The non-ending debate and rivalry from the fan base between Japanese’s car lovers and North American
car lovers seems like its never coming to an end any time soon. Since way back when the Japanese cars
started have a huge impact in North America’s market, a lot of debate has come upon who produces
perfect makes and so much more. Well, the homegrown carmaker supporters will obviously want to
support their own and the Japanese car lovers would also love to support their own. No one would
obviously want to lose in this heated debate.
However, no matter how hot the conversation might be, there will always be one on top of the other. In
this context, the article will give out facts on why Japanese cars have become really popular in North
America. By the way this is very true, indeed the North American automobile industry is almost being
taken over the Japanese car models. For a foreign car maker to become very popular he re in the North
America, it takes a lot and is never a walkover. Means that there are tons of positive factors contributing
to the success here in North America.
North America has global know car makers which do really well. They include; Ford, Jeep, Chevy, and
GMC. Japan the other side has also world class cars, they include; Toyota, Honda, Nissan and Mazda.
These brands are very common here in North America. The manner in which people are turning to them
is alarming and giving home grown companies’ sleepless nights. Remember, the popularity of Japanese
car does no mean that they are very perfect. They fall victim to damage and breakdown just like any
other cars. You need an extended warranty once you purchase either a new or a used car. For a used
one, a used car extended warranty will serve best.
Here is what makes Japanese cars so popular here in North America;
Lean manufacturing technique
One of the reasons why Japanese cars are very popular here in North America is because most Japanese
companies focus on production of cars based on customer’s request. Unlike many of the North
American car makers, Japan’s Toyota company is one company that has embraced this form of
production, Many American and Canadian car makers focus on mass production which makes it beaten
hands down by the Japanese technique. Lean manufacturing involves a combination waste elimination
technique which contributed a lot to cost reduction. This has contributed massively to the emergence of
many fuel-efficient cars world-wide. Apart from boosting sales and reduction of waste, this technique
also speeds up transport of products and links processes together thus reducing time spent on
Making of reliable and high-quality cars
Japan automakers don’t take quality as a mere word. Almost all Japanese car makers incorporate and
use quality raw material to create their car models which come of the factory doors full of quality. Many
car enthusiasts here in North American are all after cars that are very reliable and ones that one can rely
on even in hard times. Due to the nature of Japanese cars, they win lost of hearts due to the quality
embedded in them. Japanese cars are hard nuts to crack and drive even in harsh conditions with almost
zero issues. However, this does not make them perfect in any case. At the end of the day, you will have
one or two cases you need to repair or fix. You can only enjoy best when having a car extended
Environment friendly combined with futuristic functionality
Here in North Americna, there were absolutely zero hybrid cars in the 1990s. Honda and Toyota were
the first brands to introduce that into the automobile market. Currently, many car makers produce
hybrid model which was originally invented by Japanese. This makes Japanese model ahead since they
act a parent and pioneers in producing environment friendly cars. Japanese car has currently embraced
the green car movement and producing environment friendly cars day in day out.
High quality for low price
There is nothing that will bar customers from buying Japanese car when this factor is still in place. High
quality for a low price. This is what people not only in North America are after but the entire globe and
that is what exactly Japan’s companies offer. Buying a Japanese car will guarantee you maximum quality
and affordability as well. Unlike the American car makers such as Jeep which offer quality but are rather
expensive, car enthusiast will opt for Japan’s makes.
Whether you decide to buy a Japanese or North American product, problems and breakdowns will never
leave you. You need something to help you with the unexpected repair expenses that pop in with no
alerts. There is no need to get stuck due to a breakdown and yet you can get an extended warranty for
used cars. We offer affordable and reliable plans which you can trust and get your car and wallet
secured. Feel free to give us a call for more clarification and a free quote via +1-866-660-6444 or write
to us using