings. There is a worryingly small number of guys whose dashboard does not even work. These warnings are very important since they alert the driver of any complications which can be difficult to notice earlier. The earlier the warning the better.


  1. Add an anti-freeze to your engine coolant.


A car’s engine is always running and by so doing generates heat over time. The heat needs to be cooled so that the engine can continue working in harmony. Too much heat may cause serious damages or even fires. An engine coolant which is a mix of water and antifreeze needs to be filled always. In cold weather, temperatures are can get below freezing point. An engine coolant lacking an anti-freeze is likely to freeze out hence exposing your engine to overheat. That’s risky to the engine’s life. 


  1. Check your car tires frequently.


Checking in your tire is a crucial activity that needs to be done frequently not only during the cold weather but in all weather conditions. In this case, during cold weather, tires need to be rightly inflated and with enough thread to move through icy or wet roads. In winter times, you need to replace your normal tires with winter specialised ones.


  1. Rust-proof or wax your car.


Rust is very dominant in cold weather. This is due to the high amount of moisture in the air giving room for a reaction to metallic parts that form rust. Rust if not protected against can be a huge threat to your car. You need to rustproof your car and wax it so as to protect that shiny and appealing look.


Cold weather to some might not look like a huge threat to the life and well-being of a car. This is in fact the time where your car gets exposed to a very rough and harsh condition. Things will definitely not go well for your car in the end. Freezing temperatures, ice, rains, and snow are very harmful to the car. You need to adhere to a strict maintenance habit at all times when the cold times kick in. An extended warranty at hand is also another weapon to combat the ravaging cold weather. You need one for your car and this is the right time to get it. Liaise with our customer care team through email at info@a-protectwarranty.com or call +1-866-660-6444 and talk to us.